So ventures dmg numbers are completely broken

It’s also a trial weekend for the same reason, to get a numbers idea and tune them before the hero comes out in 2 weeks. Yes it’s going to be busted probably.

It’s 3 days at the end of the day. That’s not even enough time to get to learn them properly and plataeu on the learning curve. Initial impressions is one thing, but this weekend’s kind of like to see reception and fix glaring issues.

Number tuning can be done from the data.

Im not saying they will be broken. Just that they have broken numbers for how little skill they require to play

Everything does too much free no skill dmg

Their skill floor is super low because it doesnt take absurd skill to land their abilities.

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Do they sort of remind anybody else of DPS Doomfist quite a bit? :sweat_smile:

I’ve played a few games so far and they don’t really seem outright busted…might need some tweaking though. But it’s early…let’s just wait and see. It’s good that they’re doing this weekend so hopefully they can do some more balancing before release.

Although it has only been a few games…and it is QP so :joy:

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Pure facts right here

omg she does 70 melee, the sky is falling

Imagine if you stay like 20 metres away, and just delete them with ezmode hitscan heroes

Venture uses they/them pronouns btw

Yup seems like worse doom from ow1 cuz of no 3rd ability escape lul

Most of the player base sucks at the game and need to feel impactful, that’ why you get Moira and Venture.


Only at full charge.

Might be a touch broken.

Looks like 50.


At least until we learn how to counterplay it.

my only game where i waited 11 minutes to try and pick venture was a fail. was on rialto defense so i picked widowmaker. of course the enemy had venture and they did try and kill me but ended up dying all the time. only one that game me trouble was the other dps that was genji who hard flanked me and killed me once. was a stomp in our favor tho and yea… widow hard counters venture imo

The thing is though she’s a massive hitbox so sojourn/generic hitscan are going to farm her on most maps

those were my thoughts as well

self knockback/damage for mobility might also be good

they are very slow when their cds are gone, overshadowed by other dive heroes that have more options after a kill, i.e. tracer, sombra, etc

more often than not with venture you are doing a kill trade unless you save burrow as an escape ability rather than a fight starter

drill dash does better damage and is less predictable, but the cooldown is miserable

it is unusable for mobility unless you are dashing to high ground after getting a kill

She is too easy target for hitscans. If you can keep healthy distance from her you will unkillable for her.


If you are taking the full 70 damage to melee you are probably in bronze. There is no other way to put it. Having to hold it for that long that close is just not a viable approach. An 80 damage primary that has no headshot damage is pretty meh. Going in with Burrow has the exact same problem Reaper does where you are basically all in so any team paying attention can handle you, especially if you go for the dash to pair with it as you now have no mobility and limited range and are likely dead. The ult does seem pretty strong though and I would want to test it more to see how best to use it and counter it.

Basically looking at numbers in the practice and the damage you do to bots is nothing like the real game.

From my initial gut reaction it seems like a lot of mid-level burst damage but not much of securing elimination potential imo. I think most people will deal a lot of “trash damage” but not get much from it without coordination or others paying attention to low HP targets. It’ll probably be somewhere between like Torb/Mei and Hanzo or something with the output.

Drill is how much damage? Melee is 70

Can we get accurate numbers please lmao >_>

Before we start yapping

Edit drill is 100

I think they’ll slightly reduce her damage and make her ult a 3 shot and maybe give an extra charge

Her gun is already a 4 shot tho

Which is more than sym lol