So we’re clear on an argument against 2/2/2

Arguments are started by personal feeling and opinions, evidence and logic comes into the picture later on.

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at this point, I view this ongoing exchange as harassment of me by you

In an effort to stave off further harassment, i will not be replying to your statements - in any thread - going forward until the harassment ceases

Being told you’re wrong is not harassment, grow up.

i do take note you immediately leave the topic when told to provide an example

Does not change the fact personal opinion and feelings are irrelevant, what matters is logic and evidence.

if something is started without evidence, it’s bunk

In the context of an argument, personal opinion and feelings are relevant because without them, the argument wouldn’t start

No, it just makes that side of the argument bunk from the start

Both sides need to star with opinions in order to start an argument because why argue when one side doesn’t care?

Except they don’t? Any argument with opinions only, no evidence, is meaningless

I mean, Deathmatch is still readily available. Not the same thing, but you can still play dps whenever you want.

This is not true.

When a game promotes “play whatever hero you want” and makes every hero unique and appealing the fact is the spread of players will reflect the number of hero’s.

Which category of hero’s has the most in it? Damage. As a result more of the player base get attached to it.

It is not that people don’t like playing tank or support. Its just they like playing their hero more.

The end result of having less support and tanks as compared to dps is that more players will logically land in dps then any other.

When the argument progressive, opinions get less relevant, I agree with that.
But without opinions, they wouldn’t start

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You should ensure you have the evidence before the argument, otherwise you’re just AB’ing

Meta Tanks are Orisa (Disgustingly OP) ans Sigma (Borderline OP). Having at least one of them is basically mandatory, unless the other team decides not to bring them too.

These heroes gameplay-wise are way too far from what DPS players find enjoyable. If you could easily compete with any 2 of Zarya/Hog/Hammond/D.Va there wouldn’t be much trouble finding tank players.

Where would you draw a line on enjoying a hero because you like the hero vs the surrounding circumstances?

Personally, I only would say I like a hero if I like them in the average circumstance I’d run into.

Just this so hard. fr

Well I’m liking it, screw the guy who switches from healer to genji.