So we're still in FPSWatch

This thread is silly beyond belief.

  • First of all, with all the unique abilities in this game you are truly disconnected if you compare this game to a generic FPS. Especially considering new non-FPS heroes like Moira, Brig, Ball, Echo, Sigma etc.
  • Second, TTK isn’t that different compared to Overwatch on release and Blizzard only rightfully toned down the healing creep which was a pretty significant and obvious problem.
  • But mostly, Overwatch was announced as a shooter. Now I know most of you MOBA people want it to be a MOBA and falsely claim Overwatch being a MOBA as an absolute truth, but at its core Overwatch is a shooter and nothing you will do or say will change that. Btw, here’s the Overwatch announcement and Jeff Kaplan introducing a

team based, multiplayer shooter (41m0s)

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