So much awful awful tanking

Please create a basic tanking guide tutorial map.

One that players need to complete in order to unlock tanks.



Good DPS don’t even need tanks.


Where do you play , bronze?

Tanks hold the most sway over which team wins or loses at every rank above mid-silver.


gold players making fun of silvers and bronzes… so you know the difference between you and a silver player is much much smaller than plat vs a diamond player. gold and silver are basically gamers of the same skill.

and tanking is the hardest role in the game as far as brain power goes. main tanks often have to ride the line between space making and feeding. the learning curve. much like aim as a dps takes time to develop, so does game sense which tanks need. I doubt 1 single tutorial would help with that.

and I from what I remember simply being able to aim well has the highest carry potential in the low ranks. thus off tanks and dps were usually the biggest carries in gold and below .


the problem with tank is if they don’t run orisa or shield tank

“Such awful stupid dps.”

Nothing like playing a barrier tank and watching numb skull dps rush ahead and get picked.

Or spamming group up message and watching your Reaper wade in 1v6 and cry “Die uurrghh…”.

Every role had crap players at low level. I’m a crap dps as I can’t hit scan. I’m a crap support as I can’t hitscan with Ana or Baptiste and my Lucio dive skills need work. I’m a crap tank as I’ve not yet started one tricking Sigma (Who’s utterly bonkers and will likely get nerfed) or picked up Hammond, Zarya or Hog (Who can all carry like crazy, if you’re good, even if your dps are crap or moronic).

Game needs a tutorial for sure. Basics on team fights and not feeding 1v6 would make 90% of my games more competitive.


Tanking is harder than the other roles. That is why I am asking for a good tutorial.

I don’t think a tutorial would solve the problem but it would be nice I guess, there are obvious things that for who has never played tank might not be so obvious, so the guide/tutorial could help with that.

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You’re in gold, man. Everyone is awful at everything. Learn to play around it.

yeah I wish I had been in charge of making tutorials for overwatch. But I didn’t get hired by blizzard as a developer :frowning:

technically never applied, but I bet working on the game I love would be fun. though they say that when you do your hobby as a job you stop loving it…

but yeah, 10 min of tutorials similar to Rainbox siege six’s basic tutorials would do a huge amount for teaching beginners.

However, this far in the game’s life cycle I don’t think it’s a priority for them.

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Shield Tanks are overrated. For the most part, I’ve found that players at low ranks tend to overrely on them because they have poor positioning or bad TTK (time to kill) or both. They need the shield to “bail them out” from their mistakes.

Also, I hear a lot of people say that a team can make use of any “shield tank”. But that isn’t particularly true. If the enemy team has an ult like Earthshatter or Self-Destruct, relying on Orisa’s shield can be a death-sentence because all the enemy team has to do is wait for her to place one, then Ult behind it and kill her entire team. Sigma also has a similar problem because replacing a new shield after the enemy walks through it takes precious seconds.

TL;DR: People need to stop relying on “Shield Tanks”, and stop using the term interchangeably.

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Shrug…this is what people asked for when they wanted 2-2-2 and this is what they got.

If you don’t like your tanks, then go be a tank.


You don’t necessarily need a shield tank, but you need a tank who can control some amount of space. If it’s Winston or Wrecking Ball, fine. But they need to be played properly, and they often aren’t.

My experience so far has been that if nobody in my group is queued as tank, the team with tank synergy will always win. It doesn’t matter if it’s winston+ball, winston+dva, zarya+sigma, orisa+hog, rein+zarya… if they are working together, and your team’s tanks aren’t, it’s a losing battle.

Tanks and healers can carry bad dps, but if tanks aren’t making space the best you can do is try to control it with mei and/or reaper… which isn’t always effective. Prior to role queue, I would have just offered to tank in these situations, but now I can’t do anything. You can’t teach someone how to tank in a 10 minute game, and even if you could, most people don’t want to hear anything from anyone anyway.

So many of the tanks I’ve played with are just acting like fatter DPS, how can you even compensate when you have a sigma looking for flank kills and a hog behind your team hiding in LoS? If you so much as step out of cover, their entire team is set up around competent tanks destroying you.

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As a tank main I can’t stand this. Every time I see a DPS rush in and immediately die I don’t even feel like making the push anymore.


These tanks will remain at lower levels. If you play your role correctly regardless of what you believe everyone else is doing you will climb.

It isn’t an issue of being where I belong, I have 3 accounts(solo,duo with gf, and stack with friends) and they all stat pretty close to the same range. I am relatively confident that is the range I belong in. It isnt particularly high(2200-2700), but my games were much more enjoyable before role queue because I could take over tank when the tanks were awful.

It is an issue of game quality, because many people do not play enough to quickly reach their true sr under the new system. Having so many games decided by who gets real tanks and who gets a pair of dps on tank heros is not fun.

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They already did.

The Reinhardt tanking tutorial is called “Uprising,” and it’s available during the Archives and Anniversary events.

The Winston tanking tutorial is called “Storm Rising,” also available during Archives and Anniversary.

Oh boy another thread where people act like problems are only specific to a certain role… as if we don’t ever see incompetent DPS or healers…


Good tanks dont even need dps or healers!


The only bad tanks I ever see are the ones who can’t push or the ones who don’t try to help out teammates and think their shield is only for them.

I placed 1800 as a tank on PS4, and 2900 on my Xbox.

Every game I played on PS4 was close but I lost for a variety of reasons…I don’t think I was playing consistently bad every time, but I did make some mistakes…just got really unlucky games along with it.