So, I was right about tanks

people were losing their minds about the tank buffs. People were saying “oh no, tanks are gigabuffed now, they will be raid bosses now.”

I think back then people were not realizing how weak the tanks have been. They think because a tank has big HP, it’s a raid boss. No, absolutely not. Big HP just helps us not to die in 0.1 second burst windows. But just because we survive 1-2 deaths per match, doesn’t mean we are raid bosses. We, tanks, are still neutered and chastised. Like Hodor. We are big and strong, but we cannot do much.

Even after all these “giga buffs” if the enemy dps is actively countering you, all you can do is play a tank that survives a bit better and pray that your dps wins.

So the buffs were correct, a massive W for the dev team.

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The storm of crocodile tears has been weathered. I believe these tank changes are here to stay, baby!


And they were right. Winston is stupid broken. FIX IT

i mean in some cases they are…i think theres a fine line between being tanky and being a force of nature…

i fundamentally disagree with this statement.

thats a good thing though. if playing tank is all that mattered in order to win a game, i think people would “hate tanks” even more than they already do. i see several posts of people complaining about ball, dva, winton, hog, mauga, everywhere… if they really truly made tanks unkillable without addressing the concerns people have with tanks overall, that would be a very bad idea. but yea, it is fair that a team game requires team effort to win… that is expected, not a surprise by any stretch of the imagination

heavily disagree, as there is literally no other way to explain how a wrecking ball one trick player is consistently the top 1 tank in t500. if he couldnt “do much” then that would not be possible at all, let alone on a single hero for almost the entire time. in fact, i would go as far as to say tanks can do A LOT right now, but the extent of that “a lot” is heavily dependent on both teams and the circumstances of the match

Though I think some tanks maybe need tweaks. ahem D.VA


I can’t believe anyone ever complained about tank buffs.
If I play tank, I want to FEEL like a walking mountain. If I shoot a tank, I want to FEEL like I’m trying to move mountains. I want tank-killing to be a concentrated team effort. I’m so sick of knocking tanks out of the park in 1v1 battles, or watching my own tank immediately die whenever I take a moment to peel away.
Tanks shouldn’t be overly powerful in terms of damage dealt, but they should certainly be SOLID, at the very least.

Tank buffs come at the expense of everyone in the match who isn’t a tank is the primary concern. Especially dive tanks where your only options are to hope your team helps you, be playing one of the small portion of characters who can escape or just die.

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99% cases there’s a reaper and bastion against my winton, and I have to play 5d chess. Very broken yeah…


people complain about everyone and everything and everywhere. we need to filter which complaints are valid. People were calling pre-buffed tanks “raid bosses.” Hope they can see how ridiculous they were.

Let’s not use 0.0000000000000000001% of the playerbase as an argument.

If there are specifically designed tank busters, like bastion, torb, reaper, mei, means tanks should have an option to survive that as well. Otherwise it’s unfair and gatekeeps the entire role.