So ... aim = skill?

SOOO if I have an AIMBOT (Which is cheating and should never be used). I will be as good as the pro players, because I will have (FAKE Aimbot) “skill”?

Aim is part of skill, but definitely not the only factor to take into account. Just having good aim won’t help you past silver, that is why most cheater vods on youtube with super blatant aimlock are usually not past silver, because they don’t have game knowledge at all, no game sense, no positioning, no awareness etc. Aim is a good skill to have but definitely not the only factor defining skill.


Hey trickster where are you with the bait meme?


Aim might help kill unprotected squishies, but problems occur when an extra thicc individual gets in your face and you have nothing else going on.

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I just keep hearing … Cries about heroes having no aim, which they say means they have no skill.

Correct, if you have aimbot, which you should never have, and you run into the middle of the enemy team, youll be able to climb the comp ladder in no time, and will be able to play with flats and jay 3.

That’s more of an exaggeration, every hero needs game knowledge with all the factors that comes with it to get value, aim being one of them, so if an hero has one less skill to master (aiming in this case), it reduces the skill floor it takes to play them by a small bit, but no hero is truly “no skill” just because they don’t require aim, it’s probably just frustration of people dying to an autolocking Moira and overexaggerating about how no skill she is, which is kinda funny and am guilty of saying that myself sometimes when I’m mad.


Ya… I mean I see ALOT of junkrats and Ventures dying to a Phara. Does that mean Phara has no skill?

Human aim-bots are allowed. Software and hardware aim-bots are not!

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This is more of a reach-issue than an skill issue :smiley:

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I would say more lack of a counterplay/game sense. Those 2 could technically kill pharah, just pharah often has more advantages on the fight tho.

Both heroes have limited range, which to deal against a similar ranked pharah, would require game sense/map knowledge and better positioning on their engagements on her. On the ground they often have better odds, although pharah’s mobility and reach can give her an edge on most situations.

Which is why, aim isn’t everything. Hero knowledge, map knowledge and understand how the player behaves play, often, a bigger role than aim itself.

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Which is the same with Moira … She CAN be killed easily (happens to me all the time)

Yes, just depends who has the better approach on the moment. Moira picking folks by surprise can save a fade which on the long run in the fight can enable her to win.

Reaction, positioning and plan engagements really can give you an edge. Although in some cases aim will be decisive, the reliability of the aim is more related on “fair engagements” than by surprise. Can happen the event of luck shots but the odds often are not that great if someone engages from unexpected direction

You’d literally be using 3rd party software to gain an unfair advantage (which is classified as cheating btw) and letting that do 1/3 of the work for you. All you’d have to do is move and shoot. Equating aimbot to skill is like saying “you can’t kill me thanks to my god mode, so you must suck”.

Think of it this way. 2 players have the same game sense, movement, and preferred characters, but one hits 45% of his shots and the other hits 60%. Who’s better?

And in a game like this, some are simply easier to play while others have a clear advantage, like Pharah against Symmetra. That should be a no contest regardless of skill because Symmetra will have a much harder time competing thanks to her reach and significantly slower ttk if she even can hit with her alt fire.

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If you say so, nothing is skill in this AI era. Even chess/go would be no skill.

By this definition, Phara is Cheating against Junkrat, and Hanzo

No aim and no skill are two very different things.

Venture is no skill because she doesn’t have to aim and does a ton of damage. Moira isn’t no skill because she does terrible damage and has to balance her lack of aim with superior engagement timing.

Most “pros” are probably already cheating.
Also the higher you are the better you know how to cheat without getting caught.

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Cope lmao

Aim is A skill.

It is not the only skill you need to do well and some heroes rely on it less than others.