So, who needs a rework?

Balanced does not mean well designed.


That has to go to Pharah. No other hero plays like Pharah. At least Ball plays like Doom.

reaper without a doubt.

And whats the so ‘‘well designed’’ word means for you then huh?

I assume you’re speaking as if it’s absolutely perfect at the moment? :rofl:

Another rework, if one happened, can’t make the hero much worse than she already is (unless they make the hero overpowered again, by poor kit design and awful balancing).


It’s not so much my definition of well designed. It’s more that I look at Mercy’s kit compared to the other healers and judge whether the differences make her better to play as or worse. There’s a lot of differences that make her substantially worse.

I’ve got a fairly lengthy post explaining everything if you’d like to do some reading.

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No one. Reworks suckkk as*s

The only succesful rework we had was torb and that’s about it.

Bastion for sure.

He simply cannot get buffed due to how terribly designed his whole kit is, so a rework is his only option to even become remotely viable in high ranks.


Moira and Bastion, mostly.

Symm- whole kit. Bin the whole hero
Mercy- dmg boost, Rez , valk
Reaper- shadow step
Mei- wall is something I take issue with for allies
Bastion- something to allow smooth expression. Might be tweaks, but not what’s live
Junkrat- he needs to be rewarded better
Pharah- she shouldn’t have viability tied to mercy.

That’s it. 7 heroes imo and only 2 would be hard reworks .

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In my opinion, the only thing they’d need to do for Pharah is turn some of her HP into shields.

Like… She’s a 200 hp hero but…
Most healers have trouble healing her.
Tanks can’t really defend her.
She’s got minimal extra horizontal mobility so living on health packs doesn’t work for her.

Essentially, she’s got all… nay more hallmarks of the stereotypical 200 HP DPS who needs their team to be successful… but the only teammate who can really help her out is Mercy. She needs to be more self sufficient.

I think I’m more for Independence of access. Letting pharah move in the sky to engage or disengage on her own.

Basically a booster buff. But obviously that’s me. You have your idea,I’ve seen some others.

Thus why I put her under reworks. I see too many conflicting ideas.

But basically, I just want her unshackled from mercy and Zen (the only other healer who can heal her in the sky reliably).

Sombra,because even though she’s always been one of the least played heroes and one of the heroes with the lowest winrates,they still decided to nerf her for whatever reason making it even harder to win with her.

You have piqued my curiosity. What sort of booster buff do you have in mind?

doomfist, he is busted, same with hanzo,
i dont understand why this heroe have a insane mobility + one / two shot potential + insane heal pool, and hanzo you know, he is soldier but 10x better.

Bastion should be first and foremost.

Heroes that could use another look at and tuning, not a full out rework:

Sombra (hack and EMP may be a bit oppressive but the rest of her kit really needs some tuning…at least tweak her spread)

Mercy (she’s gonna need help healing tanks since that’s not her niche and 2-2-2 means she can no longer thrive in her niche)

Pharah (a bit more survivability, like adjusting from of her hp to shields-make it so she’s not too dependent on needing a Mercy to make her an optimal choice)

Symm: (I don’t even know where to start she has such an identity crisis with her kits…I do miss her being a utility support)

Reaper (I just want an alt fire…)

Brig (…I don’t think the devs even know what they need to do with her)

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My biggest qualm with pharah is her lack of disengage. Her jump pack is how she gets up. But say she does and instantly body shot so she drops down, she has to wait before going back up.

Disengaging isn’t a mistake but she’s punished nevertheless.
I think mid flight, managing her airtime is what separates good pharahs
But it’s hard to fight against peers when basic disengage is cut off from you.
I think her land time and air time recovery needs to be separate.
I don’t see jumping from land then back down then back up ever being a viable strat. So a significant cooldown reduction for pack off land would help her I think…

Ah yes adapting to the “off healer Mercy” that’s consistently being used in pro play.

after all this time you think the devs stick to their words? deathmatch? role queue?

they said this before the healing nerf. 3 months later they nerfed her.

TLDR: the devs change their minds. a lot.








I don’t find any of these heroes OP- but I’d still change them.

Moira Mei Bastion Roadhog