So can people crash your overwatch?

Just had a game where I called out a hacker in qp… I then lost lost all sound and started lagging really bad untill I had the error code rendering device lost during overtime… I just reset my computer so im pretty sure its not an error as well as updating all drivers a few days ago? It was my secound game of the day and dude was snapping hard but now i cant go back to review?


My understanding dictates that they shouldn’t be able to do this, as the game isn’t P2P.

But it’s hard to rule this out 100% from the realm of possibility.

The players should still be in your recent list that you played with, i would recommend reaching out to one of them and asking for the code of that game

Nah it completely crashed overwatch so it reset everything. nvm im a dum dum im going to ask the people for a code.

7XH1JZ is the Code. Cree killed me at 3.46 instantly flicking to me. After that I called him out and started to lag/ and then when it went to OT overwatch completly crashed on me.

Also you can easily see by the movement that the shots they were making didnt make sense to the way they moved… 4.45-4.47 ghost flicks 6.33 pre aiming brig

unless you disabled the firewall it should not be possible but there has been a ingame bug that would cause the rendering device lost error but whatever he did could of managed to cause a buffer overflow beyond what the driver can handle

That would make sense cause as the game continued my issues increased. Sucks cause I have everything set to low, but ya v.v ty for replying cause I was pretty steamed by that game, but now im having a flats replay laugh at the bad play making.

double check to see if there is a new update for your graphics card driver also make sure the fans for the gpu are clean

My temps in game were under 55c, and I cleaned the fans with air last week, its why i was so confused. Played 3 games afterward and had no issue.

doesnt hurt to check as people can exploit vulnerabilities in out of date drivers


gotcha and shall do. Again ty for your help, and being honest with me.

i do some computer stuff myself im glad to have helped ya

They can target the clients connected to the server and nuke them, hence they’re called nuke hackers. They overload your connection with packets which will eventually force a disconnect and other issues.

Nuke hackers can also freeze other players while they themselves run around clicking heads, getting kills, long before anyone can tell what’s going on. Most people just think it’s something wrong with their connection or the server, but it’s not. Doesn’t have to be P2P to target a client on a server with a DDOS type attack.

Wrong, it is very much possible. Read my other reply above this one.

There is however a bug that has been happening for a long long time after a major update to the game as well, though. I’ve had the same thing happen to me. The way i fixed it was to move the game folder to a different drive, uninstall the app and reinstall it, then move the game folder back using the app to move it.


Maybe not as a direct attack to the user, but to the server via an exploit that hasen’t been noticed yet

Like the Mercy bug on Paraiso

yes they can super has at least one video with a hacker ddosing or whatever he is doing

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In this thread: a ton of people that do not understand the insane complexity of trying to exploit the supposed attack vector posited by OP. C’mon guys!!! :face_exhaling:


It is an old game tho, and when money and pride coinside anything is possible. Again I have not had any issues playing more games, I have seen some shady tracking later into the night but nothing as blatant as that… and I have never had a error code pop up… only random black screens/ui dissapearing.

Also another question if anyone knows? I turned off my overwatch and before i could log back in it was downloading something and afterward said it was validating? anyclue if a small patch came through?

the firewall is designed to prevent against attacks though alot of hackers are starting to end up in prison for their crimes

Were they playing Torb? Or Swapped to him when the lag started??

Nope which is the exploit i saw before on youtube. The game code is 7XH1JZ if you wanna look harder. But somehow it only affected me, and only after I called him out at the 3.46 slip up on cass.

Honestly it could have been another member thier but I dont know and I dont wanna go too tinfoil…

The answer is easy. Modern Blizzard is full of bunch of incompetent worthless devs when it comes to coding and balancing their games. Simple as that.

A firewall does not offer full protection against a DDOS attack. It can reduce the damage from an attack but it will not prevent it.