So tired of comp

install game, win 1 game, get steamrolled on 5 games, uninstall game.
not even angry, just disappointed that every time I redownload the game it’s the same cesspit as before, not a balanced match in sight.


I agree with you big daddy Rein


God Rein


thats an authentic overwatch experience this is why so many don’t try anymore they just fool around


I’m so sick of people throwing


Ppl leaving blizzard, ow2 delayed again , no new maps, no improvements so of course just move on . OW is dying rapidly


Thats very interesting way to play competitive stuff.

I remember many moons ago Deadman appeared on local WCIII tournament without any preparations, cause ‘The game is literally still the same’ and was destroyed by noobs in 1st round :smiley:


It surely had nothing to do with you being rusty and not deserving the rank you were anymore.


It actually has more to do with the bottom players quitting the game en masse.

And the ladder rebalancing to create a pretty bell curve with the population that remains.


Let me just say this. Iron and Bronze in Valorant was way easier to climb out of than Bronze in Overwatch. And you’re right, it might have something to do with bad players leaving leading to Bronze becoming the new Silver, or even Gold in certain regions.

The only way to enjoy competitive these days is to not take it too seriously ironically. As long as I’m not matched against one shot DPS smurfs who stomp our entire team, I can tolerate losses pretty well even if it was a one sided match.

But overall, I still prefer quickplay because I actually get better games on that mode for some reason. It’s probably related to barely anyone doing comp in our region leading to dry playerbase and lots of one sided matches. The waiting time for comp in our region is always <8 mins outside of small window of peak hours. For tank and support that is, for DPS it’s <15mins or <20mins. In quickplay, waiting time for tank/support is almost always <2mins implying a much bigger playerbase.

So if you don’t like comp, I suggest you on trying quickplay or even arcade. I have way more fun on these two modes personally :smiley:


I don’t think comparing Valorant (a 5v5 Tac shooter) to Overwatch (6v6 Longer TTK game with more abilities, roles and things like shields) a fair comparison.

While both are teambased games, of course it will be easier to climb in Valorant due to 1 lower player on each team + the game has huge carry potential for a single player to just frag out, especially with the insanely fast TTK and one shot potentials

Play 2k sr below your actual SR to not be that stressed. Yes, if you want to have fun in this game, you have to soak it from someone else. Otherwise those “someone else” will do the same with you. Every player is only responsible for his own experience.

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It’s not even about climbing, I’m not too bothered with that. I guess my main gripe with OW comp is that when your teammates are playing badly, you can also appear to be playing badly as well. It’s not easy to pop off as support when your primarily job is to heal and keep your teammates alive, fragging is a secondary optional choice for supports and it can never be their primarily focus. So if healing and saving your teammates isn’t cutting it, ending the game with defeat screen can feel frustrating.

Also, it’s way easier to get steam rolled in OW than it is in Valorant. And when that happens, there’s not much you can do to stop it. Receiving the card for most healing/fragging at the end of the game can help to eliminate the negative feeling after getting stomped. But often times when you’re being steam rolled, you don’t even get the chance to build good stats so you end up with no cards at the end.

Whereas in Valorant, even if your teammates are playing horribly, getting steam rolled doesn’t happen quite as often. And since the combat score is based mostly on fragging which anybody can do and is divided between teams, your effort tends to show up on the scoreboard more often regardless or whether you’re losing or not.

Even when your teams are losing, you still feel like you have some agency in turning the game around. As anyone in the team can pop off and eliminate the entire enemy team anytime during the match. But of course, that comes at a cost of being tactical which results in less action, which I understand not everyone likes.

I’m not too much a fan of tactical shooters tbh, which is one of the reason why I never really got into CS:GO. Valorant is the only few tactical shooter that I can tolerate since it kind of resembles Overwatch. That’s why I play both Overwatch and Valorant depending on my mood. If I want more action, I go for Overwatch, if I have more patience, I go for Valorant etc.


Why would you think you would still be at an appropriate rank if you haven’t played for months? You are the one causing the imbalance, yet you don’t seem to be focusing your anger where it belongs (at yourself).


Yeah, I think the MMR starts decaying or something happens to it so you can get put in bad matches when you come back to OW after not playing for months. I’ve noticed this trend both in Quickplay and Ranked. If I don’t play OW for few weeks and come back and play Quickplay, my first game will almost always be an enemy team steam rolling us. But after about 5 or more games of Quickplay, I start getting more balanced matches. So imo, you need to play at least few dozen of games for the MMR to start giving you decent games.

I also encountered one of the worst comp games when I came back after few months of hiatus. But these bad games became less frequent the more ranked games I played.

What’s up with y’all uninstalling games? Do you have like some ancient HDDs that have 1GB capacity?

Don’t like the game, just don’t play it, come back when you want.


I can handle being lower elo I really dont care about the SR anymore. I do care about terribly mismatched games as of recent. It’s quite clear that there are a ton of people in lower elo that are outrageously underranked (especially in terms of dps). Games should not be perpetual curbstomp or be curbstomped win or lose.

The last game we had 1 kill that was gold medal deep into the second round.

There are just so many sub level 100 accounts in low elo right now and it’s just destroying the ladder integrity. I play support in bronze and let me tell you the skill there is insane right now comparing to what you really should be seeing there. This game really is just to the point of be hardcore or gtfo. The skill creep sub 1700 right now is really disturbing.


This is a byproduct of them rigging every single lobby. It has nothing to do with rank, and everything to do with patents that tamper with match outcomes to force certain results.

For more information, see for example:

as well as:

Hope that helps!


Wohoo, first post. Welcome to the forums. :sparkles:


I will say this I am starting to think that mmr might be tied to all of your roles. It is strange how you win a few games on your tank role that is 750 SR higher than your support role. Then you que support and you literally cant tell the difference in skill between the players you face in bronze vs the players you face in gold as you tank.

Literally it’s the damn same.


I get this as well. There is either too much variability at every rank (good/bad gameplay no matter the SR), or once it dials-in your hidden mmr for the session, the gameplay is consistent for a few matches, seemingly independent of the stated SR (it finds alts and ships around mmr).

But don’t take any one person’s word for it. There are several patents in active-use that claim to literally rig every lobby the game ships. They tamper with the odds/outcomes using hidden performance analytics. To many, it’s not a true competitive environment. Which is why we see dozens of complaints about these systems.