So I just realized

“she was designed with 5v5 in mind” = “We forgot our game has snipers”


close range + cc + brawler

kinda obvious lol, aside from the character designs and themes

Id imagine shes only playable on certain control maps

But she plays very different than Roadhog does.

It looks like she continually self heals though?

Which isn’t that important if you’re bursted down to almost no health instantly.
Also, AntiHeal from Ana basically makes that irrelevant.


Two things. First, the least important. We don’t know the numbers on her self heal. It’s not likely, but possible, that her self heal is potent enough to deal with spike damage of that nature.

Second, and far more important, why are you trying to force JQ (or Zarya, elsewhere in the thread) into a Widow? Neither has any vertical mobility at all, nor any meaningful way to mitigate the sniper.

In a game where you have Rein, Winston, Ball, Doom, even

Not everything needs to work everywhere and against everything. Stop homogenizing every hero with this nonsense! Right tool for the job. Sometimes Zarya is really strong. Sometimes she isn’t. And that’s ok. JQ looks to be similar.

Shotgun brawl tank definitely isn’t the best against snipers to be sure

We still need to see how much she can heal per second though, and also she has an ability that’s instant +200 hp

Because I’m not really concerned with high tier meta.

I’m concerned with the idea that devs should strive to make it so that no tank is an automatic throw pick at any ELO.

Since it’s gonna get EXTREMELY TOXIC when there’s only 1 Tank per team, and no Role switching, and some Tanks may just be so laughably bad on certain maps that it’s an automatic loss within the first 5sec of the game.

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thats the thing with overwatch tho. sometimes they may have to redesign a hero so they are very good high tier but not op in the lower tiers. sorta like if rein normal kit got buffed to be good in the highest tiers he would be DOMINANT in low tiers. soldier is very good right now currently in ow1 in low to mid tiers but ok in high tier. imagine if they buffed him to be dominate in high tier. you would see soldier 24/7 across all ranks lol

Well yeah, I know it’s important. And it’s going to happen.

But GreyFalcon, personally, is 100% concerned with Queue Times and the overall success of the game.

Not just a reductive “Are the top 5% of players happy”.

That said, it’s totally possible to balance in a way that makes almost all ELOs happy simultaneously.

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ana maybe? but i dont know if she is meta right now in ow1 currently since im not high tier lol. i think she is good across all ranks tho

Well it’s easy when you got me doing all the mental legwork on designing for that sort of stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Sleep Dart

  • Maximum sleep duration unchanged at 5.0 seconds
  • Initial Stun duration (I.e. Falling down animation) reduced from 1.0sec to 0.5sec
  • Wakeup Stun duration reduced from 0.5sec to 0.1sec

Biotic Grenade (AntiHealing Effect)

  • Duration increased to 4 seconds, up from 3 seconds
  • Blocks 100% of healing received on affected enemy players.
  • Blocked healing is stored as “Purple Health”.
  • “Purple Health” does not prevent death.
  • When the AntiHeal effect is over, all “Purple Health” is converted to normal health.
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heh nice. i’ve seen your balance threads, you have a bunch of ideas and they should hire you for the balance team. of course not every idea is perfect and they have to constantly balance but maybe a guy like you could help

That said, KevinAteNine’s idea is pretty good too. Possibly better.

The way I’m interpretting it is that Antiheal would mark 250hp as purple, and leave the rest of the healthbar on Tanks untouched. Possibly even allowing for that remaining portion of the healthbar to still be healed.

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Heh, well it’s not like professional developers could ever achieve that either.
I figure I do at least as well as a single dev in terms of design ideas.
Granted I don’t have a whole team of devs, and a playtest group to work with.

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That was basically my idea. Was that once someone was hit with an anti like 200 of their HP turns purple for 4 seconds. This would be great especially for the more tanky tanks since armor is the first thing that’s hit. Maybe it’s a nice way to make the really tanky heroes like Rein or Orisa be basically invulnerable to anti in most situations. But tanks with temp shield HP are still hurt by it but not as much.

Yeah wasn’t sure if the idea was only “The status effect cancels after # amount of damage taken” or “That portion of the healthbar just can’t be healed”.

I think this way is better. Again I just think it’s best for tanks with armor as I’d want it to only affect HP.

Well then, assuming you’re okay with it, I’ll probably go make a visual mockup of this idea later this weekend

And credit you, of course.

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