You being pointlessly passive aggressive
And what exactly do you suggest they do to become good in your eyes lol
There I’ll post that just in case you missed it.
I’m not sure why you find me being passive aggressive about a subject that you don’t understand to be hilarious, but, okay.
Well, yeah it’s subjective, but that’s because I like what the game is and always has been, and what that is isn’t popular as a concept. Many of the game’s “fans” have never actually been on board with the game’s core design.
OW is a PvP-only game that puts competitive integrity over everything else, emphasizes only winning, and does not cater to casual players. It also has a high barrier to entry and learning curve, and it’s designed for people to engage with its core mechanic (hero swapping) to do well.
Every one of those factors detracts from the game’s mass appeal, but they’re also why it’s good. The most popular games are popular because they don’t do these things. It’s frankly a good thing that OW’s design is so controversial. That’s how we keep from being every other game.
So glad Blizzard is doing a collab with one of my favorite KPOP groups again. Whats next, a Stay Kids collab?! A TWICE collab?! A MOMOLAND collab?!?!?!?!?

I’m not sure why you find me being passive aggressive about a subject that you don’t understand to be hilarious, but, okay.
That’s part of the funny part. You’re still doing it.
“about a subject that you don’t understand” is the online forum version of “do you know who I am”. Bro, we’re all anonymous here. You have no idea what I know or not and you’re trying to use this:

Who is the “they” you are talking about? Presumably the people producing and making animations for the TV Shows and the guys making the gameplay stuff like how fast the bullets shoot are completely different people.
You’re talking about it like OW starts making TV shows then all of sudden the Dev tuning the Winston bubble has less time on his hands to do that or something
To conclude whether I’m in business or not? It’s fine man but like you can do better than that. It’s really cringe to imply YOU know anything about business by doing that. Like come on, this is anonymous forum for a children’s videogame and whatever you think your IRL cred is worth, it’s not worth anything here just by talking like “it’s a subject you don’t understand (but I Applesoup DO understand)”
My point is, trying to talk down to people like that on HERE of all places is really cringe tbh. Let me put it for someone who isn’t a quantum rocket surgeon: do better bro.

What is Blizzard doing?
I wouldn’t mind a TV show.
The thing is, OW is very well known to almost every gamer.
I personally tried LoL before Arcane. I thought the game was not for me.
Then I watched Arcane and liked it.
I gave LoL a second chance because of the show.
Then I soon realized once again that the game is not for me.
So, I believe that the most important thing is the game itself, and TV shows are just a cherry on top.
There are countless games out there that are successful without TV shows.
Also, historically Blizzard didn’t want to develop the story of OW. There is not even an extensive written lore. Only some fragmented bits and pieces here and there.

To conclude whether I’m in business or not? It’s fine man but like you can do better than that. It’s really cringe to imply YOU know anything about business by doing that. Like come on, this is anonymous forum for a children’s videogame and whatever you think your IRL cred is worth, it’s not worth anything here just by talking like “it’s a subject you don’t understand (but I Applesoup DO understand)”
Uh, you, kushmerchant though, clearly do not.

“about a subject that you don’t understand” is the online forum version of “do you know who I am”. Bro, we’re all anonymous here. You have no idea what I know or not
I can tell by what you are saying though? What are you even talking about, lol. When you tell me that 2+2=5, I can tell that you are bad at math. Do you not understand that?
Sorry for trying to teach you about the topic at hand though, I suppose. Or whatever that rant that you just made was on about haha. I will refrain from trying to explain things to you in the future.

What do you think reaching a wider audience means? It means they reach more people, so more people will play their game.
No, reaching a wider audience means having more people who know of and enjoy Overwatch’s existence, which then provides the green light to continue expanding their IP even more with less restrictions (if things go well, of course).

And I’m not sure why you don’t like that they are spending more time developing the game than making tv shows, but, okay.
Because I don’t believe the game has enough steam left in it to even come close to amassing what it’s predecessor did, regardless of whatever new things they try to do with it/features they try to implement. They’re heading for a dead-end when there is clearly room to expand.

Last season it was a top 5 seller on steam. And hardly anyone even uses steam. There have also been over 100 million accounts made.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it exceptionally easy for a Triple A live service game to boost its “Top Seller” position via bundles and cosmetics? I’m pretty sure that’s what CoD BO6 is doing right now, as a matter of fact.
Also, 100 million accounts is an incredibly flabby set of data because of the nature of smurfs and such on a FTP game.

It would be cool to have the extra stuff, but you’re not here for the extra stuff now are you?
Technically, yes, I am. I have lost nearly all interest in the gameplay of Overwatch and I only ever started playing Overwatch because I was fascinated by the lore (aka cinematics). Without the story, Overwatch is just another TF2 clone, imo.
I don’t believe the game is capable of expanding upon that with the “PvP only” mindset (at least not to any satisfying degree).

There are countless games out there that are successful without TV shows.
Also, historically Blizzard didn’t want to develop the story of OW. There is not even an extensive written lore. Only some fragmented bits and pieces here and there.
Idk. I see it as a waste when the stage for a good story is already set. Overwatch’s setting and characters are already incredibly unique in design. All that’s left is to find someone to put the pieces into play and craft a story around it.
I see games as an interactive stepping stone for stories to transcend into the domain of TV Shows and Movies (preferably the former). There are plenty of games that I’ve played and thought “Wow, I’d love to see how these interactions would look animated” because, at the end of the day, video games aren’t that lively. It’s usually just an audio clip playing that fails to capture entire interaction in a way that other media forms do better.
Games allow you to interact with their world, but cinema allows you to witness their world. The important thing is neither games, nor movies. It’s their world.

hyper-focusing on the micro-adjustments
They aren’t balancing for the competitive side of the game at all. If they were, Widow/Ashe would be turbogarbage right now in all ranks, since Widow has caused more issues than literally every other hero combined, but they want her to be playable in metal ranks so they keep her gigabusted.
Also there is nothing “micro” about the sledgehammer approach to balance that they have taken so far. People complained about “not enough changes” enough for them to just change the game for the sake of it, throwing any semblance of balance left completely out the window.

They aren’t balancing for the competitive side of the game at all.
Competitive as in not having a wacky “everything is overpowered for the sake of fun” balancing. Not competitive integrity balancing.

Also there is nothing “micro” about the sledgehammer approach
Micro as in flip-flopping the amount of damage something does every season between 15 and 16. Not the number of changes themselves.
Its not like Blizzard would be able to pull off a movie of the Overwatch universe … right guys? Like we would need at least … IDK some short stories or storyboards, something that could be a foundation for that movie.
And definitely a capable team that could animate all of that. That would be insane.

a movie of the Overwatch universe
cough cough tv shows are better cough cough
But yes. This.
With the rerelease back into China via NetEase, a movie might be possible! China loves Western-made movies
they are focusing on pvp? then why pvp sucks? why we have so slow and lame updates o gameplay, balance patches, reworks, maps, modes?
Blizzard is selling a $100 kpop skin bundle next Tuesday. That’s what they’re doing! They don’t care about putting effort in to expanding the IP to other media outlets let alone expanding the game itself to be something other than a slop PVP game.
I mean jeez look at the brainwashed shills in the replies, they literally believe without a doubt that OW is a good game and that they’re even having fun. Blizzard games and their communities would be a great psychology study on just how easy it is to lie and manipulate people into literally wasting $100s of dollars on skins they don’t even own while having the audacity to tell everyone who criticizes Blizzard to screw off so they can stay within their delusions.

new vagus
Isn’t that the adult film based on the game New Vegas?
If you’re only engaging with a game IP for the extra stuff, then you only have yourself to blame for being frustrated. And deserve the frustration at that!

I can’t tell whether or not you’re complaining. I’m happy we’re focusing on PvP, though
I would be if we were; it doesn’t feel like we are.

It’s why our game is better than the rest.

If you’re only engaging with a game IP for the extra stuff, then you only have yourself to blame for being frustrated. And deserve the frustration at that!
That doesn’t really add up. An IP is essentially just a story. I don’t see why it would be illogical to be disappointed that a story you like isn’t being translated into your preferred form of media.