So ummm.... how is Mercy in late 2019?

awefully quiet on the Mercy posting… are things alright over there?

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Still boring and still no on-fire meter adjustments.


Mercy has mobility auto aim and a resurrect she is fine and will continue to be it’s just she gets less and less optimal the higher in ranks you go, so depending on your point if view she is great or underpowered.

Still a top support, probably the best off support while still being a viable main support.


Can’t even keep up the healing on one person. Only reason to keep her is rez, and even that’s a stretch.


All the toxic ‘Revert Mercy’ spammers got banned


mercy is still statistically balanced but a penny for my thoughts?

  • 50hps is pretty weak when it comes to healing tanks
  • cd rez is still cd rez (and by that i meant insufferable)
  • dmg boost is where her long term value comes from so she enables dps
  • she can be both a “main healer” and an “off healer” but only when she’s used with other main healers, when partnered with an off healer she’s really unreliable or even a liability
    by this i mean when partnered with an off healer, the support combo cannot dish out enough healing to keep tanks alive properly. but when partnered with another main healer, mercy can either enable dps as a pocket-off healer or help the other healer by increasing the overall healing output (for example she can more reliably combo her healing with ana that gives opportunities for ana to be more aggressive with her nade use or give moira more time to dps, etc.)

this being said, there’s no way to “simply” buff her. like i said she’s statistically “fine” but her playstyle has been a bit “stale”. pocketing is seen as a better or more ideal playstyle for her when this was the most boring and lesser viable play in comparison to juggling. cd rez, which saps the power away from hps, is extremely situational. valk is still “easy” mode and uninteractive in a sense that aside from going battle mercy, the ult removes the need for one of mercy’s the biggest decision making: target prioritization.

edit: lol errata on me accidentally saying dmg boost enables tanks when it actually enables dps


Still by far the most fun hero in the game and very effective. Mercy is in the best state she’s ever been!

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Despite the narrative you might see here, she is still one the of the best supports and sees plenty of play at all levels. She has never been a bad pick and probably never will be. At worst, she’s not ideal for literally every imaginable situation or a must-pick like she was in her prime.

She’s good. I play her when I have Widow/McCree/Junk/Ashe/Hanzo/Pharah/Sym (pretty much anything worth damage boosting, otherwise you may as well pick another healer)

There are people who say that Ana is a throw pick*, but at the same time Ana is picked more than Mercy outside of bronze/silver. Given that Mercy is a survivable healer, who can also heal through barriers in the brave new world of Origma - shouldn’t she be shining right now?

*For example, this thread.


Tried playing her lately?

Played her a bit in QP and did a alot or the kill feed indicated that I did a alot of kill assist but no dent on the hot-o-meter…

She is… But Brig is on a close second place…

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In a really good place. Mercy is where she should be.

Imo fine and fun. I get value when I play her. noticeable value at that.

shes pretty good right now.

Although difficult to play since in this meta, you have to remove either your defensive ult (lucio) or the moira, and if you remove the Moira your tanks will like 80% of the time get farmed and most likely throw the game because you’re on Mercy when we got a lucio.

HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, thats a joke, right?, right?


she’s just fine… she has issues but no one’s willing to listen so why bother…


Eh alright.

Get more value out of playing her as an off-healer than main since tanks just take so long to heal up.

I just focus on Damage Boosting over heals.

Sustained healing is a bit on the weak side but she’s useable.
Finally fixed the Valk beams not going through barriers.