So the pharah change got reverted right

People complained about it so this is a revert right?

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Yes this would be a revert. Sure it’s great. But damage never was an issue and Blizzard yet again refuses to make changes to make her more independent by herself.


A revert but the firing speed increase that came with it stays.

Fun days for Sym ahead facing Pharmercy and Echo!

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Huh? Something happened on PTR?



The Viper

  • Magazine size increased from 12 to 15
  • Shots no longer queue up the next shot if pressed slightly before recovery has finished
  • Unscoped shots to reach maximum spread increased from 4 to 6
  • Unscoped shots can now be fired much more quickly after firing a scoped shot
  • You can now start reloading much more quickly after firing a scoped shot


Shuriken (Secondary Fire)

  • Recovery lowered from 0.75 to 0.65 seconds


Endothermic Blaster (Primary Fire)

  • Maximum ammo reduced from 200 to 120

Endothermic Blaster (Secondary Fire)

  • Ammo cost reduced from 20 to 10


Rocket Launcher

  • Explosion damage increased from 65 to 80
  • Impact damage decreased from 55 to 40



  • Steadfast passive knockback resistance reduced from 50% to 30%

Yeah…this would suck for Symmetra if they went through with it…

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The thing is that none of these changes matter for Pharah. She cannot be good with her current kit, because if she were suddenly great, I would just pick Ashe/Widow and delete you in one hit, or worst case pick McCree and do it in a couple.

She cant have more survivability in the air because it breaks her, but she cannot be viable without it, so as she is built right now she cannot be good.

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Yeah this just makes her killing potential back to before her rework, it doesn’t solve her multitude of survivability issues, there’s just so many counters and autoaim ults in the game

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this change could change things for pharah, before she couldn’t kill a 200 hp hero in one direct and one max splash, but with the change she can.

however pharahs survivability is still an issue,
but it is a significant change.

This change will make Pharah more terrifying in lower elo and almost don’t help her at all in high elo.
Yes, Pharah might need some help, especially to not be utter garbage without Mercy around and less dependable on her (let’s be honest, playing Pharmercy is no fun for the Mercy), but Pharah’s main problems are all the hitscan buffs and her atrocious survivability.
Maybe give her some armour or 50 more hp.

Are these legit? or just an April Fool’s joke?

I mean, thats fine about wanting survivability but this:

isn’t true, since her fire rate was increased when they introduced the splash damage change. Assuming a human-level accuracy, your killing potential is in fact better.

That being said, I think Pharah needs changes that are more complex than this.

100 health 100 shield more independent


You sound like every other person in forums. I think this change is great and possible comps like genji pharah can come back.

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Yes this would help me not die or take half my health gone in .5 seconds as soon as I poke in the air to do simple damage.

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It does not change why she is not viable, it just makes her better if people do not play what makes her not viable. If Pharah/Mercy was ever a serious problem I would go Ashe with a Mercy and even though you 2 shot me I one shot you and you cant heal out of range of my burst.

She is not good and is not going to be good. I actually do not know how to make her good without breaking her. She would need something drastic in terms of a shift in how she plays, but at that point is she still Pharah?

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Nah, this wouldve been fine earlier season’s. But not with all the hitscans buffs, and Ashe got a lot of buffs this card, dvas existence. Have you played pharah recently not on this weeks hero pool solo without a pocket? Its hell.

Don’t pop the champagne yet, it’s on the experimental tab. Which might or might not be implemented.

For instance, the last experimental tab implemented most of the changes, but not all of them. For instance, BOB is still vulnerable to sleep.

It looks like the Experimental tab is replacing a certain part of PTR, but it’s by no means a guarantee to go live like PTR is.

The thing is, literally no survivability buff she could get would prevent Mercy from synergizing well with her. Shield health? Just means a Pharmercy is less weak to poke damage. Armor? Extra health? Mercy is still the best healer to pair with her, and the only one to consistently stay with Pharah in the air.

Any buff to Pharah is a buff to Pharmercy, not a replacement for it.

i’ve said it before, i think she needs to be more mobile but i think being able to sit in the sky indefinitly has to go as a response to it.

but this change was atleast one of the things on the wishlist.
the others i was thinking about was making her rockets have more self-knockback so she could possibly rocket jump as a trade for health if she wanted to instead of relying on the jet ability or her jetpack.

i mean it’s a lot faster than slowly jetboosting to places and it would free up her concussive blast to use it for more offensive or defensive actions other than self-movement.
but yeah…

i’m kinda guilty for wanting her to be a rocket jumping quake character :stuck_out_tongue:

Armour would be bad. Shields would be fine. Shields only regen health. They don’t increase health or reduce sustained damaged.

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