So much awful awful tanking

Ah I see… all those baddies keeping you down.

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Usually when the defense is rolled from the word go …prob bad tanks if no shift in momentum…

So which is it, OW is a team game or it isn’t? The answer of course is whichever one is going to make you look holier than thou. I like seeing the argument switch back and forth between “If you were good you’d climb” and “This isn’t COD and you can’t win alone”

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You both have a point.

Some games are unwinnable. Eg dps Moira with bronze heals behind Mercy and Hog.

But current 222 is full of players trying stuff for the first time.

I played DVA yesterday. Bloody terrible with her. Got 52 elims, but fed far too often and consistently failed to properly dive the Pharah, or DM her two barrages quickly enough.
But got carried by my team.

Had a game yesterday with Baptiste. Hit the enemy Lucio 3 times and he got away on 5hp. I could blame my dps for not finishing him off, or blame myself for missing 2 other shots or not aiming nearer his head.

Current comp is like death match. Mechanics are plat level, but teamwork is bronze level. Whatever role you’re in, you need to get kills yourself as you can’t rely on anybody doing their jobs.

I’m going to be spending some time in aim workshops so that I can counter enemy Pharah myself. I can’t rely on my dps to do it. If they could, they’d be in plat by now.

This is, after all, a shooter game. Being good at shooting is a useful skill to have.

No, because a shield tank is an absolute necessity for every team.

They’re called main tanks for a reason.

Back on topic, I really wish they would introduce tutorials for each class and sub-class (ie DPS, main & off tanks, main & off supports) that a player needs to pass before being able to play that role in Competitive once they reach level 25.

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Not every main tank is a “Shield Tank” and vice-versa, though. Winston has A shield, but he’s not a “shield tank”. Hammond is a Main Tank with absolutely no shield.

And Sigma has a shield, but right now he’s considered an Off-Tank.

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I’m pretty sick of all these people playing Sigma and not pushing forward (same for any tanks really, but seems worse at the moment with everyone trying him out).

Watching your whole team sit behind the main tank for over a minute in the choke is so demoralising. I swear people weren’t doing this in my games (as much) before


At the moment, Sigma has the same problem that Hammond did at launch: a heavily skill-based kit with no standardized way to properly play him, which means 70% of the people who play him have no clue what they’re doing.

Also, he’s a lot like D.Va in that he’s super self-sufficient, so I see a lot of Sigmas just dropping a shield on point then going off to do some solo duels or flanks for no reason.

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All shield tanks are main tanks.

Winston and Sigma are able to shield the team thus are main tanks.

Hammond is an off-tank as he has no ability to shield the team.

No, Winston doesn’t use his bubble to shield the team. He uses it to protect himself from Crowd Control during dive.

Wrong. Hammond is a Main Tank because he makes space for the team by wrecking the enemy’s position.

Your response is proving my point about people not understanding how Tanks work.

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Yes, he can and does.

He can also do that, but he is still able to use it to shield the team, thus making him a main tank.

All tanks are able to make space for the team, but that doesn’t make them main tanks.

Main tanks are shield tanks. Always have been, always will be.

And your posts are just proving how little you know about the game.

You have it backwards. Protecting himself from CC is the primary purpose of using his shield. Watch any VOD of Jayne explaining how to play Winston properly and he says this repeatedly.

You can keep repeating that, but it’s untrue.


It does not detract from the fact that he has a shield he can use to shield the team, thus making him a main tank because main tanks are shield tanks.

It’s been true since the day I started playing this game, which was @ launch.

You can keep repeating that, but it’s untrue.

Except, for the last time, that is not what the shield is used for and it is not WHY he’s a main tank.



And bye.

Good idea to quit while you’re behind :+1:

Shield tanks not necessary at all in low elo.

Current season is full of new players that constantly run ahead of barrier and die.

Latest game started with one shield per team, but enemy tanks adapted better and went DVA and Hammond.

I’m hamstrung on 222 as previously if Rein or Orisa not working I’d swap to dps.

Now I need to get a lot better at DVA and Sigma, and learn how to play Zarya, Hog and Hammond.

Having a broad hero pool is no good anymore. Has to be narrow, but deep.