So Supports might get Evasion/Sustain buffs

I do like the idea of making the punch happen more frequently or through another means(?) but if it’s the super charged punch, they need to be careful with the cc.

Junker Queen buffs would be nice but I don’t know how. I feel she’s close to fair in some match ups. I guess they would increase bleed effects? They need to be careful because her body type, while being a tank, is still a bit annoying to hit sometimes. Too much sustainability might be frustrating for players to deal with.

Ok…but how would they help Mercy then? It’s not really her mobility/evasion that’s a problem. Her mobility is really good.

I know they don’t want to make Supports DPS that heal. But I think they need to give Mercy better applicable damage rather than the long switch time to her pistol which is kinda…meh.

Who cares if you can’t get anything from playing the game?

This is absolutely how i play him :rofl::rofl: i position so if i get dove they have to come into a small room with me. Add his mini wall hacks, and the kick as a finisher. Its amazing to just delete the overly confident flanker

Tanks do NOT heal anyone and theres only 1 of them. Its a very big difference.
You can’t have a Support with a self healing passive, to do just as much damage as a DPS AND also being able to top up / heal people.

That would render DPS obsolete lol.

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Supports are supposed to take duels so give them more damage. Kiriko is on the low end with ana which is a joke.

it works with zen due to his low mobility

He has low mobility AND low healing input. Sure.
He still has a pushback tho.

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Buff doomfist to make supports lives more miserable

yeah, no thanks not coming back to play support anytime soon

Of all changes the symm is the most hilarious one
Remove her from doing that BUT give it to a character thats way more versatile
And now they are adding it back

now that would be so much fun

The damage stat on Kiriko is kinda misleading though.

Kiriko is like the Widow of supports. You’re not gonna top damage done charts but the burst damage getting picks is immensely more impactful than a soldier shooting Roadhog all game.

Headshot accuracy along with damage paints a better picture but no way in hell do I want that to go on the scoreboard.

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Mercy’s pistol has the 3rd highest dps among support weapons and a good rate of fire with large projectiles. As long as the Mercy player is willing to pull out her blaster and is decent with it, she’s really not that helpless on her own.

except she doesnt

at all

there are folks who sadly want her to get a rework, but that isnt the same as a need

and yet, the history of reworks shows clearly that the changes that mains want and ask for are not the changes that occur as part of a typical rework. In many cases, the players abandon their former main due to how badly their character was treated in a rework

quite frankly, I dont understand how anyone with knowledge of the history of OW reworks and who claims to love a given character would ever wish a rework upon said character

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I feel joy, that your kills are ultimately useless, since I can’t keep anyone alive anyway.

Though usually it would be in form of Pharmercy, to leave you stupidly jumping in attempts to bite my toes.

Interesting idea, tbh. She is supposed to be more about tempo.

So Mercy should be getting insane buffs to make her viable in OWL and GM ladder.


Same with symmetra and torb and bastion and junkrat!


turning them into DPS heroes with healing IS the way they should be going.

most people want to click heads so having 40% of players not doing that is bad design