So I tried the current Mercy, and

I disagree - Just because a character can be ‘made to work’ for some does not automatically make them actually balanced characters. I was great with original Symmetra, and I can make the rework work - that doesn’t inherently make one or the other automatically balanced just because I as a player can find ways to utilize the characters.

Instead you should look at the bigger picture outside of just what you are able to accomplish and consider the broader player base when considering character balance changes. It will result in fairer opinions across the board and is a good rule of thumb when making critique.


What great advice, I’m sure Blizzard loves it when people like you tell other people to just stop playing their game. ._.

The point of feedback and criticism is because we love this game, and we’re tired of seeing Blizzard blatantly ignore everything we’ve ever said, and just continued to nerf Mercy over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!

They couldn’t give two snaps about what we think. But does that mean we should just meekly lie back and let them screw us over? No! I want our voices to be heard for once. They can’t keep up this arrogant streak of “lol we feel mercy is fine and doesnt need changes”, then go and add even MORE stupid nerfs.


Thank you for standing up for Mercy mains. We want Ana to remain viable too. Much love.


The point is to learn valuable life lessons in humility and accepting frustration.

Revert back to mass Resurrect! Fix your mistakes!


Dunno. I played comp on plat some hours ago and rez was successful in 70-80% situations. But yeah, Mercy isn’t in good spot rn.

mercy fell victim to herself and the way she was designed, aside from that her being this strong for such a long time was a mistake not for ow but for mercy as a character.

Mercy demands way less skill and effort to play than other healers, if she ever regains her post nerf healing potential, suddenly we will be thrown back to the Mercywatch all over again.

For the better experience of the game, Mercy should be a niche/situational hero as she is now. Easy hero should never be versatile and viable in all comp & situations.

Mercy needs a buff in Valkirye.


She was fine until the rework, her healing was buffed in September of 2016. Healing was never the problem.

Not sure if you’re talking about rework Mercy, but pre-rework Mercy was a niche, underpowered pick. Her design was fine because resurrect was her ultimate, where it belonged. So, by this logic, it is the dev team’s mistake the rework was a disaster, not “Mercy as a character”.


She was never fine before the rework with her mass rez that went against the spirit of the game, and her original hps had been 50 hps. She only got buffed to 60 hps to compete with Ana. Ana heal got significantly nerfed since then, so it s time for Mercy heal to go back down.

The only thing I can see a buff for Mercy as of now is 60 hps during her valk only.

The only reason I play Mercy nowadays (as a support main) is for 2cp matches where I’m defending point A, and can get possible cheeky rezzes off on someone who does, acting like a glorified personal sym teleporter from spawn back to the fight

I never get prework mercy was niche. mercy had problems only in season 2 and 3 thats all. she was picked in season 1, season 4 was ok and season 5 was mercies dominance over other support.

in season 3 and on wards it was mercy mains who kept calling mercy boring to play and wanted some parity to make her interesting to similar to ana.
to simply just blame the devs is simplistic, it is both sides fault.



Care to elaborate?

Indeed but when the 50HP nerf was announced Ana got a huge buff. The rest of the support roster also got decent buffs.


This “rez wasnt the right playstyle” thing only became an excuse until after jeff started talking about it in the update. Surely whoever play tested this game must have known that it promoted hiding from the very beginning right? And they even joked about it when mercy would “hide just to get potg” or the “huge rez” spray. It suddently became “the wrong playstyle” after ana was dead and mercy was the only good main healer on ladder. And lets not pretend it even was the main way of playing her anyways.


I’m Mercy main and this my opinion.

I hated the nerf but please we have to stop saying that Mercy is unplayable.
Mercy still can be played, but now you have more options.
Before, most of the teams have Mercy in their team with another healer and some times just Mercy ( Yes, I saw that ).
Now with the nerf there are many options that you can choose from them.
You want Rez? go Mercy ( Do not tell me she die in 80% time when she Rez, because I don’t ), you still need the Rez like when you have to defend the objective and you have a died Junkrat with his alt.
You want a to pocket someone? go Ana, or Mercy for Pharmercy
You want huge heal that can cover all the team? Moira or Ana
You want DPS + healer? go Brig or Zen
You want a healer that is good for pushes? go Moira, Ana, or Lucio

Also, it depends on the map.

BTW, Mercy is still picked because of her ability ( Guardian Angel ) that make her hard to be killed, most of the times I played the full team die and I don’t so I go back and regroup with them and we re-push again in short time!

See? you have many options.

As I told you, I hated the nerf, but you have to deal with it and stop crying about what happened and hope this is the last nerf for her

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I played Mercy before they nerfed her healing - even mained her in comp. I actually enjoyed playing her because I could see I was turning the tide for my team. The heals I was outputting were literally keeping my team alive so even though I was basically a healbot, it was sorta gratifying to know that without me; my team would have lost.
Then they nerfed her healing. I played her once afterwards and felt so incredibly useless. Why on Earth would I play this hero now? I was already sacrificing so much by playing her - I can’t attack/DPS. I’m at the mercy (no pun intended) of my team’s decisions and positioning. I’m also incredibly vulnerable. When I go for that rez I have to hope my team have my back and are covering me just in case I’ve been baited.
I put up with all of that because she was the best healer. And now you take away the only reason I had for playing her? Bye Mercy. Ana main now. And the sad thing is, I was an Ana main in QP all along. 90+ hours on her. I always wanted to play Ana in comp but I knew Mercy was more viable. I feel so sorry for all the Mercy mains right now. Your character has been butchered. I’m sorry.


Yes she can. If her team doesn’t repeatedly go in 1v5/6 then her healing is fine.

If this is your success rate with rez then you’re definetly not playing mercy right.

I’ve escaped so much with mercy’s ult. Genji blade, D’va bomb, rein shatter ( Not that it takes much right now to avoid a rein shatter ).

it may not FEEL impactful but it is.

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They’re going to nerf everything until she has garbage mobility (she’s meant to be mobile), weak heals (she’s a main healer and the only dedicated healer) and a busted E rez (remember when they said they didn’t like her hiding and stopping her heals to rez?)

On the flip side, I’m enjoying Moira and Lucio more :slight_smile: