So forced losses were a thing after all?

Thanks for your anecdotal evidence but they have studies about this and have shown the more you lose the more you play.

Sure it is.

We figured this out in this thread:

Basically, “volatile” seems to make it impossible to climb even with a “positive” winrate around 55-60% that one would expect to allow them to slowly rank up.

There’s no reason players need to be “tested” with harder matches when ranking up. They should just be given a match at their new ELO. That’s the test: can you win a match at your new SR. Not, can you carry a bunch of people 4 ranks below you against a team 4 ranks above you.

Blizz tried to overthink and overcomplicate MM and it’s completely broken. It’s either intentionally or unintentionally rigged and volatile is a big factor.

It’s amazing. Over a quarter of the posts in this thread are by one person just going “nuh uh, its not, trust me bro” and you all still respond to it.

Click on the name, open profile, then under the profile icon you’ll see “normal”. Click on this to open a menu, choose ignore and set the timer to forever.

Trust me, they’ve never had actual input on the forums. No discussion can be had. Instead now you get to laugh at all the “hidden comment” posts where you predict the response before opening if you wish- the closer you get the funnier it is. Or just scroll past.

The issue with this assessment is that it implies an abundant pool of people who are all playing at the same time with a similar MMR. That just isn’t the case, so the matchmaker has to extend further to balance queue times due to the player drop off. This results in a larger variation of MMR and rank ranges, in which the matchmaker will attempt to “balance” the number between the two teams mathematically by comparing MMR. This can further be gamed using the avoid mechanic with a small pool of people. Every time I play, if I play for multiple matches, I have at least 1 person from a previous match and usually between 3-5.

The lack of skill observation in the ranking and MMR calculations along with stricter playsets have continuously led to exodus of the playerbase, which inflames these issues. There’s really only one way to fix the ranking system and matchmaker, and that’s by bringing in a lot more players, and by appending performance modifiers to Rank and MMR. One without the other will just result in disaster or giga long queues.

Nope. Unless you think the devs are lying, then you’re free to think that.

This is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. You come out like a gorilla out of a cage until the enemy team figures out all they have to do is counter you 5 times to win. Meanwhile your teammates instead of doing the same thing to the other tank stay on Genji and Sym the whole game then blame you for the loss. This was hardly an issue in 6v6 btw.

This isn’t an “assessment” this is from an reference that has taken information direct from blizzard over the years.

This is an assessment of the following references. I hope this helps.

It is a hypothetical scenario based on the known facts.

Good lord, dude. Okay, here I’ll use slightly different terminology for you since that’s the part you’re hung up on.


You are assuming that there aren’t a lot of players already. Which there is nothing to suggest that is the case.

Misinformation. It’s possible everyone has the same Mmr. But it’s unlikely. A former thread said it’s saved at .5 standard deviation and we know the range is from -6 to 6. That means each Mmr point represents 200-400 sr points.

With grouping and even solo queue, people can be of different srs and thus different Mmr. THATS why I believe the modifiers are based on Mmr not sr.

This is why it was a “hypothetical” scenario. Simplified to keep it short.

I’m not interested in what you are selling. You can believe what you like.

I’m not the only person that experiences getting placed in lobbies with the same people over and over with 3+ minute queues. That doesn’t happen if you have:

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Only time I’ve seen it is in open queue.

And the only person I’ve spoken to on here about it was a Playstation player (PS being 3rd behind pc and Xbox in player numbers)

Neither of these things have big player bases compared to regular ranked on pc.

Yeah they would never lie…lol did you even think that out before you typed it?

Plat 1 open queue and most of my queues are under 2 minutes. Gold-Plat DPS queues are between 2-6 minutes. Support queues are usually a little shorter and tank queues are almost instant because nobody is playing it.

I’m a PC player. At this point I’m convinced you’re either:

A) A dev sock acccount
B) Contrarian because bored

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Yes. I trust their word more than anonymous forum users.

Except its not just ME, its lots of people and they’re picking up on it. You think I made this up? That I was the one that came up with this? No…

What we need is a transparent Merit based system, people would still want to win for ego but in the end it wouldn’t matter for placement, thus people wouldn’t get so worked up about their teams and or deal with people that aren’t playing up to their level.

In a team game, where you have an open group of people that you can’t control, its not fair and its not just to judge people based on their team. Case in point I can go from a team that rolls the other team up and we play like a team and people will counter, next game nobody counters, tank dies cause he wants to pew pew and DPS that are getting out DPS’d by the healers.

If we had a merit based system nobody would care about forced losses of course Blizz and these Devs don’t have the capacity or the talent to pull it off.

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Neither. Sadly.

Those queue times are good and show tighter MMR matching.