So I tried the current Mercy, and

As a Mercy main I don’t even care whether Mercy is a meta-pick or not, I always played her regardless of what other people said but nowadays she isn’t even fun to play anymore.
Rez feels terrible and her Ult is a free spectator-ticket for seeing your whole team die from a distance while you press M1 for that whopping 50 hps. There isn’t even any use in saving it for a teamfight because any offensive ult from the enemy team makes it completely irrelevant.


Just have to Adapt I’m a mercy main. And I no longer rely on my team to protect me so I played in FFA as Mercy to practice shooting took awhile but now I can actually protect myself and get kills. And when my team dosen’t need healing I will Join and shoot the shield or the enemy to build my Ult Faster.

I get the feeling blizzard just wanted to see less of mercy for a while which is why they dropped the healing back to 50hp/s. 60hp/s is what made her viable in the first place when they buffed it.

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Good post, the tea is excellent today

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I almost always get my resses off. Wanna know why? Because I can only ever f***ing use it before or after a fight. In conclusion, Resurrect is really pointless since you are either only going to be doing it after a fight or to res a teammate that got picked off.


I 100% agree with you. I was shocked to find that 9/10 of my matches now, I’m getting out-healed as Mercy, and dying more often trying to res, than Ana and Moira. She seems very weak as of now like she was back in 1.0. The problem is that her resurrection being on E is so badly executed, that doesn’t compensate for her weaknesses.

I wonder how many people who are still saying “I’m fine with Mercy” actually played the hero for more than a few hours. As someone who mains the hero, she feels absolutely terrible to me. It’s time to bring her back to where her kit actually made sense, and start over with tweaks. Bring mass res back into the ultimate. It’s time for a revert.

“This Rework was a Huge Success”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Hell you dont even have to pocket brig in lower elo. She is immortal down there. Brig needs a full rework period.

Yeah expecting players to be good enough to kill her is absurd

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You are all just playing her wrong.

She’s a Deathmatch hero now. I win all the time using her there. So uh. Go play deathmatch. Whats a heal/damage boost amirite?

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Nothing about her changed except her healing output.If you want her to be able to rez successfully you gotta deffend her as always.

I am going to keep saying this until people get it. ANA AND MERCY DO NOT HAVE THE SAME ROLE.

Ana is a flex SUPPORT along with Zen and Moira. Mercy and Lucio are main SUPPORTS.

Mercy and Lucio peel for their fragile supports, like Zen and Ana.

As long as resurrect is in the game, she will always be an issue.

Mercy’s problem right now is that ana has made a slow push to being a must pick. Ana and mercy together aint the greatest combo. Ana, lucio, and brig are all better picks at least in terms of community perception.

It’s funny how lowering a beam from 60 HPS to 50 HPS can nerf a hero into the ground again at least in terms of perception.

There really is no reason to play mercy even in low end if you can pick moira. Moira/brig is pretty braindead and carries hard in low elo.

I’m a support main and tank fill. But Ana is my main.

Before the rework, I could always consider who is the best pick between Ana, Lucio, and mercy. (I don’t play zen because he’s meant to be more dps focussed)

Is everyone close together and have a solid front line tank? Ana or Lucio. Did someone go main or off support? Match them accordingly.

Is everyone spread out or in some form of dive? Lucio or mercy. No supports buts me? Mercy. Otherwise, Lucio. Dps aren’t that vertically mobile? Lucio.

Enemy team have a dps that keeps wiping us? Mercy.
Enemy team has very strong healing or a lot of damage? Ana.

Map has good sight line and granny access? Ana.
Map has good walls (before the wall ride changes)? Lucio

After the rework? Everyone one of those situations, mercy would work better. Valk, rez, rez, dodge everything while healing. Valk made everything about mercy’s kit easier: you didn’t need peeling, you didn’t need ally positioning, you didn’t need to take cover, you didn’t need ammo.

Every answer to a comp was “mercy would be better”, but I didn’t want to play her every game, so I stopped playing her at all. You want mercy? you play mercy.

Now Bliz forced themselves to nerf her base kit because valk and rez can’t fit with it. They had to find some way to cram in an mode that makes everything just easier and a rez that only cares about what time it is not how well you’re doing.

This rework has been a bane on the entire game, split the community so much it’s probably the Grand Canyon, and demonstrated the worst game “balancing” decisions I’ve ever seen. And yet, they still try to claim “we don’t buff weaknesses unless we absolutely have to”. You buffed her every weakness and acted confused when she became op and now you have to water her down to make up for it.

The only good thing is she’s not the best support anymore.

“What did it cost?”


what the hell? Mercy was intended to be a primary healer, because, what else can she do other than healing?

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here’s another way to possibly avoid all those ults without Valk, other than being more careful with GA:


Video version :wink:


I love how they throw the “current” mercy like she was ultra nerfed or something. They LITERALLY made her heal 50hps instead of 60hps and people is throwing BS about her mobility.

Like she was fully reworked or something …

Yeah no. She is still a great healer, ez value ez plays, just not so massive healing output.

Not that I want to cry tears for mercy. But her healing output was never the issue. It’s that wonderful ability you get from hitting e on the keyboard. THAT WAS THE ISSUE


IMO what makes Valkyrie bad is that it makes every part of a non-ult Mercy easier. Sure, you can say that mass rez was just as easy but it was different from what you’re doing the whole match. it was like a burst of healing, unless your allies are alive. And its really frustrating when you look at the support category and people easily say “choose what support is best for the situation” because we don’t have much choice.