So I played Tracer all of yesterday and today and

she’s still garbage lol. I don’t know why she got a damage buff. No tracer is saying her problem was damage. Her problem is spam damage and one-shots constantly forcing her out of the fight. She needed an hp or recall buff. Her damage was fine and is fine. It’s her survivability that sucks which is supposed to be one of her main strengths.


In my opinion Tracer’s main problem is not one specific to her, but rather the fact that sustained damage is way too easily mitigated by enemy healing. I genuinely believe this needs some kind of global change in the game.

Alternatively, a reduced reloading time would’ve helped her to some extent by decreasing the TTK of skilled Tracers, but this falloff buff does little to help a hero whose optimal range is 10m or less due to bullet spread – and not falloff.

I played for 4 hours yesterday. I’ll admit there were moments I thought maybe I could feel the difference, but my resulting stats in the session were roughly in line with my average Tracer stats this month.

My damage was up a negligible 30 points per 10 compared to my average for the month. My elims were slightly below average. My final blows were significantly below average (which may be due to enemy Moira being in nearly every match, dishing out massive amounts of healing). My deaths were average and my pulse kills were slightly above average.

This data is just from one personal session though. I’ll keep playing to see if things change.


Tracer is so op, I mean I can’t even hit her, that’s definitely the character’s fault and not my own.
pls nerf
thread summed up


Part of the problem is power creep, Genji and Tracer 2 heroes who used to be considered good are now some of the lowest picked damage heroes across all ranks. Mei is arguably overtuned currently, Mccree has received multiple buffs, Doomfist is well doomfist no explanation needed, Reaper’s life steal was buffed, and torb was reworked. Also things like Immortality field don’t help much either

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Yeah, I’m not really noticing much of a difference.

There were a couple times I was surprised that I managed to finish off a fleeing target (Soldier sprinting away, Baptiste jumping away, etc.) That felt odd after getting used to her old range, but it was pretty negligible. Only MINORLY noticed it.


Brujjjjj… The endlessly stacked kill denying mechanics have gotten wildly out of control! Trying to kill someone? Nope. Immortality! By the time you destroy the field, the target has a Zarya bubble on them. When the bubble breaks and you finally kill the target, Mercy rezzes them when you inevitably have to reload.

Try to kill them again and guess what? Zarya bubble back off CD. Bubble breaks and guess what? Immortality back off CD. Destroy the field and guess what? Rez back off CD.

Who designed this nonsense? :joy:


That stems from ultimates still being in the game, unfortunately. Yes they’re cool… but they shouldn’t be in competitive, imo.

Immortality field has kinda made dragon blade useless without nano boost it sucks

At least you can kill it in two slashes now instead of three.

That’s IF you can dance between barriers, avoid CCs, avoid random one-shots, and out damage 400 hps in the first place. :joy:


I can see that. It can be really frustrating to play against but Baptiste is my most played healer now, and immortality has become such a guilty pleasure. :sweat_smile: Feels like I’m cheating the system and I secretly like it. Shhhh…


Idk why people liek you think that a thread is made because a player has had difficulty with a certain hero. NONE of my posts are about that.

This post is more about how the future of PW will be changed in yet again the wrong direction do to heavy handed buffs.

Yes because we measure any and all balance questions on - “JuST ShoOT HeR In THA HeD”…

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Change your playstile for new just added to her kit specially, to avoid spam damage … look how iddqd playing her at least, he is just poking from highrounds abusing this new falloff range, then go to finish of low targets.

learn to move on her.

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Yeah, Tracer’s in the same boat as Genji and Soldier right now. After dive, sustain damage just fell out of favor and never came back. Some of the things that caused that are still things that I feel the game is better off with. Like the Hanzo rework. It definitely contributed to burst damage being king, but before his rework, he wasn’t that good. It’s more the overall powercreep that really hurt, especially the powercreep they added during GOATS.

I do feel she is doing better, but mainly because I’m not seeing so much double barrier and Winston and D.Va are seeing more play. That, plus the fact that I’m seeing people play dive and Tracer again, and it’s probably going to take people some time to get back into the swing of things. Especially if they’re playing Hammond. ba-dum tssh

The falloff buff isn’t completely useless, but the benefits are pretty negligible. It only really helps her at range against block-shaped heroes. Heroes like every tank, McCree, Brigitte, Doomfist, those kinds of heroes. But against Genjis or Moiras or Widows or Hanzos, it’ll be about the same. At least from what I’ve seen. So it really just helps her in non-dive setups since that’s when you tend to see the heroes that her falloff is more reliable against. So even if she isn’t the best DPS to pick in those situations, she will at least be viable in those situations. That’s my first impression on the results of the buff.

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Right, they’re measured by statistics and how long a hero has been in the dumpster. The longer of course meaning that they don’t fit into ANY meta, not as a meta pick, but as a viable hero that isn’t a throw pick. Tracer has had terrible stats for a year over three different metas. A hero shouldn’t be tied to one meta, “it’s not x meta? guess y hero should just stay trash then!”. They should atleast have a 50% wr in all metas which tracer has not had in any rank, including gm, across all metas after dive.

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The buff was decent, probably should of been added a while back and gives her more places where she is a bit more viable.

That said while Moira is meta, tracer probably will never be meta unless she becomes OP. The massive AoE healing his hard the frag through and the spam/auto aim dmg is enough to put tracer into one shot range quickly.

Your first statement invalidates just about everything else you said. That is not the criteria they use.

She’s got a mobility advantage through and through up into Plat, always has, always will. No amount of squirming around on statistics will change that. She wasn’t played mainly because of Brig for about 1.5 years of that, due to that broken kit. Now with Brig corrected, we give a nerf.

I’m not saying she’s going to be OP, but to lay it all on the person who lost the fight… that’s a bit much.

You should try tracer with doomfist and wrecking ball. Mccree can’t stun all 3 heroes at once lol.

Oh wise one, please tell me what criteria Blizzard uses if it’s not statistics and data on how long a hero has been bad.