So what happened with Sinatraa?

no he didnt. he is currently being investigated by riot and cooperating with the investigation. he isnt required to share his point of view despite what twitter degens think. cleo sharing the document publicly was her choice, and it is sinatraas choice to handle this privatly, and legally


Those texts establish they have the same dumb fights every couple does. I do not a single couple past or present that has not a fight on the stupidity level of the Outlaws fight and I know for a fact of 3 couples, 2 of which are still very happily together, who have had the location tracker fight (though one of the times was slightly different as he turned it off for a good reason but ya then the fight happened).

I will say what I said before, I am not saying Sinatraa is innocent, but only that none of the evidence shown is persuasive that he is guilty.


There is literally a video she has of him pressuring her into sex. She released the audio for it. She very clearly states “No.” “I don’t want to” “No” “No” over SEVEN TIMES and he still forces her into it.


Random fact in my last relationship I basically had that exchange. I had to be up in a few hours to go into work early, but she was in a mood, and pestered me, bit me a couple times (playfully mind you), until I basically just relented because it seemed like the easiest resolution to the situation (I have been told I am too accommodating before I know). At no point did I consider that relationship toxic and I am still friends with her.

Edit: I should probably say similar and not exact given the difference in gender and that I do not have full context for the audio.


You should have googled your thread title and you’d get an answer


I would say you should listen to the audio. There is clearly a difference and she said she has multiple videos (which WERE recorded consensually until she changed her mind about the sex in general).

I WOULD say you should listen to the audio, but it’s disturbing.

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Yeah, no, once you have a location tracker, your relationship isn’t happy. Despite what it appears. The blatant lack of trust indicates it already died long ago and the sunk cost fallacy is the only thing keeping that afloat. If you think this is typical behavior, you are part of the problem. It is extremely manipulative.


Pretty much every couple I know has that. Not by design of course, but they have each other on Snap and its just on because you just have it on on snap. Its not “you wear this. Its you have Snap, I have Snap, and we both have it on”. There is no nefarious about it. I think my Snap has the location tracker on but I do not actually remember.

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I meant more… “you are lying/cheating” part specifically, based on location. I didn’t know that the app did that though. As usual, it is always about intent. If you are using a location tracker to verify something, there probably isn’t a lot of trust.

I have so many opinions but I don’t want to get involved in this S-storm of comments…

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I have heard it. I understand why she did not want to give everything, but without it I am not going to judge someone. If, with everything, a prosecutor comes to a different conclusion, and then of course they have to show everything, then I of course reserve the right to say “yes he is guilty”, but “every accession deserves to be heard and investigated,” does not mean “every accused party is assumed guilty until proven otherwise”.

I hope they investigate, and given that she says there is a large sum of evidence and that evidence is proven true, that if there is merit that they would charge. Basically I leave it to the police to determine guilt or innocence because that is their job not mine.


I generally like it because it can be useful. Someone is running late “oh they look to be a few minutes away” or “looks like they overslept let me call them”. Plus for couples there always that insufferable “happy” phase where you pull up them at work and then just talk about how they are working so hard and how incredible they are and blah blah blah.

Anyway for context of one fight, just to show how easy it is and how fast these things can escalate. My friend Mike was getting his girlfriend a bracelet for her 6 month anniversary. In order for it to be a surprise he told her he would be working late and would head over to her place after. Well he went with Sarah to pick out the bracelet (I dont remember if it was going to be a necklace at first but it ended up being a bracelet so I will stick with that). He of course turned his location tracker off on Snap so that he could surprise her. She, wanting to plan out her night, checked to see if he was on his way or still at work, and saw she could not see him and a conservation that started with “where are you right now?” escalated very quickly (though resolved once the gift was given with an apology of course).


I think we should be careful with takes like this.

Yes, some couples are into this kind of thing. Yes, some people are late to make choices for themselves, but are also facing a greater personal conflict than you or I are in observation.

It’s not as simple as “repeat it multiple times anyway”. IF he is guilty, that’s really not her fault. She said no.

However, if this was something that they might have been into (which I doubt, because I am sure that would have been one of Sin’s first responses, and the fact he HASN’T retorted with that leads me to believe she is not lying) than it’s different.

At the moment I am y’know, 80 - 90% with her. The evidence needs to clear out the last 20 - 10% for me (these are arbitrary numbers).

However, I would never say something like


That’s taking away from a serious problem that is yet to be finally determined.

Also, I would hope more people would stay critical through this, I mean he’s more than likely, in fact I would say he is very probably most likely almost without a doubt, guilty of the accusations… but immediately jumping full on into either side yet is folly, IMO.


Avoiding a situation you cant get yourself out of, 101:

Pretend like it obviously never happened, but be obscure enough that you cant remember the details

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I don’t know how that not got in there, my bad sorry

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Yeh I can see how this sorta thing could be explained in a text book where the exact scenario is explained from an omnipotent third person perspective but, I dunno how that works in real life…

Good choice. Better not to get involved in this kind of situation.

Lmao, after i see your not involved comments then you got yourself involved anyway :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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An attention wanter setup a trap for him. And he fell into it like a kid, cause he is a kid.

Thats how I see it.


As of now, he r@ped someone. That’s not attention seeking. That’s a crime

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