So this is OW now

Pretty sure Fortnite, LoL, COD, other normie game blow OW out of the water. But maybe it’s in the top 20 still

That is basically the only way to tolerate OW today.

I do not drink often just to play this though lol.

Yes, that’s what it is now. But hey, there’s leaks going on they were gonna kill Rein in the big story mode, so we at least dodged that.

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enjoying the rank reset?

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I love the mentality that you idiots have where its like “Blizzard could have made an amazing game, crazy good balance, great monetization, amazing maps! But instead they made an LGBTQ Hero! So now we have this trash!”

Like they pulled all the people off of their teams going “You guys we can’t do anything until a LGBTQ is in the game! Stop all work until we think of something!”


I get what you’re saying, but there’s a million and one other things you could have jumped on that wasn’t ‘gays ruined my game.’ Because I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what you were going for, but that’s the impression it gives.


Bro, bro, bro, chill! There’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 with like 10 times more content a loooot more game modes + you can unlock everything in the game for free.

They need the rainbow paint otherwise it wouldn’t make any money.
Balancing is all over the place, matchmaking is among the worst in gaming they could remove the matchmaking and it wouldn’t feel any different, they couldn’t write lore so they gave up on pve, they can’t do 3d modeling look at the cowboy bebop skins they look like outfits of wish or temu.
Out of 10 friends that played OW2 on launch, only 1 still does and I only play when they ask me to.

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Well, yes. I’m here offering my opinion. I think it’s the best for lots of reasons, but the three that first come to mind are because of the wide variety of play styles, the way it incentivizes winning over personal gain, and that it just always works for me. Like, I never have connection problems or run into noticeable issues in this game. Insane levels of polish.

Personally, I can’t stand Fortnite or LoL because I think they’re designed to keep you playing, not to be fun or for competitive integrity. And I think CoD stopped being good after MW2 (2008). It’s felt totally braindead to me since then, and everything is covered in glitter now.

Yes, actually. I was against a reset for years, because it was hard to initially grind to GM, especially on multiple roles, and I didn’t want to have to spend time just to get back to where I know I belong before I could continue playing good matches, but there was an issue the last few seasons with there being way too many GMs. It was far too easy to climb after the last change to rank gains/losses, so we needed a purge. It was too wide a skill range in GM, and too many didn’t really belong there.

Climbing back up has been fun, because I’m still playing with top players even if we aren’t GM yet. I’m Master 3/4 on all three roles. T500 is only Master 1, so it’s different than Master used to be until we all finish climbing.

Why do people highlight this like it makes them sound smart? As if there making a point…

It just makes you look dumb and like you haven’t played this game sinccceee it’s release date, this isn’t anything special blizzard is doing because of ow2… you say 6v6 is better but you speak about this as if you haven’t played this damn game since 2016…

If you wanna make a point about ow2 5v5 make a point about ow2 5v5 and whats related to that, not something thats been in the game sicne the dawn of time…

I agree 100%… I do find it fun when their broken system matches our team properly… outside of that, I’d rather paint some walls and watch it dry… PS: The Majority of humans are tired and over the Gay/Binary/Alien/Rock/Teddybear/Lizardman movement…


OOOOH, you were soooo close to figuring out what you should be upset at but your bigot-neanderthal-snowflake brain took over right at the end of the post.

How embarrassing for you…

The game has included lgbtqia+ representation since the beginning, it’s had themes of social commentary such as the treatment of omnics and the origins of the junkers as a core part of the world, characters, maps, and lore since the beginning.

You are not upset the game now has an “agenda” and is being inclusive to more people and types of representation or else you would have never played it. You are upset they are adding a non-binary character which isn’t a big deal at all, it has nothing to do with the actual gameplay or balance, however, you are either not intelligent enough to see how dumb your argument is OR you’re too much of a coward to just admit you’re a bigot and a snowflake who gets triggered and has a mental breakdown when something has too many colors on it or someone make a decision about their body that you disagree with.

Why not? If you don’t like it, make your own game without it and/or don’t play them. The gaming industry as a whole has always been progressive, this kind of thing with representation and inclusion is not new to the gaming industry. The only thing that seems like is happening nowadays is society and social norms progressing faster than your brain can keep up.

That’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is people who are seeing representation of themselves in the media either for the first time or in more ways, more often, are saying “That’s neat, that’s something I can relate to” while humanity’s failures and society’s disappointments are asking “why do these people need/want representation?”

Do you question why straight guys need to be represented so much? Why women need to be represented so much? Why these two groups of people are in so much media and games? Of course not, because these type of people exist and consume these products.

Good for you even though you’re full of it. If you were never represented in the media you consumed like other people and then a piece of that media represented you, you would be happy. We are social creatures, so much so that we’ve established entire environments, governments and social structures/norms to socialize better with each other. You don’t care for representation in games because somehow, somewhere, you’re already represented so you don’t feel like an outsider when consuming the media you enjoy.

No, they aren’t, your echo chamber and the people that think like you aren’t intelligent enough to even understand that people representing other people that exist (in their own product) isn’t just some fad to get “tired of” or get “over.”

The only “lizardmen” are people like you who make posts like this, if you’re tired of being ignorant and scared of an evolving society, you still have time to open your mind.

The dumb people in this thread are wild jfc.

If you didn’t know, if you don’t like the representation and/or what or who someone else is putting in their product and if seeing people who don’t look like you causes so much pain in the cavity where your brain is supposed to be and triggers you to your very core, you have all the free-dumb to go live in a cave away from the rest of society with a mirror so you won’t get so insecure by different humans literally existing.

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20 characters

Tracer and Soldier have literally been confirmed queer since years.

Yeah. Which is pretty neat.


For 90% of Overwatch’s player base, including me, The Stanley Parable is what it looks like playing someone “just like me”.

No thanks, I wanna be a gorilla :sob:

I dont have an issue with the non-binary hero, I have an issue with the direction of this game and the level of deceit involved from it from the very beginning. Otherwise I agree whole-heartedly.

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“competitive” is the keyword, but majority of the fan-base of most games is casual.

I as someone who just wants to unwind after a long day of work, and get 3 stomp matches in a row, feel like I wasted an hour of my life because I don’t even get a lootbox for it anymore as i did in Overwatch 1.

I play Gta Online more at this point, at least if a want a car in that game, buying a currency pack is not my only option, I can actually spend 2-3 hours in the game and earn the money for it.


Notice how no one ever complain about the polish aka animations and game play mechanics? We complain about the balance and the horrible matchmaker and the ridiculous rank system. The important things that do need to be sorted out.

It’s fine to have an opinion, but stating it as being a fact is wrong. You stated that OW2 is defacto the best PVP game in existense, when to millions of people, it is not the best PVP game in existense. If this game was the best PVP game in existense, it would not be struggling with retaining players.

With how many people ruin matches for their team every single day, all day, there is no incentive to try and win, let alone play the game. You gain nothing from winning in this game. There are far more deterring factors at play than incentives.

If you know what incentives there are to win let alone play, do let us know, because i’d be real curious as to what those incentives are.

That is exactly what happens with games nowadays. They’re trying to appease a small population with an even smaller amount of people that actually care about being woke.

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Yep the only fun I have is playing with friends and we basically chill in arcade and sometimes QP. Playing solo is just too stressful.