So we're still in FPSWatch

So what is the difference between an FPS and an FPS?

If you think tanks as they are in overwatch play like anything from any other fps, you got another thing coming. TF2, the closest non Paladins analogs had the heavy, but no barriers. Game like Battlefront 2 even are not focused on space acquisition thought it’s heavy class. It’s more about spam based area lockdown. You can argue that it is a “first person shooter”, and it absolutely is, but you would be excluding a lot of context. Heck, heroes like Mei, Sym, Mercy, Rein/ winston don’t even really shoot things.

I guess the point I’m making is that Overwatch clearly borrows from archetypal character roles and abilities from Mobas and MMOs, and to deny that it exists is frankly stupid. You can argue that is has always been more of a shooter, but not noticing the direct translation of MOBA abilities is just delusional.

Things from heavy CC, Barrier, healing, aura based utilities etc, have existed in other games, but they have never existed in this capacity. This game is much more similar structurally to Smite than it is COD

Hence, why I think you are playing dense. surely you have enough gaming expose to know that all of these things are present in MOBAs, while practically being nonexistent in fps games. the best examples you may be able to point to are much more scale back versions like tf2 medic.

for god’s sake, it has a fat guy with a hook! that is a literal MOBA troupe!

Closest thing to tank in TF2 are buildings, that sometimes used in that quality.

Since they take only base damage from shots - no damage modifiers apply, including critical hits.

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In my experience, people on these forums only refuse to acknowledge the MOBA element’s existence becasue they see that as a good excuse for tanks to be bad and for hitscan dps to be oppressive. no other reason.


FPS heroes aren’t exact copies of other FPS heroes so I don’t see your point

So does Valorant and Paladins and they are both still considered as FPS.

Hero abilities, CCs, Barriers, healing, etc are not exclusive to MOBAs. Valorant has all of those and I doubt you would deny that it is an FPS.

COD is a tactical shooter, OW is a hero shooter. Both are still FPS.

There are very little qualifications for a game to be considered an FPS. All you need is the be in first person and has weapon-based combat.

So it is prctically impossible for something to be more FPS than another FPS game.

I’m not saying it isn’t an fps. I’m saying the MOBA elements are strong in this fps, and ignoring it is dumb.

Also, no Valorant does not have a main tank archtype or a perpetual healer. You really are looking foolish, or at the very least unknowledgeable of gaming. The closest you have is a Mei wall like ability in Valorant.

You can absolutely not be playing an FPSwatch and just be fast, mindful of your surroundings, and spam your moba kit. People have come to expect this scripted 222 choke-watch. Where tanks hold shields and everyone pokes the choke until lucky picks or all-in ult combos are ready for wipes. It’s slow, clunky, and I recommend OPEN to get faster/better because with 4+ dps 1shot angles you’re clapped everytime a blindspot exists. That’s not just FPS skill-gating, that’s a moba gate, too.

Take away the shield, people melt, and blame dps/fps skill because suddenly they can’t get the same value out of their drunkstack.

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That’s not the point of the thread.

The thread is complaining about the game still being an FPS and that FPSwatch is different from Overwatch, hence the title of the thread and this statement

Overwatch has always been an FPS, and it can’t get any further into the category of “FPS” because one FPS game cannot be more in first person than another FPS game.

They also cite TTK, as if short TTK is exclusive to FPS, when currently in WoW, a famous MMO/RPG game, TTK is also very short, though you don’t see people saying “Oh, WoW is becoming too much like an FPS”. What they do say is “balance is poor” which is what we should be saying instead of this complete nonsensical “Oh, OW is becoming an FPS” since it always has been one.

My favourite type of gameplay, as it allows to win, even with less than best teammates.

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So you are splitting hairs about definitions rather then arguing his intent…

So you clearly understand their intention is “damage is too high and ttk is too low” and for some reason you are arguing about the definition of an fpS. If you want to disagree, argue against what he means. Because eyou clearly base Don what you just told me understand the gist.

His distinction, throwing raw definition aside, was that the Moba elements from before like healing and barrier made for a higher time to kill. Nerfs make that not true anymore. Argue against that if you want.

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Respawning is FUN when you play Wrecking Ball, Tracer, (a lot of DPS heroes, TBH), Lucio…

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You win with slow clunky mistake-padded ttk gameplay? Not fast tricks and higher apm skillcaps? Must be nice having such an accessible game.

It’s an FPS, deal with it. If you wanna bigbrain people and stomp them turn-by-turn this isn’t the esport for you.

I am going against a classic Forum pandering statement in which people complain about the game and compare it to becoming more of an FPS, which literally impossible.

So congratulations, you are an average forum goer that calls people “troll” because they defy popular sentiment.

I will argue against what they say as I am tired of such nonsense being spewed everywhere as if it meant something, which it doesn’t.

I told you what was meant. And you are still ignoring it.

Dpswatch is forum speak for lower tank/support impact, Higher dps impact relative to before , and you know that.

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Then give Tanks and Supports the same mobility as Tracer, et al. :blush:

Oh no, I aknowledged it. You would know that if you read what I said.

I’ll quote it to make it easier for you

This is getting circular, but I said what it meant. It means something clearly or we wouldn’t both mutually understand the intent. You are literally arguing semantics when they are slinging forum slang.

Well, I don’t want to lose, just because our DPS are worse, than enemy DPS.

In most games, DPS are most inconsistent role, quality-wise, so giving them most of impact creates really unenjoyable games.


But that meaning is lead by a common statement that is used to pander to the masses.

The moment we get rid of this pandering, the sooner people will be able confortable enough to actually share what they think without fearing people like you calling them trolls just because they don’t coform.

Conform to what? What are we disagreeing about lol? I called you a troll for missing his point and instead arguing about what an fpS is. You came across as a snarky sarcastic kid trying to argue water isn’t wet based on semantics

What are you not conforming to? That doesn’t even make sense :joy:

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