So... Sombra Mains

In general, her Ult is very strong with team coordination, and the only real counterplay to it is to not group up.

That said her basic equipment kinda sucks, and hack fails at weird times.

They’d be better off giving more counterplay to EMP, then buffing her basic equipment a bit, (then adjust ult charge rates down if it means more firepower)

My ideal sombra??
2.4-8dmg to 600 dmg per bullet ad any range.
Then I mayby think she might be viable in this meta.

Deff note:
We sometimes FEEL Sombra maked not that much chance in duals so we migh becided to gife her a small dps buff.
Hope you guys FEEL its more balanced now.

(E:) sorry


Now siri!

Was she not getting full health restore after translocator use?
What happend to that concept?

I’ve mained Sombra since she came out, honestly my ideal world the devs would rework her into being more of a dps to fit the damage role better.

But if that’s too far out there some changed I’d like to see are reverting her stealth speed and giving her a damage boost in hacked targets.

-Bottom of the hero roster next to Bastion, except Bastion can win matches in the ranks where the majority plays? No, I’m not happy with her.

  • Make her kit have more autonomy and weight to contribute to team fights. Cloak moves her around (downtime), translocator warps you out while your team wait for you to get back (downtime), hack does nothing unless the team has full coordination and comms (doesn’t happen in silver/gold/plat) and EMP causes 0 damage while requiring on all heroes to follow up on it (again, not very common in silver/gold/plat.)

She needs a rework for abilities that constitute her taking up a damage slot while keeping hack.

A hero that requires full comms via headset and all 5 being in voice channel just to have hack work? That’s a really bad hero design. She needs a visual display on who is hacked to help shift that scale back towards her having more autonomy. I also like the idea of having her hacked target take slightly more damage (but only by Sombra herself.)

I put nearly 400 hours into Sombra and no matter what comms you use or don’t use, I’ve come to find it’s a complete 50/50 gamble. I play solo queue and it’s near impossible to make her work at all. I just wish at the start I would have known to put that much time into another hero like Soldier that I could have maybe even gotten out of plat and into Diamond.

I’ve dumped her and moved on, just like Blizzard has.

in a game where the primary gameplay and enjoyment cycle is unique, fun abilities designing a character to cancel them with little to no punishment because of her full map scale teleport is inherently a really stupid idea. I like sombra as a concept but her execution is awful

cant forget infinite superspeed invis either. i also HATE ultimate designs that are literally just ‘an ability they already have but MORE woooooah’ its so lame

I’ve played her since release, I actually highly enjoy playing her. It feels like a game within a game. She can be highly impactful at the right moments!
She can also be a soft throwing hero with the wrong team synergy or bad personal decisions

I think her current kit is perfect and only needs a few tweaks (I’m a convert from the old Sombra kit)

Mainly her main issues boil down to downtimes, damage and basic quality of life stuff.

Most of my major headaches stem from having cloak broken from trash damage/teamate soft sabotage (Team mates standing next to me or Zarya bubbles on the cloaked flanker)

There’s also the frankly bad line of sight check for hack. More often than not I’ll lose a hack for no discernable reason

Her SMG feels weak to me, I average 38-56% hitrates now a day and can’t seem to confirms kills on some enemies
Finally her downtime, after the speed changes for cloak I spend more time out of the fight than in it.

Combining those two it feels like I’m not applying enough pressure

Edit: Plugging my own rework idea: Sombra change ideas - #3 by HanaSong-11958

• Increase base speed
• Increase speed while stealth
• Turn stealth into a stealth ability, when she cancels the stealth, the voiceline is just dumb. Either lower its volume or change the voiceline to something like shhhhh
• And also increase her damage by 2 per bullet or so


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Half Sombra main, here my two cents:

The problem is not that it’s unfun to play against, the problem is that most people who complain suck at aiming.
If a Mcree main complains about hack, you know something is wrong

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Make it so where hack isn’t cut off when they are in the air. Too many times this happens

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My ideal Sombra would be where all her skins are fixed so her finger hack lines match the color of her skin.

Ex. Cyberspace

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After seeing this thread I decided to see what would happen if I just one tricked Sombra today. Now remember, I have another account that I have nearly 400+ hours JUST on Sombra. Today I have my head set on, I’m calling out all hacks, and using voice comms/communication wheel lines to combo EMP.

h ttps://

That’s what I got for my troubles. And before you say “Maybe you’re just bad at Sombra?” My other account is in a higher SR with her.

This is what it looks like to play Sombra in Silver/Gold. This is why she needs a rework and is not fine. Those games I lost? Junkertown neither tanks were in comms and would throw out their ults randomly while I sat with my EMP ready. They wouldn’t combo anything. Eichenwalde match, we got steam rolled and then I click the comms button only to see NOBODY was in voice channel. Not a single person. I was literally calling out my hacks to nobody but myself.

Until you make Sombra more independent and not needing this magic team of 6 people, all in comms, working together, she is going to remain unusable. Period. Every other hero in the DPS slot can have autonomy and work, even Bastion, just not Sombra. She is a luxury that only OWL is allowed to enjoy.

Unless you use this game for generating income, you’re not allowed to ever use her. It’s pitiful and it’s the reason I abandoned that Sombra account and the hero altogether.

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She’s been bottom tier(if not the worst) for 3 years, and has caught significant nerfs(including being the only character with Goats nerfs not reverted) while being in dead last on ladder.

…so no, not especially.

Absolutely, she needs some small buffs/QoL tweaks.

NO REWORKS! Been down that road a few times already, it never works.

I’d gladly take a revert on Translocator though. 6s CD is painful, and new TL encourages it to be used for escape, rather then mobility/evasion, plus the most recent change removed a ton of high skill tech.

Current Sombra except:

  • Base movement speed increased to 6mps —Matches Genji & Tracer. Will also in turn increase her stealthed speed to 9mps, from current 8.25mps, causing some lost map jumps to be available again without TL, and would make others much more reliable. Also would slightly reduce downtime.

*Falloff damage penalty reduced from 70% to 50%. —No reason she’s the only midrange hitscan to have 70% reduction…Her enormous spread, low damage, zero burst, shortest range in class, AND damaged is halved vs armor ensures she’s not a actual threat over 20m. It just means she won’t need half a mag to finish off a 10hp character at 30m.

*Revert TL from cooldown starts on throw to on use again. Cooldowns becomes 0 seconds (self canceled)/ 2s (used)/ 4s (enemy destroyed), this is a 2s reduction from previous forms TL canceled and used times. —The most recent change on TL is painful… it reduces mobility, evasion, rollouts, and some fun high tech uses/styles while highly encouraging “leave Translocator in Narnia” playstyle because having it destroyed is so punishing and it’s always advantageous to have it down now. Reducing cooldowns of self cancel and when used will allow it to be used for midfight presence if you’re willing to sacrifice your escape. It opens up “Pocket TL” playstyle, drop hacks, canceled bait translocators and more back into options again, and reduces downtime a bit.

… if those aren’t enough to help her on ladder(and currently none would break her in pro play honestly).

—Revert Goats nerfs. *Hack/EMP back to 6s duration, EMP cast time back to .5s cast time. Cause c’mon, she shouldn’t be the only one who’s nerfs weren’t reverted because she posted a 42% WR in OWL for 2 weeks.

I’m going to be that guy - I actually think for her role she’s actually in pretty good shape. She is not intended to be a really high elim/damage DPS, she’s utility based - something more players need to remember. If you take up Sombra wishing to do loads of damage she’s the wrong pick - you are there to disable the other team.

The only change I have ever wanted is to reverse when she is moving at higher speed - I’d rather her move faster out of stealth than in, it just makes more sense and means that she has to be more careful with positioning.

The issue isn’t that she does low dmg, it’s that all her abilities are unreliable … her weapons gets more and more useless as smaler your enemys hitbox gets, her translocator can easily turn into a death trap, invis gets cancled by bad luck and encourages you to play to passive and hack also gets cancles by bad luck and relies to much on her team to follow up.


I believe all that is by design… the only one that to me is potentially a real issue is the weapon spread.

I think her weapon is actually the least problematic part of her kit … it’s actually quite good against tanks and shields.

I’m against the idea of reworking her into a support or anything that makes her “less oppressive”. What I would do is revert the Infinite Stealth changes before we talk about buffing her. Forgot to mention sugar skulls on hacked targets

I’d say she’s not in a great spot, but infinite stealth makes it even harder to balance her. That’s the issue.

I think this is kinda untrue. They ended up at infinite stealth because the diminishing returns of her being out of combat at are huge. Even when it had a limit, very often you’d not need anything close to the full duration.

Infinite stealth didn’t make her better in any way and no Sombra player asked for it … it’s just there to make it easier for new or casual Sombra players to pick her in hope her pick rate would go up.