Yeah, me neither, but I’m relatively certain Mei is done for the rest of the life of OW. This is exactly what it feels like right before every hero that was slammed down to F-minus tier and left to rot forever.
No, they always do this. Little nerf, little nerf, little nerf, sledgehammer down to absolute garbage. Just like with Orisa and Sigma and Junkrat and Baptiste and, well I can’t remember them all, but it’s about a third of a roster at the least.
Mei really feels like a hero they regret creating at this point. I think she’s straight up done. Same with the rest I mentioned, I ask for Orisa and Sigma buffs but I don’t think we’ll ever get them. I think the next time another main tank is viable ever is the next time they put a new one in the game.
I mean, they could have not made her good and left her good so long so I could think playing her was a good idea. Mei was left untouched so long I finally thought it was ok to try her out.
I wish they could just go to OWL and be like “No Mei”.
I mean, they run the league. Why can’t they do that? They could even do it quietly.
Heck, make a whole category of heroes just straight up banned in pro. Sombra, Mei, Orisa, Sigma, Torbjorn, Symmetra. That way they can be good in ranked and not ruin pro.
Nah, it sounds too reasonable for this balance team. I am guessing something more crazy for less favouritable heroes. So longer cooldown on bash, no multifreeze, longer chanelling of hack. Ana sleep, Rein shatter and McCree stun wont be touched.
Mei is going to become a bastion level joke soon. Or Brigitte after the hate mobs got her nerfed into the ground.
I mean she already suffers from the ammo nerf as well as the slow nerf to the point most enemies just walk away before the freeze kicks in. If they really want to remove all of Mei’s CC not only would it effectively kill her purpose in the game. But her DPS is a joke compared to most others so they would really have to increase the dmg of her attacks.
Especially her freeze, which every one can quite easily simply walk out of now…
Well, if I did have to guess, they are just going to shorten the duration on Freeze and Flashbang such that it’s not possible to double-headshot with one stun.
Wouldn’t hurt if they tried these tank changes and branded it at as “CC reduction”
I really really hope they don’t shorten durations. It absolutely crushes people with bad pings. I can’t even get one headshot usually because the stun is almost over before I see it happen, and that’s just with 80ms latency. It makes McCree almost unplayable for me.