So queue times are getting worse

Robotwizard is now a celebrity

all hail RobotWizard

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Ah, i’m sure he wont make a big deal, its normal for some of us to be featured in articles.

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I used to mainly pick Support queue in OW1 because it meant getting to actually PLAY faster instead of spending an eternity in queue.

I now pick flex because BP rewards and I still only play Support because nobody wants to.

I say the solution should be the same as should have been in OW1: if you play DPS three games in a row, you are not allowed to queue there again until you WIN (yes, WIN) a game as support.

Walk a mile in my shoes, you Genji suicide diver, you Widow melee shooter, you useless Hanzo that never uses scanner arrows, you Reaper that camps enemy spawn without killing anyone there instead of eating Sombras and complains of not getting pocketed, you Symmetra that doesn’t use turrets, you Sombra picker on a team with Widow, you 76 player who never heals, and especially you, Junkrat player who doesn’t bomb the objective when all five enemies are standing on it. Also, ALL of you people not shooting at Phara when she blows me up for the seventh time in a row.

Kiriko is a godsend for Support because she can get to the runaway idiots through walls without getting delayed, can counter Sombra hacks or Ana and JQ antiheals, but now you need to give the other Support characters the same treatment.

Give Mercy’s gun the exponential damage quality from Echo’s beam so she can actually defend herself when her team abandons her or give her immunity to crits when she rezzes.

Make Brig’s shield matter as something other than a “shoot this girl first” beacon (maybe fix the bash, as others here have said). If she is supposed to bridge the support-tank gap, let her act like it!

And Zen definitely needs to be less flimsy (or even more damage potential) to make playing as him anything other than an exercise in masochism.

If Blizzard wanted to encourage “rocket tag” borderline instagib gameplay where if you get shot, you die, Supports need compensation.

(Also, don’t you dare nerf Ana, she is the last support I can still have fun playing as)


We have 17 dps heroes and only 8 supports. Of course the support queue is at least 2x longer than dps just for this reason.

My qeueues are around 3 min for every role in ranked, i dont know why

not buying anything means a completely bland, unrewarding and grindy version of the game.
these kinds of games are called “allegedly free” for a reason.
plus, ow2 is essentially a big content patch to a game we paid, it’s only free for new players


I got a question as a PS4 player is your option to turn cross play off an option. As Xbox we can’t do anything about it

Why would you give him more damage he’s already quite strong in damage and can pretty much 2 hit players. I agree he’s flimsy but if anything His attack as it is encourages dps players like to use like Moria

No one wants to wait forever to play dps, no one wants to play support cause their design is inherintly unfun and even more unfun in the new 5v5 meta.


I’m… Not 100% sure what you meant here, so I logged in and turned off cross-play.
With it off the queue times right now are, pretty absurd. Tank <7, DPS <11, Support <9, turning it back on times dropped to Tank <4, DPS <5, Support <2.

It definitely seems to be an option as in I can selectively turn it on or off and see effects immediately, it doesn’t feel like an option since the PS4 only population is apparently so low a match might last less than a queue is projected to.

dps i still pretty quick on console, last night at 2 am under 3 m while support is instant almost

bad omen for this game…there are a bunch ot reasons ppl dont wanna play supports…i quit playing kiriko/moira and went back to fulltime sombra

You won’t change human behaviour, easier to redesign the game to not make ppl act this way.

I don’t think the role is inherently unfun. I used to prefer support in OW1, it is fixable. Support can be fun for many others even if you never enjoy it, but not as is in OW2

Kiriko is cool on paper and a fun design but I always just end up switching off her because unless you are very skilled with her it’s more effective to just to play the other supports. For this reason I don’t think Kiriko will help que times any except maybe at High end ranks.

I don’t have an issue with her being high skill required but we need more accessible support characters to be added soon.

Kiriko isn’t a good support unless you are a masters hitscan player. But if you have great aim then bap or zen may be the better pick anyway.

I like it in comp when the enemy team pick her, usually they lose.

She doesn’t have any hitscan things in her kit.

A masters projectile player would do well with her though.

Supports players are leaving due to toxic DPS and tanks saying “not enough healing” and blaming them while being a dummy and constantly being a bullet sponge on diving into the middle of the enemy team by themselves. There are other reasons to but that’s the biggest reason

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I’d believe it. So, how do you fix that as Blizzard?

Sure as hell it didn’t make me want to keep playing support.

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You can’t fix player behaviour… No matter how much one can develop an engine to prevent toxicity you just can’t completely fix the player behaviour… It’s up to the players themselves

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Then I guess queue times will keep getting worse.

Because the players are not going to suddenly get all happy with their supports.

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