So, who needs a rework?


*Only if this is entirely decided in a round table meeting consisting of TREB, ChibiFox, DrClan, Terranguard, ShadowDarter, GrantMan and JaredMnstr (who can be the comedy mascot that keeps everyone entertained). Anyone else may potentially be too incompetent and/or inexperienced to make such game changing improving conditions.


Symmetra. Again. For the third time.
Third time’s the charm.

Rhein,he dies in 2 sec without his shield

SOMBRA- she is plain garbage to play currently and im ashamed to say i have wasted a golden gun on her. She a EMP bot right now and nothing else.

I have to disagree. Torb is much butter to play with IMOP.

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I mean I guess. Now he just crutches on mini Molten Core :stuck_out_tongue:

Bastion, do I need to say more?

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Yea I like that rocket jump exists, but I agree with the other guy that you should be more reliable on youself to fly and be able to withstand damage. Watching DDing yesterday showed me how much is possible with a pocket.
But while Rein is great with Zarya and Orisa woth Hog, they’ve all had places in ranked without each other.

Pharah does not exist without mercy. Maybe more AOE/ distance healers will help this

the only rework i want is reaper, remove lifesteal and give him his life orbs back and tighten his shotgun spread.
either that or give reaper a way to move a lot faster in combat.

there’s just too much CC and mobility or tank abilities in the game for reaper to reliably do anything successfully unless he surprises them pointblank which is extremely hard to do on reaper the more skilled the enemies get the more impossible it gets to get close enough to make reaper get enough value out of his pick over other characters.

Has there ever been a rework that players for that hero enjoyed? Every rework I remember has ended up being for the benefit of the people playing against that character.

Bastion needs a full rework

Sym needs to ditch TP

Reaper needs to ditch Shadow Step

This is what I prefer. I don’t mind lifesteal inherently, but if he also had like, a “death walk” passive instead of shadow step buffed, where dmg dealt gives him up to a like, 10-15% speed boost, I think it would help him engage better without needing a full pocket.

It’s super frustrating to have someone speed away with a slither of health and reaper is to heavy from his sins to follow up.

It would also be based on player performance so complaints wouldn’t be over him being no skill etc.

If you let him hit you, you got outplayed.

Bastion needs rework badly. He has a very low percentage of being used. His damage is fine but the rest of his kit is terrible.

Lucio, Hanzo made him not trash :+1:t5:

Now Hanzo is op for 222 but I think that’s tweaks not hard revert worthy

it’s either that or give him more space to be able to shoot accurately at slightly longer distances, i mean 0 range to shoot a squishy accurately feels weird.

All the heroes that have struggled to get a decent pickrate in higher ranks needs changes. Or perhaps the strongest ones needs nerfs instead.

But Mercy is not one of those that needs changes.

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I think most people were happy with the Hanzo changes tbh. Nobody misses scatter-arrows, and he got a mobility skill which he needed.

I think for me I would rather him have a harsher fall off with a harsher dmg reliability. Nerf that spread like 15%, and a small pellet buff.

I hate hearing the headshot ding on tracer , Mei etc, but seeing them with like, a bar of hp left. And then they just heal up themselves even though I
Hit the headshot
Am right by them
And I am the one more exposed because I can’t block dmg while disengaging like Mei, nor reposition and heal like tracer etc.

But that’s me :woman_shrugging:t5:

  1. bastion pick bc he’s too broken at low ranks and useless higher up (except in some bunkers but he shouldnt rely on that). not great mechanics either
  2. reaper bc he’s just meh and has only one good ability and no alt fire.
  3. soldier bc he’s kinda too meh in most comps and a master of none
  4. mercy bc well shes just a heal/boost bot but OK for some comps
  5. DVA bc she’s too damagey for a tank and her one defense is a bad and buggy af ability (remember the wall bug or invisible dm collisions) and having her changed to a better tank would be nice.
  6. Moria bc she could use some form of utility (and remove the beam centering so ppl stop making those dang auto aim posts). even the fade change isnt good it breaks her more at low levels for what little counter play she had and doesnt offer her much else in terms of help
  7. pharah bc should could use some ult change and movement changes to make her less broken on console and MORE useful on pc

Reaper and Bastion.