So, Reaper. (20characters)

I don’t even really know what to tell you now. I built my climb off of game awareness. If you think reaper is UP, that’s you’re problem, not mine. He s**ts on most heroes easily because his damage is really high. He even has an ability that is basically designed to reward you for overextending. It’s a different opinion, but you can easily see that he is in a fine place right now.

Nah against any competent team hes complete trash i guess the mcrees in your team just cant hit the broadside of a barn


Or the briggite dont know how to hold shield and click and the same time :rofl:


Lmfao thats so accurate

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You basically just said in your opinion he craps on all or most heroes, but he’s designed to be a flanker and most barely successful reapers flank. Which means he targets supports…if you play reaper on the front line you wont be nearly as successful as a pharah or Brigitte. Which both hard counter Reaper. Dva Ult, Pharah Ult and Rein Ult are way more useful than Death Blossom and you should only expect to get more than 2 kills if a. You get super lucky or b. It’s used in tandem with another ult. Please provide some specific examples how reaper is better than Pharah, Widow, Genji or Tracer.


Hope you’re ready to read some garbage from him lmao


Delete shadowstep and give him a new ability. new SYM gives a better version of it to every other character in the game.
Reaper either needs a faster movement ability so he can be a real flanker, or he needs better shield break so he can actually brawl on the front line.
we have seen pros run comps with 3 tanks and no dps. shouldn’t the dual shotgun hero be melting this?


Also Death Blossom is ONLY the highest damage ult in the game if you hit every single player for every second of the ult. That’s the only way. How often does that happen? If you play reaper it’s very very rare.


Well halfbaked sounds like a bot because he mains lucio yet always dies to a reaper like wat


idea: make alternate fire shoot his left gun. This would literally double his burst potential by letting you shoot both at once, but is balanced because you have to wait longer to shoot again.


He needs a smoke grenade and adjustment to his spread. That’s all I want. His mobility is not great but still 2x aw good as Mcrees lol


Also random thought add me Ronstoppable
JahWarrior#11580. I will get back up to your range soon lol. Tank and support main

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Im not going to be back from orlando untill l8 af Saturday so just like reply to me then

I’m seeing a lot of Reaper on QP as a response to Hammond.

Do you know we have memory, brains and also, in case any of those fail, google and youtube, right?
Why would you lie like that? Whats the purpose? This is a thread about Reaper, saying “he is fine” and he has “literally the highest damaging ult in the game” doesnt help your point at all.

It does 510 per target when LITERALLY hugging them, if you separate 5 mt, it does 300ish.

Jesus christ people get your facts straight before replying. It just takes 2 mins of google and overwatch wiki :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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To all people saying Reaper is op: if you see a Reaper and you’re stupid enough fighting him in close combat you deserve to die by him, if you’re smart person and know Reaper can only kill you if you’re less than 1,5 meters away (around 5 feet Americans) and keep your distance he can’t do anything literally!! Every damn hero can outplay Reaper just by not geting close and counters can kill him easly


i dont like the smoke grenade idea either not gonna lie, i think its a clever idea, but reaper would still be most valuable at close range and that not gonna change unless they redesign the gun itself, one other idea i had would be to allow getting a kill restore one or two ammo counts to his gun, so he doesnt have to use his slow reload when in a large crowd of heros, or simply make his reload faster.

The fact that Reaper is good in Bronze-low Diamond is kinda completely irrelevant.


Because almost every hero is good in the lower ranks.

Blizzard have to focus on Reaper’s situation in Master+. Reaper cannot be played if enemy team has a Widow, Hanzo or Pharah in Master+.

You have to instantly switch or it will be 5 vs 6. No other hero in Overwatch has this many extreme hard-counters.

Shadow step must get a significant buff and Blizzard also have to fix the broken hitreg on headshots.

Reducing body and head hitbox size, as OP wrote, is a must as well. Otherwise Reaper can never ever be played since there is ALWAYS a Hanzo or a Widow in the other team in the higher ranks.


Doesn’t matter.

Have a Hanzo, Widow or Pharah in your team and the Reaper must switch asap. The reason why people think Reaper is strong in the lower ranks is because Hanzo and Widow players aren’t very good there, and they are not in every game either.


“Oh yeah Reaper’s fine”
He only has

  • The shortest hitscan based weapon
  • The single worst ability in the entire game
  • Slow movement speed and terrible range
  • A CC-cancellable ult, that needs to be in closerange to be effective
  • A stupidly large hitbox/critbox, the 250hp doesn’t make up for it

and he’s been F-tier for literally 9 seasons (almost 2 full years) because reaper needed 2 different ults to be in the meta, because his kit is so lackluster
