…when the rest of the industry is focusing on TV shows, Movies, and lore-based media. Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Minecraft, Warhammer, Fallout, Arcane, Witcher, etc. all are pursuing ways to reach an even wider audience by stepping into other forms of media with their own IPs. What is Blizzard doing?
Shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars for ad placements and hyper-focusing on the micro-adjustments they make for the competitive side of the game, while simultaneously snuffing out any social features with it’s excessive moderation.
So glad my favorite characters have become billboards for other IPs that I couldn’t care less about.
I also disagree with the idea that OW2 is on the same level as Cyberpunk, Witcher, Minecraft, Space Marine 2, or really most other games. It’s barely even competing in it’s own market as an FPS game.
Sonic did pretty well, Mario did pretty well, Detective Pikachu did pretty well, Cyberpunk edge runners restored Cyberpunks reputation, I think Arcane could be considered pretty good, and same with Fallout’s recent TV show.
The only ones that fail are ones done purely for earning more money’s sake with 0 passion for the games behind them (i.e. Witcher and Minecraft).
The game’s steam player-base supposedly doubled overnight during the release of the show.
Also, Fallout is a series of games, so more it would impact more than just the one that was put on gamepass.
I don’t keep track of gamepass because I don’t believe it’s sufficient enough information to dictate a games state. I was not aware that all 4 were on there.
I don’t know what this means, but I’ll assume it’s something along the lines of a premium version.
You realize they aren’t making video game movies to encourage people to play their games right? Or to “reach a wider audience?” They make video game movies because they already have a huge audience, and people want to watch movies based on the games.
If you think anyone watched the latest super mario movie and was like, “oh that looks cool I’m going to try out mario brothers now!” then you might be a… well, I don’t want to be mean, so I just won’t finish that sentence.
I’m sure they’re focusing the remaining 2% of their budget on gameplay instead of giving it all to collabs and advertising.
Phantom argument. Never said they were.
Yeah, or how about an actual comparison. I’m sure many people who weren’t interested in the IP of league of legends were very disinterested after season 1 of Arcane because otherwise, they would’ve gotten a second seas… oh wait.
You can expand an IP without funneling all of the viewers into a single form of media. It’s called branching out. Ad placements and collabs are not branching out.
It’s more than just a video game and I mean that in the literal sense, not some metaphorical BS. It has a characters, settings, and a plot that exist parallel to the game itself. Overwatch is an IP.
They have said it themselves that the difficulty in constantly creating new features/game-modes is making them survive beyond the brief novelty period of their initial release. They’ve been struggling to do so for a while now, even with PvP being their sole focus, so why not try something different by expanding into other forms of media?
The more important thing being making their own IP more sturdy, rather than relying on other IPs in the form of collabs. It’s short-term gain that will eventually burn out and leave their game as a dumpster for other IP’s to use for product placements and advertising (aka Fortnite 2.0, but less successful).
What do you think reaching a wider audience means? It means they reach more people, so more people will play their game.
But I guess you are just complaining that this video game doesn’t have a tv show so more people can … watch the IP or something? Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to complain about. And I’m not sure why you don’t like that they are spending more time developing the game than making tv shows, but, okay.
Your “Better” is so subjective. I want our developers to make this game “better” too but right now by some very large easily observable measurable statistics people do NOT agree with you that Overwatch is better at all.
I get it I respect that maybe you LOVE Overwatch and nothing scratches that itch in gaming for YOU. But the idea that Overwatch is actually a “better” game than the rest is laughable. For the record I want Overwatch to be on top if it deserves it and it has the potential to be an amazing game but right now it’s just
Who is the “they” you are talking about? Presumably the people producing and making animations for the TV Shows and the guys making the gameplay stuff like how fast the bullets shoot are completely different people.
You’re talking about it like OW starts making TV shows then all of sudden the Dev tuning the Winston bubble has less time on his hands to do that or something
Last season it was a top 5 seller on steam. And hardly anyone even uses steam. There have also been over 100 million accounts made.
I think there are “very large easily observable” statistics that show that people DO think it’s better. At least better than MOST games that exist. Even just the fact that you are posting on these forums should tell you something.
Well, this thread is titled, “so glad we are focusing on PvP instead of TV shows etc.” So, you know, I’m talking about blizzard? Duh?
To put it for someone that doesn’t understand business, what I mean is that they are spending money on game development, rather than tv shows/movies/whatever.