So ummm.... how is Mercy in late 2019?

She’s also playable with Mercy/Zen and Mercy/Lucio if you have the right comp. Just because she doesn’t fit in every situation doesn’t mean she’s not good.

Meh? I feel like she’s still in a weird space where:

  • She can’t really hack it as a main healer, because if she has to bear the bulk of responsibility for healing, she doesn’t have much breathing room to make use of her utility
  • Her impact on the match is still largely intangible—it’s there, the numbers back it up, but the pistol is still the only clear way to “make a play”
  • She doesn’t have much dynamism to her play—the basic multitasking of healing/surviving still feels all right, but there’s not a lot of ebb and flow to the intensity
  • Rez on CD still kinda feels like a chore, and is still dependent on a lot of factors outside of Mercy as to whether or not she can even try to do it
  • Hard-pocketing a good DPS is decently effective, but is also arguably the dullest playstyle she can be asked to do

She’s not busted, she’s not garbage, but IMO she just feels pretty flat. I don’t refuse to play her if she’s needed, but I’d prefer to run any other healer besides Brig (who I’ve never been great at, and have not figured out at all since her rework).


She needs another main healer with her cause it’s really hard for her to heal tanks with all the burst damage. I find she does best when moira/Ana/Bap pocket tanks while mercy pockets both dps


I go in great length to discuss my thoughts on Mercy in a post I made:

It was made about 4 months ago, but nothing has changed in regards to Mercy since then so it is still accurate.

I wouldn’t mind if res were to be gone honestly. The rest of her kit is about mobility so It feels really weird to be moving all over the place and then all of a sudden you’re locked in place for almost 2 full seconds.


100% agree. Thats the biggest inconsistency I find with Mercy and its one my main points in this post

I really like it as its high risk high reward, feels better getting a close resurrect off than any moment of Valkryie.

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It’s more comparable to taking Genji’s blade and making it a normal part of his kit, which I’m sure plenty of Genjis would hate it, but I would expect to be berated just as much if we whined and victimized ourselves over it as much as the Mercys did/do (which I’m sure we would because we can be just as bad with changes come to think of it).

Bland middle of the road healer that currently is more favored as an off healer than a main healer. Viable. GA still fun as hell, rest of her kit not as much.


Mostly agree, I prefer this incarnation of resurrect though, very satisfying when pulling one off. Valkryie I could do without.

I think she’s fine and is a balanced support. People think main support = “I can do most of this on my own single-handedly” and tbh I’d rather see other supports’ healing nerfed down to her level.

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Still too reliant on other players to be skilled in order to have impact, has not impact herself (like mass rez did). Healing is too low to keep two tanks alive as a main healer and her design isnt built to be a off-healer so she suffers on both sides. 2-2-2 is amazing but she suffers from it since she strived so well in a 3 or 4 DPS comps.


Good for you, but Mercy’s average on fire rate sits on 2%, while most of the whole roster is above 10%.


Because she is not fine?


or a cancel button

Or that, yes. They tried that once I think? Didn’t go live

care to link a few recent topics?

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a bit boring, on fire meter still is trash, cd rez is still there :face_vomiting:

She used to be my go-to healer. I’d get 8-14k in heals and 5-10 kills in most games.

Since they nerfed Mercy to 50 hps, Ive picked up 50+ hours on Ana and Brig (each), 40+ hours on Zen and Moira (each).

I find Mercy intolerably boring to play cause you can never let up on pressing the heal button or people start dying. I used to be able to use Mercy’s pistol now and then. These last two statements are ironic cause her fire/ult meter is horribly slow unless you are shooting her pistol and getting hits. And she needs her ult to keep up with healing requirements.

But some people still seem to like her and yes, she can still have a positive impact on the game.

well this isn’t true considering the fact that she has below average win rate at every rank and she’s almost at the same spot for every rank