So new patch can finally show truth about forced loss streaks

Dude, how do you even find a post from 5 months ago?


Big enough conviction to give excuses for why the game is out to get them.


You have chance to prove it with replay codes. Do it.

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I see more threads from you about this topic than anyone else

That makes sense with team averages and such. Sometimes I feel like the matches are basically me vs one guy on the other team that is also expected to carry. Itā€™s all but impossible to tell there is another weak link on the other team when you are the weak link on your team though, imo.


I donā€™t agree with forced loss ā€œstreakedā€ but forced 50% is a thing in my opinion. I can collect a few games, the last patch killed my saved games but I think one day is all I need.
My friends avoid grouping with me when playing role queue because every 2nd game is a near guaranteed loss.

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I have a theory that MMR is only changed once you log off from a session.

Not really, my experience is different.

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Yes players are forced to have 50% winrate. They are forced to have it by their own skill.


Well sorry that I canā€™t kill the enemy team before my team gets themselves killed. Must be me throwing the game eh.

I think forced loss streak is a bad term, and in reality is a skill check. People play a poor round or two and get paired with other people who are falling or lower-bracket players who are climbing but not quite there yet. Thatā€™s the game determining where youā€™re at/supposed to be and putting some pressure on for you to prove yourself.

I mean, itā€™s sort of silly to think the gameā€™s engine or algorithm can consciously make a decision like ā€œthis player is climbing and deserves a loss. I will give him an impossible circumstance to recover fromā€ as if the game knows the next team will either be full of throwers and smurfsā€¦ it doesnā€™t, it doesnā€™t have that omniscient capability and no one can due to human element and the impossibility of telling the future. ā€œForced loss streakā€ is kind of insane sounding when you look at itā€¦

if anything the gameā€™s algorithm is challenging your worth and skill checking you to see if you actually belong there by automatically trying to judge your performanceā€¦ if you are actually a good player you will rise. Period. Iā€™m sorry if this sounds ignorant but as a player whoā€™s come from gold to mid-diamond and has not stopped climbing and will not stop climbing (arrogant, I know) I can say I do not believe in ā€œforcedā€ loss streaksā€¦ just skill checks.

You make your loss streak, in totality, if the streak is beyond 3.

I donā€™t get 0 - 3 days or 0 - 5 and 1 - 5 daysā€¦

At the worst I get 3 - 3 days. I regularly get 5 - 2 or 3 - 1 daysā€¦

Forced loss streaks arenā€™t real, or at least we should not call the experience that. Itā€™s not possible. If you arenā€™t there yet you arenā€™t there yetā€¦ and it will get harder as you climb, itā€™s not like itā€™s the same level of difficulty the whole way throughā€¦


Whatā€™s crazy is the utter inconsistency of game difficulty.

Iā€™ve had unwinnable games in bronze. Iā€™ve had a super easy win in plat vs enemy team that fed like idiots.

Consistent factor was that one team had the clear carry player, be it the 70% kp Zarya on 60% average energy all match, or the Junkrat scoring 2-3 rip tyre kills every minute.

If you want to climb consistently, then you need to be that carry player. Get good at high impact heroes and murder the enemy. This can be done in any role.

Iā€™ve previously hit plat by having the game sense to not lose games and clutch on better team mates, but not the mechanics to carry a terrible bronze team vs a smurf Reaper, etc.

I ended a horrific loss streak by playing aggro Lucio with 80% win rate after a few hours ffa practice. I did less healing, but dead enemies do no damage.

Now trying to escape bronze via playing dps Rein. Working pretty good so far.

Iā€™ve seen yentas make better matchmaking than this. How about the system stop trying to tell us who we should play with to have the ā€œbest chanceā€ of winning and just throw people of the same rank into games together. If you need to tighten up the SR gaps, then do it. Your algorithm doesnā€™t account for smurfs who want to stay in a certain rank or throwers/boosters, so MM is jacked anyway. Take the current system out back and put it somewhere the sun donā€™t shine.

I was on a winning streak playing with a friend. All of the matches were easy wins with a few close calls. Then after we won so many matches suddenly the next match became impossible to win. We got all the worst teammates who donā€™t use mics and we as tanks had gold elims, gold obj kills and gold damage.

I ended up going from 7 losses with 20 wins losing ten matches in a row which were all unwinnable. Now I am at 17 losses and still only 20 wins and keep losing.

The matchmaker even put a six stack enemy team against our team who are all solo que. We lost badly and stuck in spawn scenerio. The very next match the enemy team is the same 6 stack enemy team and my team are all solo que.

That 6 stack were all new accounts smurfs and they destroyed us again and we were stuck in spawn. It was a one sided loss.

How in the hell at 8pm in solo que do I get a solo que team vs an enemy 6 stack of smurfs back to back two games in a row during prime time when we had no chance of wining? Then keep losing with more matches where we cant even capture the point nor push the payload to the first checkpoint but the enemy team easily pushes it all the way.

However, once I end up with more losses than wins then like a light switch the matches become extremely easy that I can sit in spawn doing nothing and we sill win or even if we have a leaver we will still win but in the last match we lost the enemy had a leaver but we lost anyways.

How can I go from 10+ win streak to a 10+ loss streak back to back over and over again?

Do you always play at your peak? Or do you think thereā€™s a heat up/cool down curve in your performanceā€¦

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