So I just realized

Junker Queen has zero armor, and 425hp, and Widow with a damage boost can headshot for 390 damage.

Also Junker Queen’s Ult paralyzes her for like 1.0sec cast time.



She looks more like a worse Roadhog the more I look at her.

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She is fodder for everything with range. She really has to hug corners.

Just a reminder: she should be as tanky as Bastion with the new armor :wink:

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That’s the thing.

Armor makes a huge difference in OW2.

Even having 1 point of armor drops a Widow headshot damage by 30%.

I was expecting like 100 armor or something on Junker Queen. Not zero.

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Make her 400 health and 100 armor and call it a day. I mean she is a tank and has to work as a solo tank. Roadhog has still more health and a huge instant heal on top of that!


Meanwhile OW1 Zarya (a hero designed with the assumption she has another tank to assist her) has 450 hp+shields.



Well, one could hope that this other idea I had goes through.

Originally I wrote it with the intent of helping squishy 200hp heroes avoid a Widow oneshot. With that 100hp overheal.

But it would help JunkerQueen herself it would seem.

If that’s where they are going, or would explain the utterly bizarre buff they did where Widow is back at 200hp.

Despite Widow getting indirectly gigabuffed in Overwatch 2.

And she can throw up 500hp worth of barriers.

But either way the suggested Widow change I had would help Zarya too

Brainstorming here: what about adding something else onto the tank passive - damage capping. If a tank receives what would be more than a third of their life in an instant, then the damage is instead set to a third of their life.

For example, a tank with 600 health would “only” take 200 damage from a Widow headshot. It doesn’t matter if the tank has armour, Discord on them, while being hit through IMAX - the damage cap means that any one hit will only do 200 damage.

Ultimates would be exempt from this rule because they’re special cases.

Sounds like that Baptiste rework I had in mind

Interesting to use it on Tanks.

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The hp is the first thing they’ll address with a tank methinks…I wouldn’t worry about it

I just hate that she’s not very unique….hog 2.0

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In terms of gameplay and (somewhat) in lore (since they’re both Junkers) to boot.

Why do you think shes Hog 2.0?

im pretty sure they will adjust her if she is terrible. cant have a brand new hero look bad :wink:

look at what happened to sojourn they buffed her a couple of times in the first beta and made sure she got a bit of spotlight in the owl

dont know if owl will still be going on in beta 2 with junkerqueen but if it is they will probably buff her enough to where she shows up? if owl isnt going on maybe they wont care?

Hey, certainly Blizzard has realised that with less shields, heroes like Widowmaker will be WAY too powerful. Surely … I mean, they’re professional, right?

Yeah who am I kidding, welcome to Overwatch 2: Respawn simulator. If the opposing team has a Widowmaker that’s half competent, you’ll see the respawn room way more than the actual map.

Yeah, but that’s just sniper stuff.

I’m pretty concerned tbh.

  1. Sounds like no changes to Ana on internal testing
  2. Big loud visually obvious warm-up with a lengthy cast time.
  3. Can not steer or cancel after casting the Ult.
  4. Orisa spears and Sleep Darts should be able to reliably cancel the Ult almost every time at higher ELO.
  5. Basically asking for a Sniper bullet or Arrow to the forehead.
  6. After she gets in, even the devs are saying a simple AntiNade will make all that selfhealing worthless.
  7. Stacking a guesstimate if 6sec of AntiHeal with a follow-up 3sec of Bionade AntiHeal is gonna be pretty dumb.

And what I thought of while watching it.

  • Buffing 200hp heroes up to 300hp with Commanding Shout would be a lot more worthwhile if Widow couldn’t headshot, or damage boost headshot for 300 damage (I.e. Widow base damage at 100, and damage boosts don’t affect the headshot modifier). Since the devs are basically saying otherwise the hero is kinda horrible on more open maps.
  • Steering would be nice (I.e. Doom charge punch). As well as the ability to cancel the Ult.
  • Either Ana needs changes, or Queen, Hog,, Doom need better counterplay options. (Or alternatively Tank passives that deal with Stuns/AntiHeal)
  • Also JunkerQueen Ult, given it’s lengthy startup obviousness and vulnerability should get the same benefit as the “Basically a matrix ability” on the Orisa spear spin.
  • The usual thought process of “Why would the devs think it’s healthy to have certain Tanks be automatic throw picks, when there’s only 1 Tank player on a team and nobody can swap roles.” Because us players can see that being a gigantic toxicity disaster just waiting to happen.

more like hog/doom 2.0…

hook + vulnerability + combo dependency + little team focus (outside of her shout which reminds me a bit of that one ability they gave hog way back when in that first experimental)

didnt they even say some of the stuff that ended up on her was stuff they had thought about for hog…shes like an improved version of him

I think they play pretty differently though

Incidentally, the camera work in the trailer made the KnifePull look like a hook.

But it’s actually more like a reverse boop. With the same range as a Lucio boop.

I think they’re different because she can hit multiple enemies, wound them, and pull multiple enemies too instead of just 1. She can also stick it to surfaces, and wounded enemies heal her

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