So many critical issues with the game right now

I’ve lost count.

How did Overwatch 2 become so much worse than Overwatch 1? It feels like a severely unbalanced skinfest with a horrible matchmaker.


Incompetence and hardheaded decision making.


I think way too many people have rose colored glasses when looking at OW1. OW1 was the inferior OW, and I’ll stand by that


Lol, had to look at their account to even figure out what they are talking about. Still don’t know.

But this is pretty funny.

I can't take competitive seriously

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It is ironic because the matchmaking is sus specifically to compensate for their precious role queue.

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Tbh, the issue is that they need to equalize queue times.

Because not only does it fix that, but his complaints probably boil down to inconsistent skill level on the scarce amount of GM Tank players.


Short answer: 5v5

Longer answer: a series of bad management decisions and losing a great deal of talent that made Ow 1 a 2016 hit.

There was a format that ow was designed to play as. It has been changed somewhat to be more deathmatch like even though the older maps are way too spacious for that kind of gameplay.

We got the 2nd stringers now doing there best to develop this game while being understaffed. It is what it is and Blizzard will get what they paid for.


Yep. People have been complaining about balance, matchmaking, etc. since day 1. The game has been “trash” and “dying” for 8 years, so…


Mind you, 6v6 only started to fail the moment they started doing changes around the same reason why they went with 5v5 eventually: Viewership metrics and popular ‘‘watchable’’ DPS hero pandering over everything else.

5v5 only exists because DPS players wanted tanks to be stompable by hitscans, and to do that in OW1 they nerfed tanks until they no one wanted to play the role.

Its been a domino effect of constant meta enforcing and the bad outcomes that happen from it.


More like “Hour long queue times had better quality matchmaking”.

Particularly in a relatively small playerbase filled with diehards, who continued to play through a 3 year content drought.

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How dare you speak the truth here.

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I kind of agree but I think many people have such nostalgic memories from OW1. I had much more fun in OW1 because of who I played with. I guess the game is “better” now (is it?) but I’d go back for the memories.

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I mean if you read the post he had a point: comp before role lock was a joke, and the smurf problem has never really gone away

Anyway 6v6 betta

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Bad queue times.

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Most high rank tank players have left by now, good luck working with the diamond at best tanks still playing

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Yes, queue times are bad rn. Worse than they ever were for me in 6v6

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Its definitely not better. Some would call it overwhelmingly negative


Which is a fixable problem, by equalizing popularity between Roles.

As compared to the unfixable problem of 6v6.

And if I didn’t know better, I would think that incompetence has rubbed off on the other dev teams right now -

See: World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 2 having a raid lockout bug (discovered today), which they fixed but in the process broke their authentication servers for ALL versions of WoW (retail, SoD, Wrath Classic, etc. etc. etc.).


No it was more like 5v5.

And week 1 launch math proves it.

Ow 1 sold over 50 million.

People can play Ow 2 for free. They saw 5v5 and as the devs reported 30 million logged on.

You can play the game for free now, 20 million saw or heard the news of 5v5 and said NOPE.
Not logging in even if it’s free.