So Supports might get Evasion/Sustain buffs

What exactly is the identity of the support role? they want you to do damage - but not as much as dps. You can’t counter with healing or damage mitigation and dps has way more varied utility - where is this role’s power / identity? You run around trying not to get killed doing nothing?

Because I am almost completely certain that Overwatch will bleed players and die in 6 months or less if they don’t.

Mercy 1.0 and 2.0 was and stupidity still is the only viable hero in the sustain corner of the Offense/Defense/Sustain triangle because nobody else has a sustain way of dealing with one shots.

Her not being super popular results in the meta being actually terrible.

To be honest, what I’d be thrilled with is if they pulled a Soldier/McCree/Widow/Ashe with Mercy. Sure, leave Mercy the way she is… if they add in several different flavors of her gameplay into the game. That’d be fine… but they seem determined to never do that ever.

That’s merely the easiest to explain reason I personally have for it. My other reasons are quite game design heavy.

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I do see some rather serious problems ahead for the game being called OW2


I dont see it dying over one single character being substandard in the eyes of some players

said another way, if the game dies in a few months, I dont think this occurs because of Mercy not getting reworked. There are a cornucopia of other bigger issues

youre seriously ok with many many many other players almost certainly getting a gutted shell of what Mercy was on the slight chance you might get what you personally want?


Wait, who is the new lead hero designer?

Also, IMO the support survivability buffs they’ve handed out thus far have been pretty effective and also gave those heroes really fun new gameplay options. Bap’s Regen Burst change was a bit less in the more-fun-to-play department, but Snap Kick and Mercy’s new slingshot system feel so good once you get used to them and really expand what you can do with the heroes. Being the mouse in the game of cat-and-mouse is pretty fun when you have the ability to dodge and juke like
crazy or boop the cat off the map.

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Would be nice if JQ can comeback like she was in Beta 1, but her war scream only affect her HP. Zarya make her miserable to play, and add Kiriko her blood dps does nothing now, with the cleanse. A little buff of her shotty damage should be nice.

Her bubble uptime is getting nerfed in next balance update.

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I would prefer them to build more Mercy likes over reworks.

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There are challenges that are geared towards a specific role, but you can still progress them from other roles. Support is definitely the most efficient role for completing challenges, since All Roles = support queue, and you can check off the damage, healing, and mitigation challenges without switching roles. But, given that support is least-popular role right now, that doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me.

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that would indeed be better in my opinion as well

that way, players who want a reworked Mercy can play one of these other somewhat different characters and the many others who like Mercy as she is still have her intact

I think they brought up those heroes because they output the closest amount of damage compared to Kiriko. That’s why there is no mention of Zen or Bap, because they deal far more damage.

I mean, they don’t need to do much though.

  • Increase the healing to 60hps, 65 in Valk
  • Drop the weapon swap from 0.51sec to 0.1sec
  • Give a 15m radius 60hps AOE heal during the Valk Cast Time
  • Cut the Valk Ult duration in half
  • Cut the Valk Ult charge cost in half
  • Give an options menu choice to turn off GAJump and use the old SuperJump/Slingshot instead
  • Oh, and have to so that if you cast Rez, during GAJump, that it lowers your flight height, or ignores your height in terms of canceling the rez.

And then maybe throw out a challenge event for a Pink recolor of that Atlantic Mercy Skin.

Boom, done.

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Thats hardly what I would describe as not doing much

Also I am strongly opposed to any form of mass rez, if thats what you mean by AOE

finally: 60k, ka-BOOM

No, it’s literally just a tiny Lucio heal for the 0.5sec Valk cast time.

Mostly because it’s apparently too much code trouble to not disconnect the heal beam during Valk cast.

4 number tweaks
An options menu setting to turn something off
A 0.5sec AOE heal
And maybe a skin recolor, with a few event PNG images, and a couple tweets about it

Aside from the skins, would probably take 1 engineer about a half hour to do that.

I hope we get some kind of change to Shield Bash on Brigitte to make it a actual movement ability. A person can hope…

She’s lacking hard comparatively to her Tank friends. She has “good” picking potential but it requires a more complex play to do comparatively to basically any other tank that can reliably make picks. And her self heal from bleed is only good enough to shrug off poke damage and not actually sustain her. She needs to pop commanding shout to actually have any staying presence in a team fight instead of retreating to cover. Where as many other tanks simply can soak more than she can or ignore more than she can.

She’s basically a more “team” oriented version of Road hog. But worse to him in nearly every way. The devs wanting to buff her sustainability outside of commanding shout makes perfect sense and that’s the direction I’d go with her. As the only other one is making her do more damage. Which would help her brawly nature as well but you’d just push her more towards creeping Hog.

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its not too much trouble, actually, it just hasnt been made a priority to be fixed

nonetheless, thank you for the clarification

60k, ka-BOOM

literally… it’ll probably be a cast time reduction on rez of 0.25 sec or a valk charge reduction of cost of like 5%. I don’t know how they can return mercy to her former glory properly with minor tweaks tbh


these would be considered big changes by blizzard, not minor, but the rest I can see happening

You’d think that, but they’ve got a dive meta going with a pretty bad bottle neck for queue times because Support isn’t popular enough. Not enough players will stick around in a F2P game that they have to queue for 20 minutes. They just won’t. That’ll kill the game faster than any kind of garbage monetization.

Mercy and her ability to continue to do her support job in spite of flankers harrassing her is quite literally the best solution to that issue. But she’s not in a good enough state for people to pick her.

If the game dies and the servers get shut down, nobody will be able to play her.

However if they start actually releasing heroes similar to Mercy… then absolutely leave her as she is. Mercy or a hero like her is this game’s best chance of not dying.


What matches have you been in, my dude? Junker Queen is one of, if not the weakest tank in the game. Horrible effective range, extremely poor damage mitigation for her team (that’s on a super long cooldown for its duration), bad survivability (no armour or shields and an unreliable and somewhat weak self-heal).

She combines the worst aspects of Doomfist and Roadhog into a big old package.