I can't take competitive seriously

I just can’t when there are such massive flaws in it.

  1. Still no role select. This is my main concern.

You have to pray everytime you queue that you don’t join a team with 4-5 dps mains. It’s just so stupid i can’t find words for it.

By role select i don’t mean HERO lock.

Before you queue up for a game you choose if you wish to dps, tank or heal. While in-game you can only switch between heroes in your selected role.

  1. Players throw or smurf on their alt accounts.

They play seriously on their main accounts and then login to their alt and throw with Hanzo or smurf in a lower rank.

I understand that players might want to play with friends who are in a lower rank but i really think you shouldn’t be able to play COMPETITIVE with an alt account. It just creates too many problems.


I have no idea why this post game up in my related posts, but I just thought I’d necro it because it applies today. Have a nice day.

I’d like to nominate Sussudio for the worst idea ever. It was all downhill from here.

Think the original poster of this still plays? If you ask me they probably joined a cult. Why, I dont know, why not? Lots of people join cults everyday and its fine and totally normal. You hear that girlfriend person, its fine not a big deal! Stop freaking out. Sorry just venting, GF freaking out cause she thinks im in a cult and its like, whoa, I choose to wear this track suit and shave my head okay.

Hey, calm down there, fashionista monk! I mean, who wouldn’t want to rock a track suit and a clean-shaven head? It’s like the unofficial uniform of the effortlessly cool and zen. If joining a cult means I get to upgrade my wardrobe and finally achieve that aerodynamic feel, sign me up! But seriously, it’s all good; sometimes, people just want to channel their inner cult-chic. No need for the girlfriend to panic – it’s not a cult, it’s a fashion movement with a side of spiritual flair. Namaste in style, my friend! :om::sparkles:

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Exactly! Ive tried to explain the ritualistic stuff and chanting, hunger strikes, and talk of the cloud people that walk among us is just secondary to the fashion and the lifestyle. Shes just being closed minded.

Competitive is a JOKE.
Its basically Quick play with added tiers and pressure to “perform” well. I actually liked the self healing update. HOWEVER, pairing you in teams that are insufficient kinda destroys the whole purpose of competitive. You guys need someone who has ideas that actually make sense. You need someone on the outside to give you guidance because Overwatch 2 will simply be forgotten very soon.
Ps: Quick play might be silly but at least you know what you sign up for when you play, and its actually much more convenient compared to Comp.
Do better, or im uninstalling.

devs don’t read the forums, you are yelling into the void.

The old devs did. But that stopped in like 2018. Some used to come here in disguise to mingle amongst the players. Now though yeah, I highly doubt they see anything posted on here.