So when is the Matchmaker gonna be fixed

no ranked is still garbage

Buts its what you want, skill based MMR.

If its bad match, its more likely due to game balance, or that your playing with humans more then MM at that point them

bro even in gm comp i see plats in my games, that shouldnt be a thing

Yeah but this makes a ranked system RNG. For a competitive system to function properly it has to match people of similar skill together in a game. OW2 does not do that.


That shouldnt be a thing, if I remember GM can only match with GM and masters, where masters can match diamond and plat.

But a gm shouldnt be matched with a plat. unless they changed it

i guess u dont play comp?

I do, im plat, yet never have i seen a master or gm in my game

If I wanted decently matched games, I would avoid modes that allow GM to group with Silver

no master are u sure

Not disagreeing with y’all the system sucks.

I’m saying you can’t point to bad MM alone as the reason you’re not climbing/having good games. What a balanced lobby should look like has so many factors stacked into it, how do you discern what it should be? Not to mention in any rando game someone can be in a bad mood, throw, be on a tear and carry a lobby, etc.

Matchmaking is trying to get like-skilled moody humans to be on the same level playing field. If that sounds straightforward to you then I don’t know what to say.

In the long-run average of things, we’re all in the same dung heap together. How you rank in it is the same way everyone else ranks in it too. The system isn’t out to inflate/deflate any one person’s rank, thats not a hard concept to grasp imo.

If we’re talking about ranked, sure. I feel like this post was about QP

Matchmaking will be fixed when all players perform flawlessly without mistakes.


Easy, all the casual players leave and the only ones left are Diamond+. Lol

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But you’d be gm if you played flawlessly.

Like 85% sure, No way to be certain with private profiles.

But the few times ive been able to look, and see, not once.

Having a side taked about ranked.

QP it “trys” but that is a very loose try.

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Ah, gotcha. My apologies.

You can say that again :joy:

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OW2 ranked is not real. I’ve been playing since 2017, I have 2.5k ranked hours. OW1 had a real ranked system, OW2 is fake. See here Exposing Blizzards Boosting

Any high rank player will tell you GM is not what it used to be. I have accounts stuck in diamond, newer accounts in GM, and my gold smurf account was boosted to masters for doing nothing. All accounts have basically the same win rates, because losses in this game are most of the time due to some literal bronze skill level players in a high rank lobby. I’ve had games in diamond where we got a support for their very first comp game ever and they played at the skill level of a bronze 5, ending the game with like 500 healing while everyone else had 7k. OW1 had occasional unwinnable games, OW2 has majority of losses unwinnable. Your actual skill makes a difference in like 20% of games because matchmaking is just that bad. I just played 5 games today, won 2 lost 3 and every single loss was unwinnable. One game we had 2 brand new players on our team that fed like crazy so enemy team had multiple ults every team fight. This is why I play like once a month now, ranked isn’t real.

I climbed to masters solo in OW1, and I have never called that ranked system fake. OW2 ranked is actually fake. Not only did they boost low rank accounts in season 3 and 4 to maintain fast queues in higher ranks, but like I said, a competitive system cannot function as a real competitive system when every game has a mix of bronze-diamond and gold-gm.


This is the truth. They hide the info because they think it will make people more toxic or because they don’t want people to see how bad the matchmaking is. Both are terrible reasons.

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