So queue times are getting worse

Sounds like a skill issue (sarcasm)

Removing the dps passive.
Not locking heroes at tier 55 of the battle pass.
Better rewards for queing as flex/support. 500xp to 100xp afterwards is kinda trash ngl.
Nerfing some of the problematic heroes.

That’d be a start at least.


Its funny because all they really accomplished was moving around queue times


What? Sensible proconsumer in OW2? Do you think bobby runs a charity?


Oh no of course not. I should go fund his 30th private jet right now, I’m only part of the problem and uncaring otherwise. As long as I get those dopamine hits and the vast majority of players end up quitting, then I don’t care! The only thing that matters is me wasting my money to get .2 seconds of nothing out of it.


Like I’ve been saying since B1, Blizzard now has a very effective pressure relief valve for regulating queue times artificially. They just need to employ it.

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The queues are getting longer its not bad yet.

Blizz is still paying streamers to play the game…

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I mean, “we made a role so bad we have to pay people to play it” isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement.

It would help though.


Exactly. This is peak OW2 right now. Like this week and next. Max concurrent players it will ever see outside of special weekends or maybe xmas hero release.

I don’t think any follow-up content can match launch hype,
and the launch hype came and went.

Downhill from here.


Yeah and it’s also funny because after everything the real problem of 2-2-2’s queue times was simply the fact that there was an overwhelmingly bigger number of DPS heroes in the game to entice players to play them. Now they kind of indirectly “fixed” the problem by halving the amount of tanks in the game, but they completely forgot about the supports that were in between all of this just because they happened to be slightly more popular than tanks due to the uniqueness of each supports’ gameplay compared to any other FPS out there put together with how much less stressful it is to play them compared to tanks

Any bets on how long will it take for the devs to realize this? :rofl: :clown_face:


Means to an end, nothing more. Very effective means, however.

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They’ve probably already realized it, but itll be years before its actually fixed, especially since they decided the next hero we need is a tank not a support.


Just so people can see the meme.

It always seemed either tank or support will be the next bottleneck in Overwatch 2. Guess supports won that coin toss.


I highly doubt so knowing how completely oblivious the devs have been regarding OW since the release days. Can’t wait to see what the queue times will be after Mauga releases though :rofl:


Thank you. I don’t have permits here because I used swear words or something at some point :clown_face:


IIRC they said the next heroes are 1 tank and 2 supports right? The more play styles are available the more likely someone is to identify with one of them.

QP queues have consistently been really good for me. Comp has indeed gotten longer, but it still doesn’t have Kiriko. The tank queues are still within acceptable levels to me.

They will never get better. Nothing will ever be equally popular. The least popular role will be a bottleneck no matter what it is.
Buff supports to destroy dps, support queue blows up, dps becomes bottleneck.

What if they buff supports to actually support instead of becoming poor man’s dps?


Crazy idea, but if there were a 6v6 queue that might actually help the other queues. Twice as many tank players are needed there.


You would have to go a long way to make the DPS the bottleneck, but they could try to even it up a bit more.

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If they cant kill tanks or dps they will stay the bottleneck, regardless of how well the balance is.

They were fine in OW1. They were a bottleneck in OW1.