So ventures dmg numbers are completely broken

Primary - 80 dmg
Burrow - 55 dmg
Edit:!!! Burrow can be charged to deal up to 110 dmg!!!
Drill dash - 90 dmg
Ult - 4 x 130 dmg waves
Melee - 70 dmg

The passive gives them + 40 shields on their first ability, then + 35 shields on their 2nd ability. Giving them a max total hp of 325 hp, 250hp 75 shields

So they chose the overstatted approach to make sure theyre viable smh

Sorry but an ability like drill dash does not deserve 90 dmg. Its way too easy and low skill. Its basically genji dash but double the damage

Melee should not be 70 dmg either lol

They have just giga buffed her numbers to force her into viability


Her range, attack speed, and ammo are all lacking. Her melee either does a lower damage per second than a normal melee or the same, but either way it keeps you locked in the animation longer which matters more in terms of using your gun rather than melee dps.

Her cooldown on the burrow makes using it in combination with the dash in an offensive way far riskier than is worth. It’s like using Reaper’s wraith form to go into a fight.


Her ult is looking a bit on the busted side though


They 100% need to buff burrow and nerf drill dash because her being able to double primary + drill dash for 250 dmg is stupid for how little skill she takes to land it


Genji without the dash reset, you’re gonna kill yourself doing that.

Also the melee does damage over time? It’s actually pretty bad, needs the numbers it has

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shoot and melee from close range for free hp and 150 dmg

you can do over 200 if you start with a drill dash or combo

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I would lower drill dash to 50dmg but also lower the cooldown to 6 seconds so she can be more mobile with it but remove its absurd dmg


i would say make it do chip damage but buff knockback or make it act like a mini reinhardt charge since youre drilling their face

I’d love the burrow speed to be increased it feels super slow for what it is and it’s super jarring.


The damage isn’t even that absurd though

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Its 90 dmg lol. That is absurd for how easy it is to land

Double primary + drill dash shouldnt be 250 dmg

Edit: BROOOOOO i just realised burrow can be held to do more damage and bigger aoe. It scales from 55 to 110 dmg

Nahhh this hero is so overstatted its stupid

110 dmg burrow into primary + dash = 280 dmg

That’s stupid dmg for how easy and low risk it is


Another ult hard countered by lifeweaver. Who else SMILED

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I’d only nerf the melee damage. They don’t need to do that much on a melee lol.

The rest is on a fairly long cooldown so it’s not happening that often. I’m okay with it. If it did less damage, I wouldn’t imagine it would be beneficial for them using Drill Dash when you could just use their primary fire.


There is no world where burrow + dash + primary should be insta killing someone lol

Burrow and dash should be 50 dmg MAX, primary is fine at 80 in fact i would be happy to buff the range a bit if they nerfed the rest of her kit, melee should be 60 dmg

Ult should not be doing 130 dmg + knockup, that is a guaranteed kill because if you are hit you cant move to avoid the 2nd wave due to being knocked up in the air and unable to control your hero still

They have just completely overbuffed her numbers just to force her to be playable


The Devs will change them as needed.

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Are we just ignoring the fact, that if somebody would do this ‘combo’ they would be completely without any escape tool?
And burrow can be charged to deal damage… yes… while being stationary


Venture’s primary fire has such a short range that these damage numbers mean nothing.


Shame that any ezmode hitscan can just delete them before they’re able to pull off that combo

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Echo, Widow, Pharah all hard counter Venture, lol.

I think we need to play a few games with her before proclaiming she’s broken

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