So now we know why Mercy was never changed Edit: (I CALLED IT!)

What we really need is some sort of anti-anti-anti-heal!

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I dislike looking at profiles to form arguments because I’d rather them be based on the argument instead of the person.

The cooldown on bionade is much less. That’s part of the issue I have with it.

That could work, because as you admit it lasts longer than it has any business lasting.

I don’t think she needs many changes either, but I do think she needs a bionade nerf. Most definitely

Buff her elsewhere maybe, but it needs changing.

Cooldown is under half of those abilities, but it doubles as her self heal. Mercy’s is a passive, and bap’s got a separate ability for that, also on a high cooldown. If they do nerf it by shortening its duration, like I suggested, i believe they should boost its defensive capabilities. Increase how much it heals her, for one, as its not even close to a full self-heal right now. Reducing the anti-heal from 100% to 75% would essentially nullify the only counter to zen’s ult in the game, due to how much healing that ult is pumping out; which was actually main main reservation to messing with it any further.

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You can counter Zen’s ultimate by displacing him, his teammates, or using 1 shot abilities. It is also nonsense that bionade so easily counters an ultimate that takes so long to build.

Your idea could work for sure, but I just hate being unable to heal my entire team because Ana pressed a single button. It facilitates snowballing teamfights so much and I don’t feel like it is earned, proportionally speaking.


I mean, I never said she doesnt take skill, I’m just repeating myself at this point. Besides if you didnt care bout hero comparisons, why are you fed up with skill elitists saying mercy takes no skill? This whole game has comparisons to every character

Because saying something takes no skill doesn’t require a comparison. You can just say it. Like you did.

The game doesn’t have comparisons. The game has heroes. The player-base compares them.

Turns out, when you have a balanced hero, the best solution is to fix the unbalanced ones instead of messing with the one thing working out well.

Who woulda thunk?


The antipowercreep is keeps on creeping on.

Mmm… McCree and Pharah say hi!

When you have a privileged hero who is ridiculously strong for so long, equality feels like underpowered. :joy:

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And mechanical aim is easily the lowest form of skill to boot, requires literally no thought

I mean…not really. Moira has always had the highest healing in the game by a mile. And at the time, it didn’t exactly break the game or end Dive. I think they’re just trying to kill ANYTHING even remotely related to double shields.

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Lowering the level of healing back down to Mercy’s level is the most excellent change they could possibly make to Overwatch.


Single target with a pocket beam while Baptiste has to shoot, aim and have people close to each other so they can get multi-healed (and doesn’t have Mercy’s great mobility).

Not the same thing. The nerf is too hard on Baptiste.

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I apologise for giving the impression that I agree with the Baptiste nerf - I think that it’s overboard. If they insist on nerfing bap anyways, they should at least give him a compensation buff.

I pointed out Mercy’s single-target status bc an earlier post tried to claim that Ana deserves to keep her high hps of 75, because it’s a single target heal… but that means Mercy (with 50hps, the lowest hps of all the primary healers) isn’t getting fair treatment. She’s a single target healer, too.

It’s because you cannot miss Mercy’s healing, it’s consistent and constant, and doesn’t also double down as a damage source

If you shoot an enemy to defend yourself as Ana, that is healing lost
If you miss an enemy or teammate, that is healing lost
Having to reload you ammo, that is healing lost

If Ana didn’t have an edge over Mercy in single target healing, Ana wouldn’t be worth trying to run. We’ve seen this happen before


Yup I started as a mercy main and when her healing got nerfed I became an ana main. All of the main healers have been heavily nerfed except ana. I doubt she’ll even get nerfed cuz it seems like every time she’s meta the community rejoices and every time any other main healer is meta the community is extremely unhappy to put it lightly. I don’t even want ana to be nerfed but I feel like it is kinda unfair.

Mercy’s 50hps could work as a decent base number for her healing…

but without any secondary healing or defensive utility abilities to use when her base healing gets overwhelmed by damage (like literally every other main healer has, and even the off-healers bar Zenyatta), Mercy just doesn’t cut it as a main healer anymore.


Makes sense to be fair. If this is really what they are trying to do, well, sadly it won’t really address Mercy specific issues such as… well, the somewhat messy state that she’s in at the moment.

If you shoot an enemy to defend yourself as Mercy, that’s healing lost.
Granted, you can’t miss as Mercy, unless your team is piled together and you can’t lock on to the right person.
If you have to shoot AT ALL, you lose at least 2 seconds of healing as Mercy. Which is much longer than Ana’s reload.