Why are they including coat of arms on some flags like Austria? And Poland too? Officially aren’t their flags just the bands of color?
some countries (like Poland) have variations for different circumstances
I wished they used the Germany Bundeswappen flag too. I have a 3 ft by 5 ft one hanging in my bedroom window.
it is my wish too, but luckily Rein have it on his chest in Bundeswehr skin
There are actually polish communities here in Brazil!
Some cities have very strong polish ascendancy and people from them are very careful to preserve their culture and last names.
We informally call them “polish colonies” xD But we use the word “colony” with an entirely different connotation (a very imprecise one )
Thank you for the info and it’s really cool that the colors are straightforward with their meaning. It’s a lot more about the people than the landscape - which “is” our case in Brazil.
Polish culture never ceases to amaze me. I hope I get to live there someday, or at least visit for a long period of time.
Thank you for the reply!
yop, theres few million (as i remember arround 5) people of polish heritage in Brasil (Brasil it self has preety interresting mix and history if its about population that i learned a bit during previous world cup)
fun fact-theres at least the same or even more people abroad with polish heritage than in Poland it self… biggest ‘Polish’ city is Chicago
in USA alone theres arround 10 million people who openly admits their heritage and tens of millions with polish background
there were few waves of emigartion - to Brazil was during and after uprisings, because terror that partitioners imposed just chased people away searching for freedom and new life
theres a lot of commonly unknown facts in US and not only
btw. about fun fact and ‘colonies’
there was a duke from Kurland (at that time knon as polish ‘inflanty’ (at that time it was region of Polish 1st Republic … yea that famous one) who bought isle from Portugese
they called it st. Andrew isle
and before they made purchase they ASKED if local people want to be our colony XD
this was propably only colony where people HAD RIGHTS
but very soon after everything fell apart and partitions started and colony was lost (if i remember it correctly Netherlands took it)
its 16.00PM in LA, so i guess we wont get info/answer anytime soon?
people sit here to 1AM waiting… but this is what we get - zero response
Probably pushed it back to next summer games to have a bunch of flags for filler.
Just hope they don’t add it during the event then everyone will just get it for free without having to grind a box for it. If it’s not available during the entirety of the event they could just give it to everyone after.
or make us wait a year until the next summer games
or MAYBE just maybe … they will publish it in 3 days… August 15th is Polish Armed Forces day, established on aniversary of battle of warsaw… this could be great moment…
we have summer games event baised on olypics and sports
we also have right now european championships in athletics… oh look who is leading, isnt it country with removed flag?
Interesting, why not just use the Russian flag as a historical placeholder?
I am afraid you might be right. That would explain radio silence.
Meanwhile Im waiting for Croatian flag player icon
troll 1.23/10
and this is the worst… lack of info … simply few words would do
‘it is in rework’
‘was pushed back’
‘copy right issue’
we know its there, but why not here
Can we get more eastern European countries flags? I mean at least those in the EU for god sake.
That’s Activision-Blizzard for you
yea… Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian… theres many, many players from those countries
but i guess its NA point of wiev
I luckly got my country, Romania (Eastern Europe)