So forced losses were a thing after all?

Before Role Queue was a thing, it took less than 20 seconds to find a match, and most of my games were much closer. Today’s matches take longer to find than they last because they’re just stomps.

Yeah. Tighter MMR matching will do that.

Not sure the relevance of stomps here, but oh no that sounds not very fun. or other generic sympathy statement.

I hope you find the help you need for your social issues, sincerely.

Well. You brought up stomps, unprovoked. They aren’t relevant to this.

That would be like blaming the match maker for someone deranking.

Is that something that would typically need provocation to reference when talking about the integrity of the matchmaker? Match balance is the whole point of the maths behind the system. A stomp every now and again is just bound to happen. Frequent stomps are a sign that the matchmaker is not matching people who are similarly skilled with and against each other, which is indicative to the point that either:

A) The matchmaker is flawed
B) There aren’t enough players to fill out a balance lobbies, therefor queue times are preferred over match quality to the matchmaker. (This would be consistent with the point of longer queue times, and stomps being evident of the lack of available playerbase)

I hope this helps (it won’t).

Or more likely… people just make mistakes when playing. Don’t click. Don’t coordinate. You know, the usual reasons matches fall over.

Just your opinion in a sea of contradicting opinions and experiences, yeah?

I’ve yet to give my opinion.

An opinion is a judgement made based on personal insight and not through fact. Which is what that was. You don’t get along with words very well, do you?

That is based on thousands of games played, watched and coached. It is also based on information the devs have given us.

Personal insight

Personal insight

Unproven claims.

Continued research and community collaboration

Our data has also revealed an additional area for improvement. Specifically, stomps that occur in matches that should be balanced.

One of our team goals is to discern why lopsided matches occur and what the matchmaking system can do to mitigate them. “These types of games could indicate areas where a player gets mis-calibrated, and our ratings need to be smarter,” says Morgan.

“What makes looking at stomps tricky is that they also happen with two well balanced teams. A really great ultimate, a key pick, or a few lucky critical shots can make a huge impact in a game of Overwatch,” says Scott.

… ok.

They’re not giving anybody any facts or data, they’re giving their own opinion on their own system. You believe there’s no incentive for them to defend their system as is and that only gospel falls from their lips?

What this implies is that the teams are actually balanced and that the ranking system AND the matchmaker are integral in the process of balancing. There’s no evidence that there is any integrity in the ranking system. And logic would suggest that there is not.

A ranking system that is based solely on the win/loss condition for two teams between ten people and locked roles cannot be an accurate measurement of skill unless both teams are fully premade, and then the team can be graded (much like Arena teams in WoW). Because a person’s contributions are so limited, a person’s skill will not be reflected by their rank unless they commit to thousands of matches to tune their rank by the minority of matches they can actually impact.

Because the ranking system is not functioning with integrity, balanced teams cannot be measured accurately, rendering the developer’s insight invalid on that point, if it’s to suggest that all stomps are just due to common missplays and not a poor measurement of skill on a player basis. Be mindful, players make less mistakes the more proficient they become with the game or a specific hero, so the odds of rampant stomps beyond beginner brackets belonging solely to personal mistakes becomes less and less likely.

Problem here is, you want it to be scuffed. So even when it isn’t, you’ll latch on to anything and call it proof.

Good luck with that. I’m going to sleep.

Idk man, I broke it down as well as I could for you. I want it to be fixed. I want people to come back to the game. There are ways to do it, but they will have to be willing to make “risky” decisions that the business folks probably won’t allow. Typically why you don’t see any actual innovation from AAA devs at this point in time.

It’s not an airport, you were free to leave at any point. Take care, or don’t!

After all ? is that a joke ? Forced rigged games is happening to me since around 2018. Something switched in overwatch mmr

Im 99.999% sure this is gonna be my last season of ow. Because aside from 6v6 and a full mmr reset I cant really think of anything else that might make me wanna stick around. Even one or the other isnt really enough for me at this point.

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I had a similar experience the other day I lost about 20ish games literally most in a row I had 3-4 wins in between that. Every match was just stomp after stomp after stomp nothing I could do and so many of those stomps were expected to win or expected to lose. And I was like really I’ve lost x amount of games at this point and ur still hitting me with expected to lose matches??? I was gold 1 almost plat now I’m sitting at gold 5 fighting for my life once again to claw my way back up to try and get back into plat where I belong.

Here is one example where Scott references matches you are SUPPOSED to win

matches your supposed to win

time stamp ~2:00-2:50

There are tons of clips of Scott out there… He’s a goldmine if you want to know how the system works

He’s literally describing the modifiers, as they are now.

I think your taking “supposed to win” as something else. You see it had “forced”. When it just means your teams average SR was fractionally higher.

Again, just a case of people wanting something, so attach anything they can find to “prove” it.