So, Reaper. (20characters)

The only thing I disagree with is making Death bossom a transformation ult. It is too different to be one. Transformation ults let you use skills. Can’t see Reaper using skills during his ult.

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Holy s**t. How many times do we have to buff reaper before he’s “fine”? He can easily carry matches on his own, yet reaper players seem to always have a problem with him. I never play reaper, and I can pick him up and carry matches because he’s that easy, and that powerful. Take a rest on reaper. There are heroes that need buffs a lot more than he does right now.

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Yeah… how many times they “buff” him, 1? 2?.

Lol all the golds and plats who are so bad at the game that they die to a reaper are crying about him even tho most ppl know hes underpowered trash


This sounds really good, is not “op” or something and with the new heroes and all that have movility i dont know why they do that already.

We started with the vampire buff, then the instant reload on wraith, then the reload following death blossom, then the speed buff to wraith, and the reduced spread. Don’t act as if he hasn’t been in too many patch notes to count.

Nah against any competent team so not yours i guess hes complete trash

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Lol he nvr got a spread change and WOW his ult reloads now simply amazing


Because it feels really fun to be playing the game and getting raped by death blossom when you are about to cap the point, or have all your health and suddenly it’s not there with no explanation, or chasing down a target like reaper only to have him self heal out of your damage and wraith away with no consequences. He’s a braindead hero, and if you think he’s dead, then fine, let him stay that way.
P.S. I peaked at 3100

Yeah i guess terrible players do die to deathblossom lmao their brains must be halfbaked

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Literally the highest damaging ult in the game. You’re lying if you haven’t been contesting a point and reaper suddenly kills the entire team by wraithing in and pressing Q.

Weird thats not how you say barrage dva bomb or heck even wholehog i guess your reactions are so slow or your brain so baked that you cant even press e or shift as someone like mcree

Literally lmfao what an idiot you just keep describing your team like their a bunch of incapable toddlers which if youre on it i suppose its possible


Pharah is a still target, Whole Hog is designed to knock your targets away from you and it only goes in one direction. D.Va bomb has a ridiculously long cast time.
Jesus what a no brain widow main

Try to use death blossom now, is just suicide, and many of the thing you call are just quality of life change that happend MOTHNS! ago the last one was the wraith form 2-3 months ago, right now almost every hero got something, movility, range, damage reduction.

Right now he is just getting behing everybody, what is the point of picking him to burts tanks or flank if there is better options and the changes this post suggests are not “OP” bronken stuff most of these things are just quality of life changes, or you are going to tell me that 1s reduction in shadow step is broken?.


Where do you get your stats? Reaper pisses me off with his well timed ults (support main) and even I know him and Mcree are in a bad spot still. At least Mcree has less falloff dmg now. Reapers ult is super counterable and easy to avoid if you have game awareness…


Yeah reapers basically a marathon runner when hes ulting what a stupid boosted lucio main lmfao


He doesent have game awareness so he likes to cry


IMHO, if they could just give him an instant shadowstep it’d already help him a lot not only to escape but to do some nice flanking especially to kill Widowmaker.


He’s gotten several small buffs that have him close to being playable. He just needs a way to deal with armor and I think he’ll be situational again. I think headshot bypassing armor is the best route, to encourage good, skilled play on Reaper instead of some other easy way of avoiding armored heroes.


He doesent even know what literally means

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