So... Sombra Mains

I have a question for you all (Sombra mains or players). Although I havent seen one in a while, there have been posts and clips of people complaining about how un-fun hack as an ability is. (I’m not here to confirm nor deny their claims). I’ve also seen complaints about how Sombra’s playstyle shifted quite drastically with the rework long ago when invisibility became infinite.

Just like when I asked Doomfist mains about their hero, I’d like to hear from you. I’d like you to take a step back and think about your hero.

Are you happy with where she is now?

Would you like her to be changed in anyway?

Maybe a buff/nerf or even a rework?

What’s your ideal Sombra?

Feel free to say anything else you’d like about her.


Hmm… My opinion might be not well-received.
I’m not really a sombra “Main”, but she’s my most played DPS. I’ve got some experience with her I think.

I’d like to see Sombra as a support. You know… Lower damage, can deploy a health pack, gets ult charge when team mates take your hacked health packs…

Also the hack could be changed to make it less opressive. Also EMP could be changed too If she’d get ult charge from health packs

Maybe her Hack could only “cancel” abilities or something


My ideal Sombra changes

  1. Base mov speed increased to 6m/s
  2. Stealth speed buffed to +60% base
  3. Translocator projectile speed increased to 30m/s

I wouldn’t say happy, but I’m fine with it. I understand the consequences and reactions to her being meta, so… I don’t really complain.

With Blizzard’s track record with my other mains, I do not want her to be changed because I’m terrified of what would become of her.

Definitely not a rework, I don’t know want to know how Blizzard would slaughter her image.

I’m not really sure, I’ve always been pretty okay with her state (except for when her first rework happened, I was pretty upset with the changes at the time). I would have to give it more thought.

Edit: The only change I would absolutely love to have off the top of my head is better visuals for who is hacked. Everyone suggests sugar skulls above the hacked target and I also want that.


Honestly, I think she just needs better mobility.

Make her move speed match Tracer’s and Genji’s, which I belive is 6m/s.

Make her stealth move speed slightly faster. Currently I belive it’s 50% bonus move speed, they could try 60/65%.

Other than that, make her spread a teeny bit tighter (I know that just got buffed, but I love it too much to not ask for a little more) and make her sugar skulls more viable to your allies so they know who’s been hacked, and I think she’d be a much better assassin type hero.

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I’ve seen this type of change requested quite a bit actually.

Sombra could be an awesome hero i guess but she is completely busted due to design they ruined her possibilities that could be better. Needs a rework doesnt make sense to me beeing a “DPS” hero that actually has 0 value outside of giving other cancer

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Very happy

Reverting EMP cast-time nerf

This is my ideal Sombra. She lets me to play more aggresive or passive, depending on the situation

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me thinks:
hack: dont buff it
stealth: buff it
translocator: buff it
damage: DONT buff it, for the love of god the damage is fine
gold gun: FIX it, it looks terrible on OWL skins

would improve the sombra gameplay experience without being a problem

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At this point, that support isn’t Sombra anymore. It completely changes her identity.

I would like to see a character that could disrupt enemy abilities as a support though. Maybe it could even be a Talon support.

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Are you happy with where she is now?

Nope. :frowning:

Would you like her to be changed in anyway?

Well she does need buffs.

Maybe a buff/nerf or even a rework?

Nerfwise i would only consider reverting the recent spread buff, but she needs plenty of buffs to adress her downtime issue and make hack follow up easier with improved UI and wall hacks.

What’s your ideal Sombra?



  • 150 hp replaced with 150 shield health

Primary fire

  • Spread increased by 10%

Hack UI

  • purple timer skulls now displayed on hacked enemies
  • team gets wall hacks on hacked enemies


  • cooldown removed
  • infinite duration removed
  • now added recourse meter with 8 seconds worth of stealth
  • replenish ratio 1:1 second
  • replenish rate doubled while doing damage to enemies increasing t to 2:1 second
  • cloak and decloak delay reduced from 0.7 secondsto 0.5 seconds
  • speed boost reverted to 75%
  • can now contest objective again

If this doesnt end up being enough making her viable, i would add

  • translocating no longer cancels her reload
  • translocator becomes invulnerable to dmg again

I really want old Sombra, i mean :

  1. Old stealth
  2. Old translocator
  3. % from heal ( not so much how it was )

P.s. Sombra’s gameplay start be some boring than it was - you can’t put your translocator next to enemies because it can be broken and you, so you lose a lot of time to put your translocator to safe place to it to go for enemies and again, but it’s not a 100% what while you shooting in enemy backline, someone dont break your translocator and you will dead. Before you didnt have an infinite transocator BUT you know what it 10000000000% will stay 20 sec. and you 1000000000% back from enemy backline. Stealth became more boring and slow like you cant go away fast to the paylod and its the 5000 times when you needed old speed to contest point for your team but you late for 1 sec. and gameplay in general became less interestin and dynamic.

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Not really
I missed timer invis
But is not like it’s that bad so 🤷
(I probably got used to her)

Probably reverts to before LoS checks on hack and nerf… Something
Doubt it’ll be powerful
But that one week was THE week for sombra and I miss it

Probably reworks to revert
She needs to feel fluid again
By fluid i mean
More speed in invis
Hack not breaking by air

Give me back that one week
I wanna stay there FOREVER

The only people who are happy with her probably hate playing against her. Because right now they don’t have to.

She needs buffs if she’s to see ladder play.

There needs a threshold on breaking Stealth and Hack. As it is she has no combat presence other than a very mediocre gun. Half the cast are still better than she is when they’re Hacked.

Hack lost a ton of value when it was nerfed, and also when shields were nerfed too. It’s just better and more efficient to break barriers with damage. It’s down to Hack Doomfist, Hammond, maybe Genji to have real value at all. Even they need follow up from elsewhere as she can’t deal with them alone.

She is bad for ladder play. But people will insist that she’s used in OWL or that people just don’t know how to play her - but even those she counters can if they’re good play around her and deny her the value for the reason she as even picked.

I don’t know what the answer is anymore, I’m just kind of resigned to her being an OWL exclusive hero. I’m not okay with it but Blizz and everyone else are.


I honestly don’t think she needs anything right now. The spread buff was really good and I’m deleting people with mostly headshots.

I wonder where all these amazing players are on overbuff? I mean they must basically account for her entire 0.47% pick rate, yet they’re losing more matches than anyone.

I really don’t give a damn because them being mediocre doesn’t affect my success.

I don’t know, tell us.

Just QOL buffs.

Fix hacks LoS issues. I’m sick to death of my hack breaking on targets that are practically AFK, with no apparent reason for hack not succeeding. I’ve literally had hack break on an AFK Moira before, who was standing out in the open.

Would be a cool change to have hacked health packs appear normal to enemies until they attempt to take them. They’d hear her laugh or a voiceline, and the hacked symbol would appear above it briefly. Would be a great combo with her passive, as she could track low HP targets that stray from their team for a health pack… Only to find out it’s a trap. Would also fit her personality SUPER well.

Also I’m sick to death of people complaining about hack. It’s duration has been reduced for both the base ability and EMP. EMP’s animation takes longer, resulting in easier counterplay.
The stuns in this game are INFINITELY more annoying to deal with. At least you can still control your character and fight back when you’re hacked. 9/10 if you have passable aim, even whilst hacked, you can kill a sombra, or at the very least deal enough damage to her to scare her off. With stuns, you lose complete control, can’t fight back, and will most likely immediately die afterwards. I’m looking at you Mccree mains, with your scummy Flash>fan combo. So damn glad he got nerfed.

Also pls don’t touch my girls recent spread buff. It made such a big difference, without making her offensive capabilities oppressive. It doesn’t need to be reverted. She’s not dealing any more damage, it’s just rewarding players for having more consistent aim.

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She could use some work to play more fluid but she’s not awful.
She’s is just Really team dependent to have value.
A rework or some QoL buffs might be in line.
There’s actually so many ways to play sombra.
One of my favorite lately is “silent bodyguard”
If we have a very dive-able target (Zen, Ana), I will hang out near them and hack the diver/ flanker.
(Sombra is my 4th? most played hero)