So how's that bastion feedback coming along?

So, don’t know if anyone remembers this, but this was a comment made by Jeff Kaplan nearly a year ago. This truly did sound like the start of something good.

But what came out of this comment? Well, the only change bastion received since then was a mediocre at best change to self repair, which can’t possibly be the feedback they got on him.

So in the name of some of my favorite bastion mains here on the forums, I will say I have heard TONS of wonderful feedback on bastion, some of which manage to make him a much better pick without even touching sentry(his most controversial piece).

So again, i ask… how’s that feedback coming along blizzard? Any good ideas yet?


There is no such thing as feedback if the “pros” don’t say anything. Since they are not playing him they do not even mention him so… Blizzard does not care what everyone else has to say.

As true as this seems its false

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I think they should just rework him to a tank 24/7

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I think they realized Bastion as a concept is quite bad and they’re giving a larger scale change with OW2

Which means we’re stuck with Badstion for at least another year

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I don’t know if anyone even remembers Bastion.

That said. It sounds like a very diplomatic way to say no, we are not looking at Bastion.

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My feedback is that small changes can make just the right difference just where it’s needed.

We’re talking about only 3 changes of half-a-second:

  • The half second in Self-repair
  • The half second in transforming into sentry
  • The half second of Sentry’s spread shrinking

For example removing the cast-time delay on Self-Repair means Bastion isn’t so totally screwed by Hog’s hook. The hook still lands. But you can begin healing before your armour is entirely gone and can escape. You can’t do that now due to the half-second delay after activating self-repair before it begins healing.

Increasing the transformation speed into sentry also makes a huge difference, after being slept by Ana you can get back into sentry in time. Currently Sentry can easily be faster, it’s 0.5sec to exit sentry, it could be as fast entering sentry. Again, just a 0.5s sec change.

The speed of the spread shrinking was a step in the right direction but it’s such a small step. 1.33 sec is an eternity in overwatch, I understand the need to have the spread initially wide so the initial damage isn’t so overwhelming but people’s reaction times are good. The minimum spread really didn’t need to be smaller than 2.0 degrees of deflection, what matters is getting to that deflection quicker. Currently it takes 1.04 sec to shrink to 2 degrees of spread (then another 0.29 sec to shrink to 1.8 degrees) the final 0.2 degrees of shrinking is unnecessary. Shrink to 2.0 degrees in 0.5sec then stay at 2-degrees. Just another 0.5 sec change.

Also Ironclad applying while transforming seems small but is a huge deal as while transforming you’re still immobile, you’re still easy to hit. Just ONE hit without ironclad changes the time to kill by 50% (from 4 Pharah rockets to 3, that’s 3 attack intervals to 2)

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I think I wrote this at the time, but: that comment didn’t sound like the start of something good to my eyes. To me, it read as a formal way of saying, “We’re not changing Bastion”. It confirmed to me that he’s not getting anything until OW2, if even then.


No one cares anymore. Literally. Bastions been bad for so long people have gotten used to it. Sad to see really

I mean, you couldn’t see that the quote is clearly a standard customer service response? “Listening to feedback” doesn’t guarantee that they will heed it or do anything about it. He might as well have added “Thank you for choosing Blizzard, valued customer”

I really don’t know what to tell you.

It’s possible, but it’d definitely be a rework tbh, and we already know the rework time frame they’ve given it to us, they don’t want to rework someone in the middle of ow2 development because they could end up having to rework them again by the time its time to release ow2 so it’d be a waste of resources, that’s why the rework time frame has been confirmed to happen around the time where overwatch 2 is about to release and they’ll be pretty much 100% confirmed on the direction of balance they want to go

for instance since the barriers are weaker, chances are they might be thinking of nerfing his sentry damage in exchange for some other stuff

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no, its a very real response, theyre not gonna reply on a thread if it isnt a serious response, the devs dont post often at all even when they still posted, they arent gonna make one of those posts just a fake customer service response unless they mean it, especially from jeff kaplan, it wouldnt be him doing it, it’d be a forum mod