So new patch can finally show truth about forced loss streaks

I’m asking if you could give examples, as specific as possible, of what for you would definitively flag the match as rigged/forcedloss.

Like, create a scenario that shows/proves it for you, and I’ll go fetch it.

You do know that I was watching your stream where you were throwing several games for fun right? I dont think i can accept any kind of video evidence from you, meaning i dont need it. I already know why you are low bronze. And you know it very well too.

Anyone claming how is system rigged while being throwing for fun has no credibility, sorry.

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Please don’t talk about credibility - we have you on record admitting smurfing multiple times on multiple accounts at multiple ranks. You’ve done enough ladder manipulation for 3 permabans.

Instead, you’re going to single people out, (falsely) accuse and shame them, instead of answering the actual question and helping to shed light on the rigged/forced loss debate?


If you can’t produce a basic set of criteria, checklist, and examples, then you really have no business here.

No one is going to post vod after vod just so you can refute stuff outright and comment on their mistakes with 20/20 hindsight.


I dont see it as smurfing but feel free to use any terms you like. Not sure what you mean by ladder manipulation tho, if I am manipulating ladder, so are you. What is kind of disturbing is that you do it for fun, to troll low bronze people for laughs, I have never in my OW career throwed or trolled game for fun.

I am only asking for evidence, thats all. If you have claim, burden of proof is on you. Not on me. You have to show it in a way it can be proven. I dont understand why I should be posting requerements for forced loss streaks/rigged matchmaker when I dont believe it exists and I have no evidence what it should be exactly. Make a claim how is it rigged and then provide codes in new patch. + You should tell us your starting SR and have opened profile of course to avoid any kind of suspicion.

No I cant, its not my claim. Its your claim, you have to do it.

You will not have to anymore, code is enough and others can check it. And yes mistaked done in match are clear indication if you belong in your rank. How else do you want to see if someone belong in rank lol?

Got it. More accusations and dodging.

If you’re going to literally start a thread about supplying codes to show forced loss streaks or rigged matches, at least give the forums some criteria on what you will be looking for.

Again, what would be sufficient evidence for you? If you can’t even elucidate hypothetical conditions for fair judgement, why are you making this thread?

I dont know what I am looking for, thats the thing you still cant understand. People have different idea how is system rigged

You can say for example: Hey I am in low silver and matchmaker is rigged to keep me there. Then you will say : matchmaker is giving me bad team mates on purpose to keep me there. You said your claim and how its done by system.

Then you will present few codes from your games. Other will then be able to tell if you truly belong in your elo by watching your gameplay.

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It is actually not false, saw you on stream too. You are being mean to your teammates and when something doesn’t go well within the first second of a game you litterally throw the game.


The losses aren’t forced in that there’s some invisible hand that goes “oh no, we let Xion get to 51% win rate, better bring it back down to 50%”

It looks at your MMR and your SR and tries to give you games that line them up. If you have plat stats and you’re in gold you’ll get easy games. If you have diamond stats and you’re in masters you’ll get hard games. It’s as simple as that. It’s literally an algorithm that measures your performance. Getting mad about it is like getting mad at the bathroom scale when it measures your weight and says it’s something higher than you want.


Its nice but I dont believe its like this, I have few alt accounts just like you and my experience is different.

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It doesn’t exist. If it would exists people would’t be able to climb. What does exists is diamonds/masters players with huge ego’s and god syndrome. While in fact most of them are really bad and lack the most fundamental gamesense.

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How much does Blizzard pay you to just say “It doesn’t exist”? You literally have zero proof. Nobody can be this blind to the truth unless you’re actually being forced or getting paid.

You only say it doesn’t exist. The majority says it’s there. And it is, because it’s an artificial difficulty setting to make you chase those sweet SR. But Overwatch takes the cake for how obvious they made it.

I don’t enjoy threads talking about a feature no one knows about unless you know what they are talking about.
So you can share replays on the ptr and directly report replays to get reviewed.

But he is right about that lol, forced loss streaks dont exist. If you have different opinon show us the evidence they do exist and dont ask evidence for something which doesnt exist…

I currently have 4 accounts within 40 SR of each other. That type of consistency doesn’t happen by accident. These accounts range from accounts I’ve had since day 1 (so it has my old MMR), friends accounts who stopped playing and gave them to me (their old MMR + my current MMR), and accounts I got on eBay (yet another persons old MMR).

I play only a handful of hero’s though. So someone who picks based on what the team “needs” versus what they’re good at regardless of the team is going to have different results. For tanks I only play zarya and hog and a little bit of Winston so if the other tank goes zarya I’ll try Winston but if the enemy team has mei reaper hog, I just go hog myself and go for picks rather than going rein and putting up awful performance that drags down my MMR.

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I’m actually on your side, if you read around a bit you’d find that I’m one of the larger proponents of unfair matchmaking and handicapping. You may not have a forced loss streak, but I strongly believe overperforming will lead to worse teammates which can cause losses. The difference is that my theories are reasonable and can be substantiated by math and logic, while crying about a ‘forced loss streak’ just makes you look like an upset child.

To be able to prove it’s presence, you need to narrow it down to a finite idea that has reason to exist and can be substantiated, which is what I aimed to do, and what crying about ‘forced loss streaks’ consistantly undermines.

You can read more here:

I totally agree. I don’t believe in forced loss streaks either but I do believe that the game averages out MMR which causes a sandbagging effect on the player required to carry games. It’s very frustrating to deal with and does unintentionally cause loss streaks. I don’t think any win or loss is forced but I think the way the game makes teams puts unfair pressure on certain people to carry.


Yeah, it feels more like this and not really that Jeff is sitting there yelling at his peon button pushers to take your 51% down to 50%.

I think it just kinda happens, it’s relatively subtle, and they’re only trying to make even matches. I do think teach match is more fun when it’s even. I also think in the long term it’s a bit frustrating.

However, i think you can kind of mess with your matchmaking experience a bit by grouping up with other players more often. A couple games here and there, might allow you to play with higher MMR players and prove yourself. Or, it might let you have an easier game or two against lower players.

Just playing YOUR even matches all day every day can cause the matchmaker to figure out just how to make your work your butt off just to have any hope of winning.

I figure, mix it up a bit. Switch roles if you lost a game. Team up with any random players who seem good. Kind of add some uncertainty to your matchmaking and it might feel more like it’s based on the SR.

Hard to explain my idea, hope it makes some sense.

But if they did that, if they were transparent and made the ranked system to reward good players, those players who care and try would not feel the need to spend money on alternate accounts just to get an accurate placement and the ability to climb.

Forced losses do exist. I’ve been on forced losses for five years. I’d love to post a screenshot of my placements this season to show you it’s still 10/10 total stomp losses, but they won’t let me post pictures or links.

I know it’s rigged. I’m just saying, it’s being rigged makes Blizzard money, so it’s probably not going o change. : (