So downvotes are completely gone now?

UO: downvotes provide an alternative to incoherent or toxic forum arguments, and it’s better that way.


By providing sound arguments, ignoring or reporting the person.


Sooo why should people with unpopular opinions not be downvoted? Downvotes were just a fast and simple way of saying “I disagree”, nothing more. People who take them as some personal attack are the problem, not the system itself. Anyone whose emotional state is crushed by people disagreeing with them probably shouldn’t use public forums on the internet.


Yes it does? You play mercy, zenyatta, orisa and zarya in comp lmao. Not sure where you’re looking.

Not exactly, I believe Blizzard have stated that downvotes are supposed to be used on irrelevant or troll posts, not a way to disagree.


I feel like all downvotes do is provide a way for people to just follow the general consensus and not form their own opinions.
Let’s say that you see a thread that says something like “Sombra is fine how she is.” If we were to have downvotes, anything supporting this claim is likely to get mass-down voted, thus causing their opinion to suddenly lose any credibility. After all, if everyone thinks it’s wrong, they must be right!!

But now if we’re only going to have upvotes, the only thing that can really happen is written arguments. Sure, people can form opinions based on what other people say, but at least that has reasoning. Following the words of other people, though not ideal, is still better than simply following a number you see on the corner of a post.

At least, that’s how I see it. I understand where you’re coming from, though.


using downvotes as an “i disagree button” makes a thumb system only useful for telling you how much a given post adheres to the current hivemind

as opposed to, you know, how good a post actually is

there’s a reason why reddit goes to great lengths to tell the user that the downvote button isn’t a disagree button


That doesn’t make any sense. It’s upvote = I agree, downvote = I disagree. Not upvote = I agree, downvote = you’re trolling. If downvotes are being removed upvotes should be removed as well.


it’s more upvote = ‘i think this post is good at contributing to a discussion or says something thoughtful’

It was incredibly stupid to open a thread where the OP was censored because it was an unpopular opinion. Not having downvotes and only upvotes means constructive and well written posts will be applauded and people that trolls will get punished by the new forum guide lines.


It’s good it’s gone. Because some people just downvotes topics just because instead of giving feedback. Which led to more downvotes of others doing the same thing.


Then dislikes which are used to mark trolling or irrelevant posts are also used to mark posts people disagree with, can you not see how messy that is?


@Riceball-11421 Do you feel like the scoreboard will tell you something you do not already know? I am personally in favor of it, but to be honest I don’t think the majority of players will use it correctly. even if every single data point was given they are still going to argue a dps issue for low damage instead of blaming the tank for never initiating. Ignoring a dps who dives and feeds, but gets numbers because of it.

That is the problem with a scoreboard.

Similarly, downvotes are a passive aggressive tool. it doesn’t actually create a dialog, but rather simply allows the passive aggressive person to be negative without the risk to themselves for downvoting. If anyone is a delicate snowflake it would be the person downvoting and hiding behind it. Now they have to make a bold statement and stand up to others disagreeing with them

Trolling is inherently disagreeable. Downvotes reflect disagreement. I don’t see the problem.


No they’re not, I can remember countless times when someone would make a serious post I agree with and people would downvote and say “Bad bait”. So they’re not mutually disagreeable.

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it’s passive agressive and allows someone to tear down others without actually saying anything. You are not disagreeing when you downvote, you are simply saying “this made me feel sad”. Not helpful to a conversation, not productive to a solution.


Lol. Are you projecting? How does downvoting = “this makes me sad?” It’s more like “your post is stupid so I’m giving it a thumbs down.” The sad ones are the ones who get offended by people disagreeing with them and think they’re entitled to a 14 paragraph essay detailing why.


I’m glad they’re gone.

Now people actually have to think of a counter argument if they think someone’s wrong and not just press a magical red button because they’re salty.

People actually have to discuss on the discussion forums now if they want input. It’s nice.


I don’t understand why you remove one and not the other. If you’re arguing that downvotes are passive aggressive, I can see where you’re coming from even if I don’t agree. Is throwing a like up without replying really any different? A like for I agree or I think this post contributes something valuable is the same principle as a dislike for I disagree or this post contributes nothing.

I think you should remove them both or the like becomes the same as a participation trophy: meaningless glitter.


To be honest I usually pressed Show Post on threads no matter the dislikes. Why miss out on information just because the community dislikes it?

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