So Deadlock was founded in 1976

yeah that at least is undeniable. and it’s certainly true that even if this isn’t a retcon and there’s something else going on, it’d be nice to have enough details to know for sure. that’s kind of the issue with overwatch’s lore in general. it’s a really fun and interesting setting, but if you try to get into it too much it’s just frustratingly vague lmao

OOF i didnt know that one, actually. unless we didn’t see the less graceful part of her cinematic where she trudges through the snowy wasteland only to end up a block of ice, that’s a pretty big oversight :frowning:


His tattoo specifically says Deadlock established in 1976


yeah wouldnt make too much sense to put another date there if it’s actually referring to an earlier iteration of the gang he wasn’t around for. unless he’s paying homage to it, but even that’s pretty silly
most likely a lore inconsistency yeah, it’d be cool to see some comment on it. or at least an official retcon where his tattoo does get updated

blizz should know by now that people notice everything lmao

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If that’s only on this skin, I’m thinking this date has nothing to do with the lore, but simply it looks cool on a tattoo xd

Ashe she is the last génération ( in chief ) of the Dead locks founders. Boy this thread can’t understand that. :joy:

Wouldn’t be the first group to fake heritage. Maybe they, or just McCree decided it just looked/sounded good to look like the organisation was nearly 100 years old. Would also make them appear bigger and more influential than they are.

Surely it sounds cooler when your group has a long history xd

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In real life gangs don’t call themselves gangs.

Gangs are given as an identifier . Examples
Bloods, Crips & MS-13. It’s not Bloods Gang, Crips Gang and so on

Deadlock Rebels could be the Deadlock Gang

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It probably is an obscure reference that no one so far has figured out.

Like Bastions number is based on Jeffs daughters old account.

Ok… who from Blizzard was born in 1976? xd

Probably Morhaim (1967) and Metzen (1973).

The real Jesse McCree, the developer that McCree is named after would probably be best guess.

The original Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 and disbanded many years later.

But there are versions of it around today.

For simplicity’s sake, we just say “the Ku Klux Klan” but that does not mean the Klan of the late 19th Century had anything to do with the current incarnations, which date only back to the 1920s. Merely the same name and issues.

If it says “est 1976” on the tattoo, it’s simple to retcon; just erase that part on the tattoo.

You people assume Blizzard actually care about lore, haven’t World of warcraft’s retcon hell been evidence enough that they don’t care the slightest?


I think I figured it out.

The Movie Outlaw - Joesy Whales Starring Clint Eastwood was released 1976


It’s a common misconception.
Ashe is not actually a gang member. It’s her father who was a professional gang member.
She is just wearing a hat.


and what a mighty fine hat it is

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You do know gangs can be passed down the generations right?

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She was frozen in time.