So now we know why Mercy was never changed Edit: (I CALLED IT!)

Yeah, ana takes skill to get the healing, not so much for mercy


Beam juggling takes skill to do no matter how much you want to deny it. Even more so because her healing is lower than it has been.


Yikes. Aiming isn’t the only skill one can have.

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I’ve been playing mercy since S3, her skill is lot lower than ana. Sure theres positioning and whatnot but to say mercy takes more skill than ana is pepega


Please quote where I said Mercy takes more skill than Ana.

Seems like to me you were called out and don’t have any defense so you are instead arguing against a straw-man

And I’ve played Mercy and nearly every other support since season 1 or whatever season they were released in, so you starting in season 3 means nothing to me


Nah Baptiste is going into Zen during Doomfist meta levels

He’s already a mediocre pick outside of Masters with Moira, Ana, and Mercy seeing as much or more playtime and he’s “op”

Bap’s going to be pretty worthless after these changes hit

And all I’m saying is mercy takes less skill than ana. Not disregarding her skill level but her skill level is lower than Ana’s.

I agree it is lower.

However, you are disregarding it when you say:

At least be honest.


Ana has the highest HPS and a lot of utility, playing her is not hard…


If you can aim.


Keep in mind both Moira and Bap are AOE. Mercy is still single target who can’t do anything else while healing.

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I didnt want to say no skill to play mercy because I knew people would go crazy lmao. I do agree to an extent she requires skill. But again, not as much as ana


We don’t go crazy. We’re just fed up with skill elitists ignoring the skill required to play her. I don’t care about comparisons to other heroes


I’d rather them just shorten the amount of time antinade lasts rather than weaken the ability itself by allowing SOME healing. If Ana’s team follows up on her nade, they don’t need 4 seconds to utilize its impact. Idk, I’d prefer they shorten the time it impacts the enemy, but increase the amount of time it helps your teammates. Weaken a tad of its offensive capabilities, while bolstering its uses for Ana’s team.


Negating all healing is straight up BS without a support ability to counteract it.

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How is it BS? I feel like its an uber powerful ability that fits well into the support cast. Its got a long cooldown, and its also Ana’s only self heal. Technically speaking, there are counters to it, like a zarya bubble. It’s been in the game since 2016, I don’t think that weakening it more than it already has been makes sense.


You literally answered your own question immediately after asking it. It’s insanely powerful. Perhaps the best ability in the game (bar ultimate abilities)

And it’s been BS the whole time

There is nothing a support (like myself) can do.

Really? Despite the fact that it is, in your own words, “uber powerful”?

I think you may be baised towards Ana. I don’t want it to be useless, but it is far, far too strong.

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Time to dust off my golden caduceus?! :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not biased toward Ana. I’m a mercy main. you can clearly see that if you look at my profile lol. It’s like how Rez is “uber powerful”, or lamp is “uber powerful.” Each of the main supports have a lynch pin ability that sort of define their kit and separate them from the rest. I suggested in my original post here shortening the duration on enemies, because 4 seconds feels like forever in such a fast paced game. But I genuinely don’t think Ana needs many, if any changes rn. Again, as a mercy main.


He still does more than Mercy, it equated to 75 HPS before on possibly multiple targets, now it’s about 62.5 HPS? Something like that. Too lazy to run the numbers.