So many critical issues with the game right now

Because I suggested most of these design changes 3 months ago.

So I got a pretty good idea of where it’s at, and where it needs to go.

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How do we know you’re not wrong though?

You’re just forum user GreyFalcon


I don’t.
But we do know that a lot of the critics if “Overwatch isn’t fun enough”, now grudgingly admit it’s a lot more fun.

The headshot thing is an easy fix.

Next is making Tank more popular. Which could easily be solved with 30% Resistance to Negative Status effects and/or 30% Resistance to headshots. (Followed by some HP adjustments)

Beyond that it’s just fine tuning individual heroes.

None of that is difficult.

And then beyond that, they just need marketing and budget. And Xbox can provide that in spades.

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Well at the rate blizzard is going they will only continue to scare tanks off, its wishful thinking to believe the game will even still be alive next season without major changes

I’ve spoken with few people who say this season is fun. Most of the responses I get are pretty negative.

You ever hear about people who get a scratch on their car and they’re just like “I’ll buff that right out” and then they end up buffing the entire coat of paint off their car?

In my opinion, that’s how I feel about the current state of Overwatch.

There’s already tension between audiences & Blizzard/Overwatch. I don’t think marketing is going to help. The relationship has been tarnished.


Any of this stuff sound familiar?

No, not really. Sorry.

Dude, your post has 0 upvotes.

I can’t tell if you’re flexing or trying to refer to recent changes.

If you’re referring to recent changes, I don’t think much has changed. Folks didn’t seem to like your suggestions back then, and I think that’s true of the recent patch as well.

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So just a coincidence that it’s a big patch with

  • Reduced Burst Damage
  • Reduces healing midcombat by 20%
  • Tank/DPS regen passive ona 5sec cooldown
  • Some projectile hitbox size adjustments
  • A pharah rework with a horizontal dash, and way less fuel in the air, but more fuel on the ground, with less self damage, and smaller explosions
  • And that the older comment was how larger healthpools in similar games to Overwatch is how they addressed burst damage.

I mean I’m not calling it coincidence, I’m not calling it anything really.

If your changes weren’t praised back then, I think these recent changes also lack the praise.

I mean it’s one thing to say. “Yeah I was right, I suggested X Y Z and they did it.”

It’s another to say “Yeah I was right, I suggested X Y Z. They did it, and everyone loved it”


Well, Samito says it’s the most fun he’s had in years.
Fareeha says the Pharah rework plays like a dream.
Flats could barely play Comp, and he just got done posting a 24 hour Comp stream.
Eskay played 70 hours in 4 days.
And I can pull up plenty of Reddit threads on “It’s not perfect, but you gotta admit it’s fun”.

Beyond that, it’s mostly just “Tank could be more fun, Zen in particular makes that suck”.

And the headshot stuff

I don’t really watch or listen to those guys.

I can’t really take the opinion of streamers and content creators seriously because they inherently have an ulterior motive.


Only people ive seen call this patch more fun are overwatch content creators that are already paid to promote the game, everyone outside of the games community saw the update, played for a bit, and then dropped videos making fun of the terrible patch :sob:

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Two can post stupid reddit links
ITT: tweet refers to this patch trying to bridge the gap between lower skill and higher skill as “ruining your game,” 7k+ upvotes
ITT: average tank experience season 9, almost 5k upvotes
ITT: a couple more threads about how terrible tank feels, 2k+ upvotes each
Could go on, but the forums speak for themselves atp

Even moist critikal laughs at us boys

And how is that any different from what I posted above that Tank could feel better to play, and the head hitboxes are a bit goofy?

Bc youll find that you can stack as many bandaid fixes as you want, it still wont fix the pandoras box of problems that blizzard has opened up

Also anyone notice how theyre dropping the ball on every franchise at once? Like this same week diablo got a $60 horse skin and wows new expansion was like straight up killed. Why do they suck so bad at their jobs?

Such as?
If the problems were so obvious and numerous, you should be able to name a few.

I don’t have rose colored glasses, I simply compare each thing against each other.

I think OW2’s reduction of CC was a good path to go (they still need to remove/reduce more CC), but 5v5 is simply trash compared to 6v6.

5v5 “simplifying everything”, in Aaron’s words, only makes the game less replayable, and hiding behind walls more because you have 1 less tank is not interactive game play. The amount of times you have to counter-swap as tank is really annoying in 5v5 compared to 6v6.


The queues, tanks who arent dive tanks or sigma just exploding immediately, terrible hitboxes, any hero who isnt hitscan dive or zenyatta is absolutely suffering rn, tank has no input in matches anymore, every match boils down to dps diff, dps passive disproportionately advantages some dps more than others, support is now even better played as dps (healing is pointless now), plenty more. Many many more problems than just “i dont like when theres two shields :rage:” which was literally the only problem in 6v6

Id go on but at this point itd be faster listing the things that ow2 does right: they know how to squeeze as much money as possible from support whales before abandoning them completely lmao