So uh... halloween?

Tricks are all they have, and it’s all on us.

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That would be at least better :slight_smile:


Im sure you know already, but he usess :wink: and :thinking: in his posts to cause unrest on the forums, and purposly selects topics where there is an obvious conclusion and says the opposite to get reactions.

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Yeah I think it was a mistake to make it so difficult to earn skins. There isn’t any real sense of progress in the game if you’re not mainly concerned with improving. I think they should’ve kept the lootboxes and just nerfed them to have less items in them.

The amount of skins in this game is gigantic. Whether you own them or not, there are hundreds of cosmetics in this game that you won’t ever use. Making niche voicelines or blue rarity skins for example cost money is just badly thought out. Nobody is buying them, and the people who own them in OW1 don’t (in general) care about them.


why do you keep posting this spin in every other topic - the game launched with zero new skins/cosmetics for existing heroes, and less skins than usual for the pitiful roster of 3 new heroes they did release. This is Overwatch 2 right - a new game? so where is the new content that should have been there at launch? staggering it over the years via the battlepass/store is not value, its not “wild” - its pathetic.

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I don’t have context because I didn’t read the post you’re replying to, but isn’t this just untrue and blatantly so?

If we don’t count any of the battlepass skins there is still Space Raider Cass and Soldier, Kiniun Doom, Royal Knight Mercy, and Clockwork Zen as far as skins.

The best part about that preview was the Bastion heavy opener despite him being disabled in every game mode.
Not a Torb disabled where his portrait is dark, Bastions portrait is completely removed on the character select screen.

im talking about base game skins that launched with overwatch 2, not battlepass/store skins. stuff that people can unlock with their legacy credits - stuff that’s included in the base game of overwatch 2.

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I don’t think there will ever be nonseasonal/nonbp cosmetics for old heroes again tbh. I don’t think legacy credits are meant to be a currency you continuously use. Just a way for people who didn’t spend them in time in OW1 to still utilize them on (mostly) old content.

Going forward expecting to be able to buy new content with old credits just isn’t a realistic expectation to give yourself.

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I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Season 1 did launch with skins for the current roster. It’s certainly true that most of them weren’t free. Say whatever you want about the new monetization model, I’m just drawing a comparison to OW1’s content release pipeline.

OW1: All cosmetics are released in one of the 6 events per year, or occasionally a mini event.
OW2: Cosmetics are released in 6 seasons per year, and an unknown number of holidays per year.

Let’s look at Season 1 + Halloween. 6 legendaries in the battle pass, and 4 so far in the shop I think. 3 legendaries in Halloween, including Reaper.

Now let’s look at 2021’s Halloween event. 5 legendaries and a few free epics.

People are outraged in this thread because 3 is less than 5. But in OW1, this event was all we got, there were no seasons. There are far more cosmetics being made now in total than there were before.

haha I have zero expectations from this game any more. i mean your example speaks for itself, the content they released is pitiful compared to what overwatch 1 launched with, and its split across 3 separate currencies/marketplaces (league tokens, straight cash/coins and the battlepass).

Nothing new in the trailer, at least. Aside from that recycled pumpkin asset as a weapon charm, a Sombra profile icon, and two sprays. Maybe challenge related… Maybe not.

I assume Kiriko is the bundle skin, similar to Daft Punk Zen, and BDSMqueen is the standard $19 skin like Glow in the Dark Hog. Reaper was maybe going to be a free skin we could earn up until they just gifted it to us. That is what it looks like.

Surprised we did not see any new emotes or highlight intros (outside of the bundle, anyway). No purple recolors either. Odd.


im comparing the number of skins that overwatch 1 launched with compared to the number of skins overwatch 2 launched with - thats it.

im just saying that trickling out 10 skins in the battlepass every few months really isnt that great a deal when the game launched with next to no new skins.

it’s all irrelevant anyway, because only a moron would pay 20 dollars for a skin

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Come on down to KFC to get your roadhog 230 piece mega bucket with a code for a chance to win a kentucky fried junkrat skin.

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excitement excrement :astonished::innocent:


More skins than any other year of Overwatch! We totally weren’t counting all of the base OW2 skins and Junker Queen’s legendary price reskins in that number we promise! Between now and December 31st we’ll uphold our promise!

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I think I’m legitimately more upset about how disgusting the monetization is then not getting any new content in OverWatch 1 I’m almost impressed


W*F does world hunger has to do with overwatch? The best comparison i have seen in a while…Confusion of the higest orda

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“The year with the most skins in the game”

3 new skins on Halloween.

the big lie of the OW Team.



I spoke about how not everyone cares about ‘cosmetics’ in an FPS game (and care more about the gameplay modes).

You chimed in talking about the implementation of said cosmetics (from OW1 to OW2) to which I thanked you for your input but said that’s not what I was discussing… :wink:

I like when people think Reddit/YT/Forums represent the ‘entire voice of the community’ when in reality, the people that don’t care are in-game enjoying themselves… :wink: