So is this how we balance stuff now?

I’m now convinced they have a meta calendar and are throwing out nerfs to get you to stick to bunker season on the calendar.

Anecdotal data is never a good reference, cause we all have different experiences, but if we go with that:

More people started successfully using Symmetra, evidently stated here in the forum with people complaining about their matches against her and she was in everyone’s matches regardless of map.

I also personally noticed Mercy’s pocketing me ALWAYS, as opposed to before, when people didn’t realise Symmetra’s potential and would just ignore her.

It’s annoying, cause I constantly got people claiming they reported me for picking her, even if I was doing most of the kills and got most damage done during a match with her (pre-bugfix)

u dont really need a high IQ to notice beams are super strong right now on Live. with super strong i mean super duper strong, zaria could make 6k dmg on 1 single round in volskaya that is not a pretty long map. watching sym and zarya melting 200 hp heroes in 1 sec was fun tbh but probably frustrating for enemy team

as a former main who hates playing against beams, so what? shields are super strong. beams are their counter. deleting beams only makes bunker too strong again. but hey, that’s the plan, it’s on the calendar and we’re only allowed to escape the bunker when they decide it’s a season for a new meta.

Instead of multiple comps all being viable at the same time and playing against each other, blizz seems to have a philosophy that only two tanks and only one comp can be viable at a time.

Most dps can kill someone is well under a second though wtf why is sym now a problem

A ton of em have instant kill. But naw the close range squishy hero is the problem

Nanoblade anyone? :sweat_smile: Almost no counter, now that brigitte is out of the race. At least me as supporter find heroes like Genji, Hanzo, Tracer much more annoying than Symmetra.

You are just realizing this now?

Where were you when they gutted hog and brought out mercy 2.0 in the same patch.

They ruined this game with terrible balance, slow content release, slow patches, and poorly designed new heroes.

The classic reason to nerf a hero is because something is unfun to play against, statistics aren’t necessarily considered. However, when someone wants something buffed or improved on then conveniently responses are typically based on pick rate or win rate, which these two metrics alone don’t solely define whether something is completely fine. Mercy is just one example of this exact problem.

Something being blatantly overpowered is usually a pretty good reason. It seems like the community, using stats, are more objective than the developers who are working to a basis of just whatever they decide they like. Players generally will tolerate a lot of ‘things they don’t like’ if they can look up some data, and see it’s not having too negative an effect on their overall performance.

That’s not how the devs seem to see it, so this is how Hanzo can keep going as strong as he is, while Sombra, Symm, Zarya, can get nerfed even though no one is really using them.

People upvote this?

We have no idea. Blizzard can see mountains of more data than we can.

We can certainly get an idea from our own matches and what we see. That’s often reflected in forum posts when something is egregiously wrong. People haven’t been complaining about these heroes. We don’t see them used much and we don’t have trouble fighting against them.

No offense to anyone here but thankfully Blizzard does not balance based on forum complaints

looks at Sombra

They very obviously do.

Just play a shimada or the french woman. You will be guaranteed only good stuff.

What do you mean now? That’s how they’ve “balanced” the game for years.

Hmm, since when? If a complaint is made loud and long enough, particularly when supported by at least a few popular well know professional players, popular content creators and/or streamers, it seems to happen eventually.

You didn’t read the whole thing. Blizzard MAY have data that shows Zarya and Sym are op but since they don’t tell us I can’t comment on it. I can look at recent nerfs regarding Sombra and be left with some pretty scary conclusions about off-meta picks. If they told us why they nerfed them I wouldn’t have made this post but they just threw it out there with zero explanation. That’s no ok.